Condition Right After Deep Condition?


New Member
My Mommy explained that her stylist told her this. What she said was that Deep Conditioners don't contain the same conditioning agents as normal conditioners do, so after a deep conditioner you should condition. Has anyone else heard this? I do it, and it's been working really well for my hair. :look:
Yup! I do this always after I deep condition. A deep conditioning treatment adds proteins to the hair to strenghten it, while doing so it can also make your hair really dry and stiff. I follow up with a moisturizing conditioner on my hair for about 5 minutes or so to deposit moisture back into my hair (it make my hair nice and soft).:)

I use a moisturizing conditioner with plastic cap and heat for a deep condition. I don't use a conditioner after.

For protein treatments, I do the same above for a deep condition after using the protein.
If I need to condition again after deep conditioning, I do not consider that particular conditioner effective.
I've never heard of this. I could see doing this if I was using a protein-based conditioner to deep condition and you wanted to balance it out with a moisturizing conditioner afterwards...but if you are using a moisturizing deep conditioner, what is the point of using another moisturizing conditioner afterwards??
I agree with mkstar826. My deep conditioner is extremely moisturizing. I just wouldnt understand the reason for conditioning again after that.

The only reason I could think of to use a conditioner after a deep conditioner is for the 'cones, conditioners contain, but deep conditioner may not. The 'cones may make the hair smoother and more easily detangled than using a deep conditioner alone. For instance, in L'anza's Dry Hair line, they have a moisturizing shampoo (step 1), moisture treatment (step 2), and detangler (step 3).

The moisture treatment is the deep conditioner which leaves the hair very soft and conditioned and the detangler contains 'cones which makes the hair smooth and detangled. Perhaps putting 'cones in deep conditioners would prevent penetration of important ingredients.

That's just my take on it.