Confused and Possible transitioners, get in here!

I'm so glad, I'm not alone. My last relaxer was Dec 06, and before I found this site, I would relax about ever 6 months or so. Then I came here and decided to see what my natural texture was like. The whole transitioning process is crazy for me, since I didn't do the BC, so I'm dealing with multiple textures. The other day, I wanted so badly to go and get a perm. I work out and sweat in my head, so the straight hair reverts, and it can be annoying. But then I "stalk" natural ladies fotki's and then am like ok just breath girl. I really want to see what my natural texture is like, so I'm going to keep on, keeping on.
Im not trying to scare you but I warn you take some precaution. Here are a few things you might want to think about before you take the jump and cut all your relaxed ends off.

1st be prepared to have short hair. Seeing yourself in such a short length might shock you.

2nd realize that the texture and waves you are seeing now with the relaxed end weighing and stretching you hair might not look the same once the relaxed hair is off. Those waves probably wont be waves any more but instead curls coil or even z's.

3rd also realize that just because most of the naturals you see have silky looking curls (3c or 4a) does not mean yours will. And your hair may grow and outwards instead of down.

4th the products or even the way in which you have been styling may no longer yield nice looking results. You are going to have to re-educate yourself on styling and caring for your hair.

And last but not least

5th There is no more emergency ponytail that you once had. If you are having a bad hair day or just dont feel like doing anything with your hair there will no longer be a quick and easy ponytail to fall on.

I was 8 months natural until about a week ago. I put a relaxer throughout all of my hair yesterday but I do plan on becoming natural again. But this next time I refuse to bc it so short. I had less than a inch when I grew my hair out.

My only real advice to you is grow your hair out as long as possible so you will have more styling options when you finally bc and you will still look feminine while you do it too.
Wow... thank you so much for keeping it real. That is a lot to consider. I've decided that if I do transition, I will transition w/o the BC. I will have to have atleast 5 inches of unstretched hair, before I cut off the relaxed ends. Thanks again.
I'm so glad, I'm not alone. My last relaxer was Dec 06, and before I found this site, I would relax about ever 6 months or so. Then I came here and decided to see what my natural texture was like. The whole transitioning process is crazy for me, since I didn't do the BC, so I'm dealing with multiple textures. The other day, I wanted so badly to go and get a perm. I work out and sweat in my head, so the straight hair reverts, and it can be annoying. But then I "stalk" natural ladies fotki's and then am like ok just breath girl. I really want to see what my natural texture is like, so I'm going to keep on, keeping on.
ITA, I stalk the natural ladies fotkis too and it makes me just want to cut all of my hair off. The waves, curls and coils are SO beautiful! I don't know though... I wish I knew exactly what type my hair is, soI can have an idea of what it would look like totally natural. It's crazy, I flip flop just about everyday about my decision to transition.

Darn, I mean, is the decision THAT serious?? I would think no, but this is really bothering me... which choice to make.
Im not trying to scare you but I warn you take some precaution. Here are a few things you might want to think about before you take the jump and cut all your relaxed ends off.

1st be prepared to have short hair. Seeing yourself in such a short length might shock you.

2nd realize that the texture and waves you are seeing now with the relaxed end weighing and stretching you hair might not look the same once the relaxed hair is off. Those waves probably wont be waves any more but instead curls coil or even z's.

3rd also realize that just because most of the naturals you see have silky looking curls (3c or 4a) does not mean yours will. And your hair may grow and outwards instead of down.

4th the products or even the way in which you have been styling may no longer yield nice looking results. You are going to have to re-educate yourself on styling and caring for your hair.

And last but not least

5th There is no more emergency ponytail that you once had. If you are having a bad hair day or just dont feel like doing anything with your hair there will no longer be a quick and easy ponytail to fall on.

the bolded is THE only reason i'm not natural right now.
I havent had a relaxer since October and I really like looking at all of the shrinkage I've been having because its a sure signal of my hair growth...however, I have a thing for bone-straight 22" inch weaves and even though my hair straightens easily with a ceramic iron I hate putting heat on my hair to get it to blend with the weave. There are so many ladies on here that have gorgeous mid-back or longer natural 4a hair, I often find myself stalkin their Fotkis for sources of inspiration and encouragement lol *sigh* this is rough.....
My last relaxer was June 07 (and actually my last REAL relaxer was in March 07). Keep going.

BTW, what's type 2PZ hair? I've never heard of it???
My last relaxer was June 07 (and actually my last REAL relaxer was in March 07). Keep going.

BTW, what's type 2PZ hair? I've never heard of it???
Too Peasy LOL I think it may be a 4A, I'm not sure. I don't have a Z pattern with my newgrowth, it's a definate S pattern that coils (it's a coil when it sheds), so I think I may be 4A. I'm not claiming any hair type yet though, I need more new growth to be sure.
I guess I can say I'm transitioning...I haven't had a relaxer since July 07 and I would faithfully relax every 6 weeks no fail so 6 months is a lifetime for me and I'm still debating on if and when I will relax...I bought a relaxer on New Years day with intent to relax and its on the shelf...I really want to see my natural texture but I'm scared to BC...I guess I'm just going to ride it out and if I can stretch til after graduation in May I'll do a BC and keep it moving...

Sweettrini, where did u get your phony pony in your siggy? I love it!!!
Anyway... how are you feeling? Torn!! Frustrated!! Conflicted!!

Are you leaning more towards relaxing again or going natural? Last night I decided to relax, this morning I was back on the fence.

Are you confused and on the fense like me?:look: Yep!!

I think I will relax. I just don't have the patience or the desire to relearn my hair. I am hairlazy. I like my pony tails and buns and my length. I dunno! :wallbash:
Anyway... how are you feeling? Torn!! Frustrated!! Conflicted!!

Are you leaning more towards relaxing again or going natural? Last night I decided to relax, this morning I was back on the fence.

Are you confused and on the fense like me?:look: Yep!!

I think I will relax. I just don't have the patience or the desire to relearn my hair. I am hairlazy. I like my pony tails and buns and my length. I dunno! :wallbash:
In case you ladies haven't read in my other posts, I've made up my mind. I'm getting my relaxer on Feb.1, 2008. I can't fight with my hair anymore... I LOVE my texture, but it's he*% to have two textures (natural and permed) and my hair is WAY too dry for that. Also, I want to do my pretty rollersets on freshly permed hair *picturing it* and I wanna see the little bit of growth I've had too. I forgot I hate pressing my hair too:grin: I am so excited!! Thanks to all of the ladies who responded to this post, it made me feel better to know that I wasn't going through this alone.:grouphug3: Thanks again!
Thanks for starting this thread and congrats on having made a decision.

In my case, the decision is not really a difficult one b/c I don't feel as though one has to be made right away. I am stretching my relaxer for as long as I am possibly able to. I am not saying for sure that I will ultimately end up natural, but I would really really like to.

In the meanwhile, I will continue to protect my ends so that I can retain my length. As long as I am gentle with my hair, there will be one of 2 results:

1. I eventually BC.
2. I decide not to go natural and just relax the new growth obtained during my period of stretching.

Either way, I will have either accomplished my goal of being natural, or I will have several inches of new growth to perm and I will have most likely reached BSL. :grin:

Besides, once I begin something, I'm usually the type to play it out til the end. I like to wear my hair straight a lot, but I often look at my hair and just hate how flat and boring it looks. :wallbash:

I would like to have some texture to my hair! I love the way it looks when I airdry and I imagine that it would have even more texture to it if it wasn't chemically processed. I didn't get a perm until I was 14 and prior to that, my mom styled my hair just fine, she just got peer pressured into it by a friend that said "Her hair would be SOOO pretty permed!" :ohwell:

Plus, I have spent a fair amount of time living overseas and each time it was annoying being so reliant on ALL of my hair tools. Flat iron, blowdryer, the relaxer itself, plus it was time consuming. I spent part of my summer in Croatia without ANY hair tools (and no LHCF knowledge) and when I came back, my hair was in HORRIBLE shape. Due to the scorching sun drying out my hair, no moisturizing/sealing products, and me not being able to really style my hair without heat, I lost about 1-2 inches in length all over, and even more on the left side of my head (for some reason!).

For me, having natural hair would give me more options and various ways to style my hair, without being reliant on heat. I wouldn't have to wear my hair bone straight everyday. With my perm, if my hair isn't straight, it just looks a mess.

Also, I feel like now is as good a time as any. The time I spend telling myself that I will go natural next year or a couple of years from now, I could have already grown my hair out, BC'd, and been enjoying life as a natural! :afro:
this is my 2nd time attempting to transition w/o the BC

last year i went from Jan-July with a relaxer.. but after alot of breakage due to medication i got one

currently.. my last relaxer was in september.. since the year has started i havent used heat on my head.. i've been doing braidouts and twistouts

i'm actually contemplating getting kinky twists
i've never had braids or twists or a weave before so this will be new to me.. i don't want to be tempted to relax my hair. i want to see if i can do this. even if i do decide to relax again, i would love to see how much growth i got from an extended stretch