Conditioner at the you do this?


Active Member
I just read on in the "Do and Don'ts" section that you should not apply conditioner at the roots. Do you agree with this? What do you do? Every stylist I went to always slapped a ton of conditioner on from root to tip.

Here is what it says:
Don't condition your roots.
No matter what type of hair you have, you do not need conditioner there. Roots are close to the oil glands and that's plenty of lubrication. Besides, roots don't get damaged like the rest of the tresses.

Apply conditioner at the nape of your neck and work up and through hair, concentrating on the ends. DO make sure you completely coat your ends with conditioner. DO rinse with cool water to help seal the cuticle and lock in more shine.
whatever. My roots are usually full of new growth and the shrinkage is bad with it since it's my natural hair. It gets dry really quickly so I try to keep it conditioned.
I don't think I agree. I think sometimes it's OK to condition your roots. Some products even tell you to apply conditioner from ends to roots. One conditioner I apply to my roots is KeraCare's Dry & Itcy Scalp.

I understand the reasoning behind what they're saying - the scalp naturally producing oil that moisturizes the roots and strands closer to the sclap. BUT i still say there are times when your roots need to be treated with a protein or moisturizing conditioner.
I guess it depends. I think people who are transitioning or stretching might need conditioner on the roots because that's a fragile spot. That "rule" was more than likely NOT made with transitioners and stretchers in mind.

I am thinking for a lot of people, putting conditioner on the roots would just cause scalp build up.
Not the same rule for kinky hair IMO unless you are in the low 3s at least.

That is what saves my new growth. The build up on the scalp can be combatted with regular clarifying/chelating.
I used to follow this "rule". Eventually I started applying conditioner from root to tip and I found that my hair doesn't get greasy as fast (compared to when I avoided my roots) thus allowing me to wash/straighten once every two weeks.
Those rules were made with white women's hair in mind :yep:

"We" have to apply loads of conditioner every single time we condition! :grin:
At least I do...I just used up 1/3 bottle an hour ago LOL!
Those rules were made with white women's hair in mind :yep:

"We" have to apply loads of conditioner every single time we condition! :grin:
At least I do...I just used up 1/3 bottle an hour ago LOL!

Yep, pretty much! Probably referring to the ones with oily scalp...

I saturate the scalp and the whole strand!
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Whatev. :rolleyes:

Honestly, hair care 'advice' that is a blanket statement tends to get roundly ignored by me.

With that said, I condition from the rooter to the tooter! :lol:
I don't agree with not putting conditioner on the roots. I think it depends on your hair type. I mean many african american women do you ever hear complaining about greasy hair (unless they put the grease in themselves). By nature most of us have coily hair and the coilier it is, the harder it is for your natural oils to moisturize because it can't travel the length of the hair shaft. That is one of the reasons why so many of us suffered with dry/brittle ends, were experiencing breakage and thought OUR HAIR couldn't grow long opposed to caucasian (sp) and other ethnic counter parts. Well, I bought their hipe for years and I'm done. I say, "Do What Works for You" and putting conditioner on my roots (protecting my line of demarcation) has been working for me so I'll keep doing it. Some of us flat iron our roots, we sit under hooded dryers, etc. and I think our roots need just as much extra care as the rest of our hair.

Those rules were made with white women's hair in mind :yep:

"We" have to apply loads of conditioner every single time we condition! :grin:
At least I do...I just used up 1/3 bottle an hour ago LOL!
I put conditioner everywhere.....and a ton of it!!:yep:
While my roots rarely need a lot of TLC, I need conditioner to detangle! This just doesn't work for naturals or even relaxed girls with newgrowth.
of course i apply conditioner to my roots. lots of it:yep:

Uh HUH!!!!

Those rules were made with white women's hair in mind :yep:

"We" have to apply loads of conditioner every single time we condition! :grin:
At least I do...I just used up 1/3 bottle an hour ago LOL!

Most of these articles are for White people...:yep:

I put conditioner everywhere.....and a ton of it!!:yep:

Chile.... This is why I have to MAKE condish. I cannot keep it around!!!!

I SMOOTH conditioner - like good ole fashioned relaxer - into my hair.

I have to.
:lick::lick::lick: And it is YUMMMY!
I must apply conditioner to my roots. My roots are thick and dry. They require a lot of conditioning.
I condition everything, hell even my scalp sometimes. Well it gets on my scalp, I dont try to directly put it on there.... Heck I dont see my hair NOT growing.
That advice doesn't apply to me. If I do not apply conditioner to my roots how will I detangle? I am sorry but I refuse to take their advice and look a Hot Mess. I am applying conditioner from root to tip. (And lots of it):lachen:
i am transitioning and this is the only thing that allows me to get through my 6 inches of NG...

if you have thicker more dense curls/kinks, i dont think this applies...i do love the v05 and i use it before every wash to saturate my hair so i can detangle. THEN i rinse and actually wash my hair and follow it up with a cone-free conditioner. I only use the cone-free to keep track of the true health of my dry, relaxed ends bc i can't stand straggles...

I use 1/4 to 1/3 of a bottle to detangle, so I run through those .88 bottles of V05 conditioner PDQ...
I think this advice is for people with straighter hair. I personally condition every inch of every one of my hairs.
Those rules were made with white women's hair in mind :yep:

"We" have to apply loads of conditioner every single time we condition! :grin:
At least I do...I just used up 1/3 bottle an hour ago LOL!

Thank you! Especially when you cowash more days out of the week than not!
You just made me feel better about buying a hundred dollar's worth of conditioners today! :grin:
Don't apply to Roots - 0
Apply to Roots 100 (me included)

Nuff said. :lachen:

Thank goodness for this site and others like it. No wonder women of color have had unhealthy hair regimes for decades.

I have to be honest I don't even know of white ladies that don't apply conditioner to their roots. I have never heard of this before. Never noticed this instruction even on the back of a bottle of conditioner.
Whatev. :rolleyes:

Honestly, hair care 'advice' that is a blanket statement tends to get roundly ignored by me.

With that said, I condition from the rooter to the tooter! :lol:

Kiya you so crazy!
Yeah just add me to the chorus of "Whatever, my roots need conditioner too" voices.