Does anyone use a heating cap for conditioning treatments. Which one do you use? and IS it better than going under say a hooded dryer! TIA and where can I purchse one!!
I used to use one until it gave out on me. I got it from . It was nice because it wasn't noisy like the dryer and I could recline and read a magazine, whereas with the dryer you have to be sitting up and have it at the right height.
I have the Mastex heating cap that I ordered from Tenderheaded..Com
and I love it.
This heating cap get really hot and last a long time I purchase mine when it was on sale for 19.95 best investment I ever made.
I like it because I can be on the computer while deep conditioning at the same time usally 30 to 45 minutes.
I have a Gold N' Hot heating cap that I got from Sally's. I really like it because it's more portable than a hooded dryer.
Phoenix said:
I have a Gold N' Hot heating cap that I got from Sally's. I really like it because it's more portable than a hooded dryer.

I have the same. I use it for deep conditioning. Also when I do a pre-poo with EVOO, I use it to saturate the oil into my hair.
I just brought a heating cap today. I am going to wash my hair either tonight or tomorrow and mix some MSM into my conditioner and see how it comes out.
I've got a Gold N' Hot too, I really like it. You can hang out and be online etc. while you're deep conditioning, very convenient ;)
I bought a microwaveable cap called Micro Cap in 2004 or early 2005. It has about 3 plastic bladders filled with a liquid that fit in pouches inside. It goes in the microwave for a minute or so.

It's ok. IMO, my scalp heat gets warmer than these bags. I just continue to use my clear, plastic caps on my head for conditioning.

Maybe I'll find a good use for the Micro Cap one of these days...
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Isis said:
I bought a microwaveable cap called Micro Cap in 2004 or early 2005. It has about 3 plastic bladders filled with a liquid that fit in pouches inside. It goes in the microwave for a minute or so.

It's ok. IMO, my scalp heat gets warmer than these bags. I just continue to use my clear, plastic caps on my head for conditioning.

Maybe I'll find a good use for the Micro Cap one of these days...
WOW, I love my Micro Cap- and it gets really hot. Isis, I'm sorry to hear that you don't get much heat. When I first used it I microwaved it too long (like 3 mins on high) and popped 2 bladders! I had to order more. I now heat it for one min and 11 secs on high and it gets really nice and warm and stays warm about 30 mins. I put a platic cap on before I use the Micro Cap.

I think this is better for two reasons- 1. uses less electricity, and no dangerous EMF (electro-magnetic frequency) wrapped around my brain. 2. No wires to have to stay near an outlet. I'm free to roam about- take a long bath, mop the floor, etc.

The bladders are filled with some kinda gel- like the heat/freezer packs used for sports injuries. Just be careful of the time in the microwave. When I overcooked my micro cap, I was in another room and heard the bladders exploding inside the microwave. The dogs took off barking and growling toward the kitchen and I was thinking what the heck- who's shooting at us!!?? I remembered the cap and then made a made dash to the kitchen and yanked open the microwave. I was able to salvage two bladder packs and the terry cloth micro cap rinsed clean. But I felt so stupid... I had just received it in the mail- didn't read the directions cause I'm so smart naturally! Hahaha!
ravensunshine said:
WOW, I love my Micro Cap- and it gets really hot. Isis, I'm sorry to hear that you don't get much heat. When I first used it I microwaved it too long (like 3 mins on high) and popped 2 bladders! I had to order more. I now heat it for one min and 11 secs on high and it gets really nice and warm and stays warm about 30 mins. I put a platic cap on before I use the Micro Cap.

I think this is better for two reasons- 1. uses less electricity, and no dangerous EMF (electro-magnetic frequency) wrapped around my brain. 2. No wires to have to stay near an outlet. I'm free to roam about- take a long bath, mop the floor, etc.

The bladders are filled with some kinda gel- like the heat/freezer packs used for sports injuries. Just be careful of the time in the microwave. When I overcooked my micro cap, I was in another room and heard the bladders exploding inside the microwave. The dogs took off barking and growling toward the kitchen and I was thinking what the heck- who's shooting at us!!?? I remembered the cap and then made a made dash to the kitchen and yanked open the microwave. I was able to salvage two bladder packs and the terry cloth micro cap rinsed clean. But I felt so stupid... I had just received it in the mail- didn't read the directions cause I'm so smart naturally! Hahaha!
LOL @ the bladders exploding in the microwave!! :rofl: What a sight that must have been! :lol: I was always so afraid of bursting mine! It's true that the Micro Cap is much healthier for the head without those EMFs. :scratchch Thanks Ravensunshine, maybe I'll take a look at mine again. I like that heat is cushioned safely away from the hair.