Congratulations to Kitchentician...

I was holding my breath for this day! CONGRATULATIONS GIRLIE!!! you most definately deserve it with that gorgeous mane of yours :love:
vikkisecret said:
:woot: :cheers: :yay: Yay I'm so happy for You!! LoL I actually have your fotki album under my computer favorites because your hair is a one a kind inspiration. Oh yeah the new color!

i'm so glad i'm not the only one, if i could deal with long hair my hair would wanna be like KT's
Congratulations. I have been stalking your album for months, and you are my hair idol. It's about time, I already have a 12 month calendar.

Forget I said that!
Congratulations Kitchentician!!!!!!:yay: :clapping: Your hair is so healthy, beautiful, and worthy of this great honor!!!! :notworthy

I hope and pray my hair grows to be just as healthy, beautiful, and long as yours. Your fotki album is very informative and encouraging!!!:band: :band2: :bouncegre :weird: :dance7:
May you continue to have happy healthy hair growing days!!!:rosebud: :rosebud: :rosebud: