Come Mere' Baby... No Matter What You've Done....


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
He will love you, he will bless you, he will increase you.

..... Deuteronomy 7:13 MSG

Somehow I feel that someone needs a hug, some reassurance from God, our Abba Father, Our 'Daddy'. A hug that says,

"Come here my sweet child, come here to Daddy. Hey, I know what you did and........ it's okay. :kiss: Baby.... it's okay. :huggle:

Don't you know that I knew you were going to do this 'before' it took place? Sweet child, you have my loving grace, my grace which abounds not only toward you, but it covers you inside and out.

My grace is a complete covering of love completely over you and over what you have done. It covers even all of what you haven't done.

My love.. you are my love and I have you so deep within my heart, that not this issue, and no other issue, 'trumps' over you. So my love, my precious beautiful child... "Come Here" :huggle:.

Come here and rest in my arms of love and warmth; you will never be turned away. Not ever. Allow my love to erase your shame, for I do not hold you as the blame. I hold you only as my child, whom I love and will never give up on. I am not through with you, I am not done, I am not putting you out of my heart, instead I hold you there even closer.

Come here my love. Your name is not Adam who hid from me in the 'Garden' after his sin. Therefore, you need not hide from me. I will not scold you; nor will I control you... I only want to love you through this.

Please don't stay away from me. I will still welcome, you to my throne; I will still receive and answer your prayers, I will still provide for you; I will indeed show you who really cares... I care... for you. Don't pull away from me, nor from my love.

Don't be embarassed, nor afraid, I'm here ..."For You". :kiss:

Come to Church, head held high. For I am, the 'Lifter of Your Head'. And there shall be NO reproach against you. None is waiting... only my love awaits for you there.

Come boldly to my Altar, you will not be refused the priviledge for I am 'there' waiting to welcome you there, as my child and my elect.

Take my Word... for this and more. Come here, my child, I have forgotten what you have done. "I love you", no matter what.. in 'ages to come', I indeed will still love you.

Come here... :huggle:

But God, who is rich in mercy, for his GREAT LOVE wherewith he loved us,

Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved)

And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:

That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.

Ephesians 2:4-7

"Come here... :love5:"
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My LORD Jehovah God has spoken through you to me... Thank You Lord for this message.
Thank you for Shimmie for her obedience and Love for you!
Love You Sis!
My LORD Jehovah God has spoken through you to me... Thank You Lord for this message.
Thank you for Shimmie for her obedience and Love for you!
Love You Sis!

I love you too, precious sister. :kiss: Thank you for your loving prayer; it means a lot. A whole lot. I pray the very same and more for you. :Rose:
Thank you, Shimmie! God bless you and your family in abundance for the love you show on this forum.

:kiss: Thank YOU, Precious Thiends. I mean this beyond words typed in forum format. Your friendship transcends the heartfelt words, 'thank you'. :Rose:
The beauty of all this is hearing God the Father when He says... Come.

There are times in this Walk, we need to Run :roadrunner: to Him, tear-streaked face, snot slinging, messed-up hair... Total surrender. He understands.

I'm enjoying this message again, today. Bless you Shimmie!