Comparsion shots of length since my cut


Well-Known Member
I thought i might update everyone on my progress since my cut in Dec, i never usually do hair length shots because i'm always depressed about how much growth i get compared to everybody else's i feel like a failure most of the time. Bear with me i find it hard showing pics like this especially when i remember how long my hair used to be. My hair has become a little thicker in the back probably due to newgrowth, in the second pic I’m 10 weeks post, my newgrowth is unstraightened and ends are curled under, believe it or not my hair has been breaking at the front and is thinner, its breaks mainly when i comb wet. i plan on doing the crown and glory method to keep manipulation down and hopefully i can gain my length quickly.

how many inches do you think i need before i reach to my old length before the cut?


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I'm sorry you experienced some breakage in the front, but your hair grew so well since December. At this rate you will have your old length very soon.

Stop focusing at your siggy with the old length for just a moment and take a good look at your comparison shot...with 10 weeks of new growth not straightened too. That's wonderful progress. Your hair looks lovely!
victorious said:
I'm sorry you experienced some breakage in the front, but your hair grew so well since December. At this rate you will have your old length very soon.

Stop focusing at your siggy with the old length for just a moment and take a good look at your comparison shot...with 10 weeks of new growth not straightened too. That's wonderful progress. Your hair looks lovely!
Thanks for your expressed concern, the breakage is why i'm scared to relax i don't want to weaken it any furthur, weaving/braiding will give my hair a much needed rest.

Your soo right about not focusing on my old pic, it makes me wanna cry sometimes. I think i'm still comparing how fast my hair used to grow in relation to now, but i joined a vitamin challenge so hopefully i'll be back to a better growth rate.

thanks again for the compliment
den1 said:
I thought i might update everyone on my progress since my cut in Dec, i never usually do hair length shots because i'm always depressed about how much growth i get compared to everybody else's i feel like a failure most of the time. Bear with me i find it hard showing pics like this especially when i remember how long my hair used to be. My hair has become a little thicker in the back probably due to newgrowth, in the second pic I’m 10 weeks post, my newgrowth is unstraightened and ends are curled under, believe it or not my hair has been breaking at the front and is thinner, its breaks mainly when i comb wet. i plan on doing the crown and glory method to keep manipulation down and hopefully i can
gain my length quickly.

Beautiful, full and it is growing quickly.
thanks ladies!!! hopefully i can get this breakage under control soo the last thing i need is another cut
Hi Den,
I have to agree with the other ladies, that is a lot of growth since December :yep:. You'll get your length back, plus more :).
CaliJ said:
Hi Den,
I have to agree with the other ladies, that is a lot of growth since December :yep:. You'll get your length back, plus more :).
Hopefully i'll have to learn to appreciate the growth, thanks
DahomeyAhosi said:
Nice growth Den. Looks like you need about 2-3 inches to get back to where you were.
thanks dahomey, i thought so, i just needed a few opinions, thanks.
BeautifulWideEyes said:
:eek: girl you are definately in hair anorexia mode, 2-3 inches and you'll be back there. Great growwing!
I've started back with my old regimen of lots of vits, hopefully i can boost my growth rate. Since i cut my hair i cut seem to get my hair into a nice bun, i'll be looking forward to that day.

LocksOfLuV said:
My thoughts exactly. It grew back with a vengeance! Go'on girl!!
lol at "vengence" thanks for the encouragement

Guyaneek said:
Den! How could you say such things? You are a local celebrity!!! Your hair is GORGEOUS!!!! !
I don't know girl, i'm not soo confident with my hair since i've had so many setbacks. i'm afraid to style my hair like all the other lovely ladies here in case something goes wrong. Two weeks ago i used elasta qp recovery in my hair and did a braid out, i was so shocked to find splits, so i had them dusted. I really can't mess with my hair much or its trouble. thanks again for the compliment

Your hair is growing really fast. It looks very healthy and you should be proud of yourself for getting this far in such a short period of time. Stop comparing pictures. I can make it seem like you're not having any progress at all when actually you are.

Also, the worrying is not helping. You are on the right track. I'm having breakage too, so I feel your pain. However, I only have breakage when I'm applying moisturizer to my ends. I wished it would just stop because I don't have your length. I would love to be where you are. I know someday I will be. I just have to be patient.

Keep doing what you're doing. You will be back to where you were in no time.

We're all here to support you.
Naturellle said:
You're making serious progress!! Your hair is looking good!
Thanks naturelle, i see my hair everyday, so i find it difficult to appreciate it, only pictures tell the real truth. after i put my weave it i won't see my hair for a long while, next time i hope to get a wonderful suprise.
baglady215 said:
Wow, that's great progress! !
thank-you very much
brandy said:
brandy What!
Den1 your hair is growing like weed! Be happy your hair is very pretty! !
thanks!!!!you forced a smile out of me
Gisselle said:
Looks great! !
aprilj said:
I love how thick it is !
thanks!! it was thinning out a lot, thank God for henna and protein
locabouthair said:
very beautiful hair!! !
thanks ladies
princessdi said:

Your hair is growing really fast. It looks very healthy and you should be proud of yourself for getting this far in such a short period of time. Stop comparing pictures. I can make it seem like you're not having any progress at all when actually you are.

Also, the worrying is not helping. You are on the right track. I'm having breakage too, so I feel your pain. However, I only have breakage when I'm applying moisturizer to my ends. I wished it would just stop because I don't have your length. I would love to be where you are. I know someday I will be. I just have to be patient.

Keep doing what you're doing. You will be back to where you were in no time.

We're all here to support you.
Thank-you setting me straight!!! i have noticed that my ends are much healthier now prior to my cut. I will stop comparing my hair, and instead create mini goals for myself. I was thinking that putting my hair in a protective style for 3-6 months may help take my mind of the breakage problem, i just hope its the right solution, it would be silly for me to put a relaxer in at this point. i'm sorry that you are going through breakage my hair to to do this a lot when i apply moisturiser, now i use lighter creamy ones which smoothes on better and i don't have to rub it in too much. the manipulation and using heavy creams causes this problem sometimes. your taking care of your soo you will def.. reach your goals. thank-you for your wonderful encouragement.
Wow den, your hair is looking great! So thick and healthy. Don't be depressed girl....your hair will definitely grow back and then some just give it time. I'm rooting for ya!