Congratulations to Skegeesmb, our new Feature!!

You must be very proud of yourself. It is a beautiful black and lush. It is very nice to look back on your pictures and see how much you have achieved. Congratulations on being December Hair Feature.
Re: Congratulations to Skegeesmb, our new Feature!

Your hair looks great!!!! It's so thick and healthy looking

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i agree
. congratulations! keep up the good work!
And you do look like Cynda Williams....gorgeous I think she's a really good actress and she needs more roles, she played Halle Berry's sister in The Wedding & Introducing Dorothy Dandridge.
Congratualtions!!! Well deserved!!! Your progress is remarkable! Your hair grows like a weed and I absolutely LOVE your album!!! Keep on growing!!!!! Your is beautiful!!!
Thank you everyone. I can honestly admit I really love the support on this site. In the "real" world *smile*, no one seems to understand the buns, the hair up, the stinky apoghee treatments, nothing. But here, I can post frustration, setbacks, accomplishments and no one here will say I am vain.

I really like that, and to be honest guys, If I didn't receive some support I would have gotten frustrated and fell back on my cut my hair routine. I have passed the length where I get itchy to cut simply because of inspirations such as Adrienne, and Supergirl, and Nay007.

When I was natural I had inspirations such as Faith, and Leejure, Den1, Tara, who kept me on track, and made me proud that natural sisters can come to this board and not be dissed.

I like this family, and I really and truly appreciate all the help I've received since being here for over a year. And I hope newbies, who I was just a year and some months ago, stay and grow and accomplish goals just like I did.

Thank you everyone!
Congratulations! You deserve it so much! Your hair is gorgeous! I have followed your progress from when you went natural and short to now. You had an incredible 'hair' journey!
You deserve to be the feature Skegeesmb! Your hair looks so lush and full. Going natural definitely paid off. There's a HUGE difference in your hair texture comparing relaxed versus natural. You are an inspiration and I know you will achieve your ultimate hair goal in no time.

Your hair is so beautiful. I am so proud of you and all your progress. happy holidays to you and yours and all our sisters here on the board. keep being an inspiration to us all. debora
Congrats Skegeesmb. Only a year and a few months ago you were a newbie. Now, you're feature of the month. Isn't that something!

I stole your advice about using wgo and let me tell ya, my hair loves me and you for that
Oh thank you. It does stink though doesn't it. I need to find out where I can get essential oils so I can mask the scent.
Re: Congratulations to Skegeesmb, our new Feature!

All I can say is: WOW!! What an accomplishment
from start to finish... And such an Inspiration
for ALL of us!

Keep up the good work, and CONGRATULATIONS

Re: Congratulations to Skegeesmb, our new Feature!

Congrats Skegees,

Your hair grows really fast. I remember when you had just cut it, now it's in the middle of your back and inching towards brastap and soon waist length.

BTW: are you still natural?
Re: Congratulations to Skegeesmb, our new Feature!

Congratulations Skegee! You truly have been an inspiration. Continual success to you as strive to meet your goals.