Computer viruses from LHCF?

Just another thought I want to throw out there. In the OT or ET forum, there have been some links that pop up a warning if you click on them about their destination being unsafe. I usually do not proceed but instead do a search for the same story elsewhere. I wonder if the existence of those "unsafe" links on LHCF is what is making your antivirus programs think this site is infected.
Thanks for this post. The other day when I tried to come to this site my virus protection told me there was a trojan virus on my computer from this site and wouldn't let me proceed to LHCF. My virus protection removed the trojan and let me log back on to the site.

I wanted to say something but I wasn't sure whether or not it was my computer or an isolated incident.

Again thanks, and please let us know what your hubby or Nikos says.

ETA: I don't have a Fotki nor do I visit Fotki's anymore so this problem has nothing to with that site.

Same thing happened to me about a day ago. Glad my virus protection took care of it.
OMG, I just got an alert that my McAfee detected a trojan today... it didn't say it was from LHCF but it can't be a coincidence...
this is right on time. i got a virus thingy yesterday and have not been on it since. i will have someone check it out.
After reading this thread I just got an alert from Norton saying that a Trojan intrusion attempt was blocked.
My computer has been acting buggy lately. I just shook it off as irritating but, twice today, my virus protection software stopped and deleted trojan viruses and attributed it to LHCF. Apparently, it automatically reports the site too.

I'm having my hubby check and protect my laptop but wanted to say something. I'm no expert so, I can't say for sure what it is. My hubby is an IS expert so I'm sure he'll let me know. (I'm hooked and don't want to just start avoiding the site)

Sending message to Nikos but would feel guilty not at least advising everyone to make sure your antivirus software is up to date. Could be nothing. Could be something. FYI.

My computer anti-virus software just did it twice within a minute, so I'm logging off until tomorrow or later on this week.
What virus protection are you guys using.....


I checked out the Avast, but I'm not sure what to use....
I use Norton 360.

JFemme, a good way to decide on an Internet Security Suite is to check out reviews. Sometimes certain versions improve with a new year. I'm partial to Norton because it's always been among the top 5 regardless of what site I look, and is usually maintains its spot unlike say McAfee. Also since 2001, when I discovered Norton, I haven't had any issues.

Some review sites:,2817,2351871,00.asp
I just replaced my computer today because of this.:wallbash:
Its infected with something causing my browser not to work(Internet Explorer).
I use Kaspersky Anti-Virus which was up to date ..This is my last PC I will be getting a mac soon.
I got a virus from a link on this site--so yes becareful what you click on...
im sure its not intentional but just be cautious
i used my account as administrator (which wasn't affected because i visit LHCF by logging in on another account) and restored my laptop to an earlier date before the infection, then downloaded free software from microsoft to get rid of the adware/malware. i had to reinstall firefox. No problems now
I also got a virus and I assumed it was fotki but I was on here as well. I still can't use my computer and have to use my work laptop instead. I'm going to pay Geeksquad to determine what's wrong and hopefully that will work.
Just another thought I want to throw out there. In the OT or ET forum, there have been some links that pop up a warning if you click on them about their destination being unsafe. I usually do not proceed but instead do a search for the same story elsewhere. I wonder if the existence of those "unsafe" links on LHCF is what is making your antivirus programs think this site is infected.

@Nonie, the virus IS on lhcf. I understand there was a fotki issue too but that does not have anything to do with the fact that the site has bugs. Nikos mentioned having this issue previously, and suggests the virus is coming from stuff members here are posting and uploading to the site. STILL, that does not change the fact that the site is infected and measures have to be in place to protect the site from malicious code. Not to mention that the version being used on this board is old and has KNOWN HACKS! Um, upgrading and availing the site to updated patches to current and future security issues could help. But hey, that's JMO.

Sounds like you're defending the site, which nobody believes is CAUSING threats. And you're making light of the risk, which is inherent with being online ANYWHERE.

Be aware. Protect your assets. These are points that we all need to be reminded of regularly when online. Right?
@Nonie, the virus IS on lhcf. I understand there was a fotki issue too but that does not have anything to do with the fact that the site has bugs. Nikos mentioned having this issue previously, and suggests the virus is coming from stuff members here are posting and uploading to the site. STILL, that does not change the fact that the site is infected and measures have to be in place to protect the site from malicious code. Not to mention that the version being used on this board is old and has KNOWN HACKS! Um, upgrading and availing the site to updated patches to current and future security issues could help. But hey, that's JMO.

Sounds like you're defending the site, which nobody believes is CAUSING threats. And you're making light of the risk, which is inherent with being online ANYWHERE.

Be aware. Protect your assets. These are points that we all need to be reminded of regularly when online. Right?

Ermm...I'm not the only person who has been saying that it isn't LHCF so why are you picking on me? And in the post you quote, I did say--which I see Nikos later said--that maybe some links on the site and not the site itself are the culprits. I was posting on that note coz a lot of us hadn't experienced it and from Nikos previous post (echoed below) which came after the one of mine you quoted, he also said it wasn't this site. So forgive me for not being a computer wiz but I was not trying to protect the site (What would be in it for me to protect it? I can't even keep a blog let alone protect a site that has nothing to do with me). I was only thinking aloud because from what I've been learning from LynnieB and some Web surfing, some other sites have been having similar issues and there have been other "causes" but not the forums themselves. Even Adobe website has a blurb about needing to update the program to fix an issue that was discussed in another forum. So I was thinking along those lines.

In case you missed it, here's Nikos post, our computer wiz telling us that he has not seen anything to show that the site is infected. He did later say he'd look at signatures and such, which kinda would go along my guess that a link posted on the site is what's making programs think it's infected:

So that everyone has a clear understanding of what is going on.

1. The forum does not have any viruses or malware. We do not allow HTML code and as a result nobody apart from the admin team can install any scripts that can harm your computers. The base installation of the forum is clean.

2. We only display ads from Google. That is it. The only other ad we display is the Clover one but that one is just a banner and nothing else. If you see the HTML code of any page you will notice that the Clover ad is served by which is my domain.

3. Google Webmaster Tools reports no malware. That tool surfs the whole forum so if there was something it would have been reported. Additionally reports no malware

4. I have noticed that there are several warnings in Firefox's debug console regarding ads being served by has been purchased by Google so they fall in the same pool. Doubleclick has been in the past accused of issuing tracking cookies so that might be the case.

5. I have checked this topic with 5 browsers in 2 computers and 2 different antivirus programs (AVG and Norton). Nada :(

If you get any warning whatsoever please help the situation by actually pointing me to the correct topic. A screenshot, the URL of the page with the problem or something like that would help a ton.

We had a similar issue in the past (pages issuing warnings) which resulted in a picture that was cross-linked from this site to a site that had been reported as a fishing one. The picture was in a user's signature.


ETA: And I have not made light of this. All along I've told people to use good Internet Security Suites and shared why I choose Norton over others. I also suggested not to use IE (maybe not in this thread) and shared that in the case of Fotki, when I use IE, I didn't get the issue and it could be coz of the security program I use. Just because I'm not reeling off knowledge on the topic like LynnieB or SparklingFlame doesn't mean I'm making light of anything. If you notice, I thank them for their input coz I find it very informative. And in my posts, it's clear I'm not coming off as an authority on the subject of what's going on but just contributing to the discussion my thoughts and trying to evoke some thoughts so we can all figure out what is going on.
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