Comment, compliment, or insult . . .



At the beautician, someone always seems to make the comment that I have a lot of hair. In my opinion, this is not really true; My scalp, however, is covered with hair (hard to explain) but some people have hair covering every inch of their scalp.

Anyway, a beautician in the shop said "you have a lot of hair." I just looked at her because I didn't know if she was complimenting me, telling my beautician that 'even though it is 6 p.m., you still got to deal with her hair, or a comment requiring no response.

I never know what to do the these type situations.
You know...I never know what to do w/ that type of comment either. So I just say "Thank you," and make sure I watch the beautician even more careful (if that's possible!).

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miss_a said:
You know...I never know what to do w/ that type of comment either. So I just say "Thank you," and make sure I watch the beautician even more careful (if that's possible!).


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Fortunately, MY beautician never says this. However, ALL her customers have a lot of hair and most of it is REALLY long. The other beauticians in the shop seem amazed that she could deal with long hair all the time. (My hair is not long yet, so it seems like it doesn't take much to frustrate most beauticians).
bette1 personally i feel that this was a compliment coz havin a lot of hair is summin i wish that i had /images/graemlins/smile.gif

ngaa /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
I get that, too, and I think it depends on tone whether it is compliment or insult, because I have had it both ways. I have had an admiring, "Dang, girl, you've got some hair on you." And from some beauticians, more of a "Dang, you've got a lot of hair . . . and I'm not about to pick through all this to do it." One time (and thankfully, this only happened once) in a salon, a person REFUSED to touch my hair because (in her words) it was too thick and nappy to get a comb through (I had it natural at the time). I was sort of young, and the way she said that made me feel ugly. Luckily, the manager rebuked the stylist in front of the other stylists and customers and she did her hair myself, and it turned out beautifully. So ever since then, I've been sort of leery about those words.
When I used to get my hair pressed, my hair was always insulted by stylist as being too think and coarse.
I definately take that as a compliment, I get that all the time too. I think it has alot to with hair strands on the scalp. I have alot of hair strands, even when my hair was short, it didnt come off so short becaue I have alot of hair. I hpe that makes sense.
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mirrormirror said:
I definately take that as a compliment, I get that all the time too. I think it has alot to with hair strands on the scalp. I have alot of hair strands, even when my hair was short, it didnt come off so short becaue I have alot of hair. I hpe that makes sense.

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That's what I was trying to say. Sometimes it looks like I have 2 strands for each follicle and that makes me look like I have a lot of hair when, in actuality, it's the same amount as the average person.
my hairdresser always goes "whoowhee! your hair is thick! you got some hair!" especially at touch up time. makes me mad cause then she charges me extra for the extra perm she had to use and complains that shes running out of rollers to do a roller set! She's so dramatic she will suddenly stop perming or rolling and stomp her foot 3 or 4 times while exclaiming. I do have really thick hair and I do have double haired folicles! no joke. especially on my arms and legs!
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
godzooki said:
my hairdresser always goes "whoowhee! your hair is thick! you got some hair!" especially at touch up time. makes me mad cause then she charges me extra for the extra perm she had to use and complains that shes running out of rollers to do a roller set! She's so dramatic she will suddenly stop perming or rolling and stomp her foot 3 or 4 times while exclaiming. I do have really thick hair and I do have double haired folicles! no joke. especially on my arms and legs!

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I would imagine a person with really thick hair that is LONG would cause beauticians to be weary.