Consciously taking care of hair-how long?


Well-Known Member
Hi there, not sure if this has been posted before, so forgive me. But I thought it'd be nice to know how long such lovely ladies with lovely hair have been consciously taking care of their hair. I mean actually devoted to it like you are now. For me, it's been about 6 yrs.-since'98. I have gotten even better(or more paranoid
) in the past year. So, how long has it been since everyone stopped frying their hair with heat, stopped applying relaxers root to ends, stopped ripping your hair out with fine-tooth combs, etc?
since Jan 1 2003 when i got my last perm. i'm growing my hair out for my wedding. now if i could just have the right man find me.
I have been AWARE of general healthy hair practices for some time- since about 2000.

With the exceptions of using little to no heat and only combing hair when wet, I have yet to really PRACTICE these guidelines on a regular basis. I am trying to start now!
Since the summer/fall of 2002. When my hair broke off.
I had been a member of BHC and LHL since 1999 and picked up some great tips, but the idea of actually having a regimen seemed excessive and erm... a little nuts to me.

When my hair started breaking I was terrified and desperate enough to try anything! I think I stayed up and searched LHL for six hours straight.
By then I was
i started researching in like, April 2003- didn't actually start trying and being really serious until August 2003. Bless this board! I've been doing so well! Very near the longest it's ever been! (soon past brastrap)
msportugal said:
since Jan 1 2003 when i got my last perm. i'm growing my hair out for my wedding. now if i could just have the right man find me.

[/ QUOTE ]


I 'dipped my toe' in the whole haircare thing around 2001 when I came across RHC, Cathy Howse & growafrohairlong sites but then forgot all about it. So officially for me it has been since Aug / Sep 2003.