Conditioner Washes...Secret to Thicker Hair?


New Member
This summer i'm trying to capitalize on the warm weather to get some major growth. I know this has prolly been asked millions of times but i don't have the time to search all the threads to find it (exams are here), but do conditioner washes increase thickness and do they help growth? Any testimonials? And any supplements/ ideas to help promote thicker hair? Im already taking biotin. Thanks
hey there,
I have actually stopped doing conditioner washes cos my hair has gotten thicker as a result. so in my experience it is true. I also think that they helped with growth. I'm going back to washing it everyday.
My hair is already very thick and I dont want it any more so.
I dont think so
, I think it has made my hair thinner, My hair used too be thickness of 2 strands of my hair now, I dont think that is a good idea, too put conditioner on ur hair everyday, I just wet it daily
I forgot I also use surge which probably contributed to the extra thickness as well. im gonna stop that too once I use this bottle up because of that very reason. It makes your hair grow though
Hi, I'm new here and I've noticed that you guys rave about Surge...But I'm nervous about trying it. Does it cause/increase dandruff?
Conditioner washes have not worked for my 4b hair. However, I recently read that a milder conditoner may work for me, rather than the moisturizing conditioner I usually use (Humectress).
I really can't tell if it made my hair thicker. I've been doing conditioner washes for over a year now. I wouldn't be able to see any major thickness, since I have one million layers anyway.
I have 4a/b hair and I believe daily conditioner washes have definitely increased the thickness in my hair. This is a regimen that I don't find myself giving up on anytime soon!
loverofnaps71 said:
CHHS, Buffalo:

Can I ask what you use for the condition washes? I'd like for my hair to get thicker.

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What didnt I use???? Mainly Suave - vanila, citrus smoothie, milk and honey, coconut or V05 strawberries and cream.
I also used leave in condish and slapped proclaim 7 oil on over that.
Probably I would try surge for thickness just spray it on your scalp after washing then rub it in.
My hair has gotten really really thick. I am not sure what has cause it. I conditioner wash it most every day and I use surge daily.
Hi CheerHHS,
I just started doing these conditioner washes recently and noticed that when I did an actual "wash" with the con., it didn't do anything for it. HOWEVER when I just rinse my hair for about 5min under the shower then when I get out I put a leave-in/avocado butter, my hair feels A LOT better
Vanessa22 said:
I have 4a/b hair and I believe daily conditioner washes have definitely increased the thickness in my hair. This is a regimen that I don't find myself giving up on anytime soon!

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ITA. I have noticed increased thickness in my hair as well.