Confused- Pro-life or Pro-choice

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I have been battling with this for a while now. I have considered myself Pro-life,but I am learning that I can't force my beliefs on someone else. Also with some pro-lifers, they are for abortions if there has been an incidence of rape or incest-I don't agree with this. Being pro-choice doesn't mean you actually support abortion, right? I mean, if I decided to be pro-choice and someone I know decides to have an abortion, I would not be supportive in their decision and I would not be there during the process. I know the Bible discusses that 'He knew us before we were in our mother's womb,' but how can I tell some other woman what to do with her body and child? Can someone help here?
Bublnbrnsuga said:
I have been battling with this for a while now. I have considered myself Pro-life,but I am learning that I can't force my beliefs on someone else. Also with some pro-lifers, they are for abortions if there has been an incidence of rape or incest-I don't agree with this. Being pro-choice doesn't mean you actually support abortion, right? I mean, if I decided to be pro-choice and someone I know decides to have an abortion, I would not be supportive in their decision and I would not be there during the process.

I can't really answer your question based on what the bible says b/c I don't know, but in my opinion, pro-choice does not mean that you actually support abortion. To me it simply means that you support women having a "choice" to decide what it is they are going to do with their bodies. I don't think anyone who is pro-choice necessarily thinks having an abortion is "right" per say, but they believe that people should have control over their own bodies and dealing with whatever consequences they may face.

I guess it's all up to your own interpretation.
Chivara said:
I can't really answer your question based on what the bible says b/c I don't know, but in my opinion, pro-choice does not mean that you actually support abortion. To me it simply means that you support women having a "choice" to decide what it is they are going to do with their bodies. I don't think anyone who is pro-choice necessarily thinks having an abortion is "right" per say, but they believe that people should have control over their own bodies and dealing with whatever consequences they may face.

I guess it's all up to your own interpretation.

i am pro-choice and that is exactly how i see it. i also consider myself a christian and do not see the two views conflicting. God himself did not force belief on Man; we were imbued with free will. So i also do not feel it is correct for anyone to tell another person what to do with their body, and i fel it is especially wrong to make it a matter of policy and law. making laws aginst abortion is especially useless: look at the prohibition period. That didnt work against alcohol. and even before when abortion was illegal, people still did them except that they were using far more dangerous methods that left a lot of women dead, with infections, and/or barren for life.
Even though the Bible does not straight out say "Thou shall not commit abortion"... I feel like this... In order to kill someone, they have to be alive first. The Bible does say we should not kill/murder. That baby that's inside that pregnant mother is living. Using an instrument to abort it's life is killing in my opinion. Even though God did not force belief on man, that doesn't mean He left His Word with us to be ignored and do whatever we want to do.
Chivara said:
I can't really answer your question based on what the bible says b/c I don't know, but in my opinion, pro-choice does not mean that you actually support abortion. To me it simply means that you support women having a "choice" to decide what it is they are going to do with their bodies. I don't think anyone who is pro-choice necessarily thinks having an abortion is "right" per say, but they believe that people should have control over their own bodies and dealing with whatever consequences they may face.

I guess it's all up to your own interpretation.
Yeah, this is true too because the issue of abortion isn't always seen from a moral standpoint.
I don't force anything on anyone but my political beliefs are intertwined with my religious beliefs and for me to even think it's okay for murdering an innocent baby to be an "option" is in conflict with my heart and mind. But with that said this world is going to get a lot worse before He comes so I do brace myself for things to come full circle back to the days of Noah.

For example back in biblical days a father could stand before his wife after the baby was born and when the midwife showed him the baby he could choose to accept it or not. If he saw fault with the baby such as deformity or even abnormally low weight he could decide not to keep the child. The baby would then be sold usually to someone who would use them for labor and sell them as sex slaves. I see today we have these baby drop off sites where you can abandon your baby with NO NAME, NO SHAME. Which I think is wrong but there is still some redeeming quality in knowing that there is shame in abandoning a child in the first place. Back then there was no shame. We seem to be moving closer to the days of Noah. Which is when the bible says God will come back.
I am another pro-choice Christian. I don't feel that I have the right to tell anyone else what to do with their bodies. The choices they make are between them and God.
AnnDriena_ said:
I see today we have these baby drop off sites where you can abandon your baby with NO NAME, NO SHAME. Which I think is wrong but there is still some redeeming quality in knowing that there is shame in abandoning a child in the first place.

ann i see your point but look at it this way. the baby drop-offs are specifically intended for people who owuld otherwise throw their baby in the trash, sewer, toilet, murder the child, or straight up abandon them in the street. i definitely understand why baby drop-offs dont sit well with a lot of people but i think the alternative is endlessly more tragic.
Poohbear said:
Even though God did not force belief on man, that doesn't mean He left His Word with us to be ignored and do whatever we want to do.

i definitely hear where you'e comign from pooh, but i see it like this. if God him/herself does not see fit to impose his will on you, what man has that right? i hope that makes sense :)
toinette said:
i definitely hear where you'e comign from pooh, but i see it like this. if God him/herself does not see fit to impose his will on you, what man has that right? i hope that makes sense :)
the right to do what? lil confused about what u mean...;)
Tai said:
I am another pro-choice Christian. I don't feel that I have the right to tell anyone else what to do with their bodies. The choices they make are between them and God.
I'm Pro-life and I agree with you that no one should have a say in the choice you make either. Not all people that are Pro-life are going around telling everyone what they should do with their bodies. :cool:
imposing my beliefs on others and me following God gets arguments like these into a sticky place for me. I'm a voter and I vote according to my beliefs. And I don't vote to condone and allow what I think God would not have me be in favor of.

I totally understand about the baby drop offs but it just irks me that they are really pushing it as something you shouldn't be ashamed of. Just irks me that's all. And it seems like it's the world answer to us not wanting to take responsibilities for our actions and that just seems to breed more irresponsibility in society. Yes, some who are already irresponsible are going to be that way but it's now legalized and supported and their telling us we shouldn't even feel bad about it.
model_chick717 said:
The right to impose their beliefs on another....that's what she meant...;)
Ohhh Okayyy. When I made that statement, I was not saying man should have a right to impose their beliefs on others. I certainly don't believe that. ;)
I am pro-life. I think once a woman becomes pregnant, it is no longer just her body. I think that child should have a right to life as well. Like someone said earlier, in laments terms, it is murder. The laws are written so that the murder of a child is ok, because the medical community says it is just "cells" or if the baby is still within the womb than it is still "not alive":perplexed . Kickin sucking thumbs and all (ie. partial birth abortion), claiming that they do not feel pain to me is absurd :( .

I wont go tell a person that they are wrong for getting an abortion, however, when it comes time to vote yay oon nay, Im voting nay, because the child should have a right to their life too. To me, it is another form of mass killings, but just legal.
toinette said:
thats exactly what i meant...thanx hun!
When I made that statement, I was not saying man should have a right to impose their beliefs on others. I certainly don't believe that. ;)
Poohbear said:
When I made that statement, I was not saying man should have a right to impose their beliefs on others. I certainly don't believe that. ;)

i understood that pooh :kiss: no worries.
Poohbear said:
I'm Pro-life and I agree with you that no one should have a say in the choice you make either. Not all people that are Pro-life are going around telling everyone what they should do with their bodies. :cool:

I didn't say that all pro-life people are going around telling everyone what they should do with their bodies. :cool:
TJD3 said:
I am pro-life. I think once a woman becomes pregnant, it is no longer just her body. I think that child should have a right to life as well. Like someone said earlier, in laments terms, it is murder. The laws are written so that the murder of a child is ok, because the medical community says it is just "cells" or if the baby is still within the womb than it is still "not alive":perplexed . Kickin sucking thumbs and all (ie. partial birth abortion), claiming that they do not feel pain to me is absurd :( .

I wont go tell a person that they are wrong for getting an abortion, however, when it comes time to vote yay oon nay, Im voting nay, because the child should have a right to their life too. To me, it is another form of mass killings, but just legal.
ITA. The pope calls the culture we live now a "culture of death." We should not be surprised that senseless killings are occurring daily in our socities for if we permit the killing of innocents at the most basic level then our society could permit killing at any level.

Tai said:
I didn't say that all pro-life people are going around telling everyone what they should do with their bodies. :cool:
Oh okay. ;) When you said you felt like you didnt have the right to tell anyone else what to do with their bodies, I thought you were using that as a reason why you were pro-choice.
I am pro-life. Though God has given us a free will and choice, I do believe there is a right choice and a wrong choice. He allows us to make the call. Further I don't feel that my telling someone that the child that they conceived has a right to live is imposing my beliefs. Innocent unborn children need an advocate, just as much as children who are already born. IMO killing is wrong in or out of the womb. Choice is kind of irrelevant.

PS: I am NOT talking about rape or incest. I am talking about consenting people here who know the consequences of their actions.
I'm Pro-Life. In Revelations, I think, John describes souls small and great around the throne of God. Each conception in the womb was a conception in God's mind first.

Yes, it's hard to say in cases of rape/incest, but if ppl are having sex without any consideration that pregnancy is a possibility, a baby should not be discarded because of the parents' choices.

That being said, all of us have to make our own choice. And I am not the one to judge anyone. I guess we'll all have to answer for our actions on Judgement day.
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I'm a Pro-lifer, too.

Whether you are Pro-life or Pro-choice, you don't have the right to impose your beliefs on another...and I don't condone the actions of those who do.

Where I support my beliefs is in the support of charities, organizations, and public officers (in politics) that support the Pro-life platform.

I can't force someone to do what they don't want to do, but I can inform them and participate in the organizations that help to inform them of my position.
Chichi said:
ITA. The pope calls the culture we live now a "culture of death." We should not be surprised that senseless killings are occurring daily in our socities for if we permit the killing of innocents at the most basic level then our society could permit killing at any level.


I agree. Until recently I was pro-choice and in favor of the death penalty. But, as I grow in spiritual maturity, I'm starting to think that it is not man's place to decide who is worthy of life and who is not. That is a decision that should be left totally up to God. Until we as a society respect all life (whether the person is a fetus, a criminal, a murderer, or whatever) we will continue to have the "life is cheap" mentality that defines our culture and leads to senseless killings.
Poohbear said:
Even though the Bible does not straight out say "Thou shall not commit abortion"... I feel like this... In order to kill someone, they have to be alive first. The Bible does say we should not kill/murder. That baby that's inside that pregnant mother is living. Using an instrument to abort it's life is killing in my opinion. Even though God did not force belief on man, that doesn't mean He left His Word with us to be ignored and do whatever we want to do.
I disagree. I think that even though people choose not to believe in God or follow his law does not mean that his word does not still stand. So people can ignore it all they want, it doesn't negate who he is. I think it was his desire that everyone would be saved, but he knew not everyone would be b/c of their own choices

I'm pro life for me, although I don't know what I would have done if I was 16 and could sneak off and have one , or if I had 1 and didn't want anymore. I'm glad I never had to make the decision. I am confident that now, at this stage in my life I would keep it.

But I am prochoice for other people. I do know there are right and wrong choices. People have to be allowed to make their own.

I also don't think baby drop offs should be something that you should be ashamed of. The shame should not be placed on not being able to take care of a child but, if we are talking about from a moral standpoint, the shame should come from having premarrital sex. Maybe I have a double standard b/c I have a serious problem with men who have babies and don't take care of them. :)
I posted this in another thread my position hasn't changed....

I am pro-choice.
I am a Christian (yes, I live it daily!).
Yes, I believe abortion is a sin. I would not encourage anyone to get an abortion. In fact, I would probably help them seek alternatives.

IMHO It is not the government's job to legislate all morality. As stated in my previous post, a society has to make decisions on which moral issues it would like to takle i.e. suicide. Adultery, withholding tithe, and saying the Lord's name in vain are considered sin according to the Word of God yet I don't want the government to prohibit or punish for these acts. Why should abortion be any different? Some sins are only answerable to God. As Christians, we should not force the government to enforce God's laws and reign judgement. This is what the Sadduccees and Pharisees tried to do in Jesus' day.

I absoluletely believe God's knows us at conception as well. I don't condone abortion. I abhor it. Hypocritical would be for me to tell others I believe that it's a sin and then go out an get one for myself or tell my daugther its okay in her case.

Also, it's not hypocritical b/c we don't legislate EVERY sin. In God's eye, sin is sin. Whether it's taking the Lord's name in vain or murder or adultery. Once again, should we legislate all of those sins as well? Why not? Because we live in a secular world and have a secular government.

If we were officially a Christian nation (with an established state religion), I could see sins being punishable by the government. This country was established WITHOUT an established religion therefore it is up to the people to decide what is right and what is wrong.

If there was a nation of atheists, do you believe murder would be acceptable? Probably not. Why? Because most people have decided that certain types of murder is unacceptable in their society.

Murder is a crime in the United States not because God says it is, but because WE THE PEOPLE have decided it is. I would also like to point out that not all murder in the eyes of God are crimes in this country. Look at that case in Florida with that woman on life support. Some say taking her feeding tube out is murder. Other's say it isn't and its just letting her die naturally. The courts are deciding this issue now. Are they deciding whether this is murder based on the Word of God? No, they are deciding based on what they believe is correct for society. How about murder in self-defense? Is it still murder in the eyes of God? The bible doesn't make any exceptions for murder, yet we do. Why?

The bottom line is that crime and sin are two seperate issues. I believe God will hold persons accountable for sin and I don't need man to do it all cases. It is not our job as Christians to stop people from sinning. God doesn't even do that. It is our job to be an example to others, spread the word of God, and rebuke as necessary. If you so desire, you can rebuke those who commit abortion but that doesn't mean you should have the government do it for you and dole out punishment. Be very careful here as well b/c the Bible also says we are NOT to judge/rebuke NON-BELIEVERS. The Bible is very clear on this. Now if a person claims to be a Christian and claims to live a righteous life, it is in your right to rebuke.

In a secular society, we must have laws that regulate how men (women also) interact with each other and treat each other. Hence laws against stealing, murder, assault, etc. These laws are needed for society to function in a way guaranteed by the constitution. These are secular laws not God's laws. Some of God's laws overlap with man's laws but that doesn't mean we have them because of God.

If your fellow sister in the church commits adultery would you beat her, stone her, or lock her up in a prison? Or would you rebuke her actions (meaning telling her it was wrong) and then believe God would execute judgement as he sees fit?
stcsweet said:
I'm a Pro-lifer, too.

Whether you are Pro-life or Pro-choice, you don't have the right to impose your beliefs on another...and I don't condone the actions of those who do.

Where I support my beliefs is in the support of charities, organizations, and public officers (in politics) that support the Pro-life platform.

I can't force someone to do what they don't want to do, but I can inform them and participate in the organizations that help to inform them of my position.

co-signing. I am pro-life and I consider that to be my personal preference. Yes, God did give us free will and I believe that if you choose to have an abortion that is your will not God's. But I will not go around stoning people who chose to have abortions or who are pro-choice.
Poohbear said:
Even though the Bible does not straight out say "Thou shall not commit abortion"... I feel like this... In order to kill someone, they have to be alive first. The Bible does say we should not kill/murder. That baby that's inside that pregnant mother is living. Using an instrument to abort it's life is killing in my opinion. Even though God did not force belief on man, that doesn't mean He left His Word with us to be ignored and do whatever we want to do.


Adding to that, I believe abortion is a selfish choice. The focus is always on "their body" "her body" "HER choice", not realizing that it's not only a woman's body that being impacted.