Come as you are


Well-Known Member
I know some churches have an unofficial dress code that says "Come as you are" but I thought one was supposed to dress their very best when coming to the house of the Lord for worship. For some, their best is a suit, while others it's merely pressed jeans and a blouse. Are we sinning if we do not wear our best clothes on Sunday, or does it really matter?
definitely not a sin. there is a difference between dressing appropriately and dressing down. tight, high skirts and low cut tops with boob spillage is a no no. untorn jeans and a decent shirt is fine, in my opinion, if thats your style.

to put perspective, if someone were less fortunate (homeless, for example), no one would turn them away because they aren't dressed to the nines. they came as they were. sometimes people feel they are supposed to come dressed for the runway but i think its more about showing out than anything else.
I don't think you're sinning, but I sort of like to look my best and behave my best when in God's house.

I can wear jeans anytime.

I am a very traditional person. But to each his/her own. Wear what God inspires you to wear.
StartinOvah said:
to put perspective, if someone were less fortunate (homeless, for example), no one would turn them away because they aren't dressed to the nines. they came as they were. sometimes people feel they are supposed to come dressed for the runway but i think its more about showing out than anything else.

And I believe this is what Jesus meant...

However, depending on what type of church you go to (the nines), you might get looked at funny.

In my opinion, these aren't Christians anyway (people who shun and laugh), so I would bypass the "nines" on most occasions.
However, depending on what type of church you go to (the nines), you might get looked at funny.

this is the real crime....

church folk be ackin funny sometime....:lol:
19sweetie said:
I know some churches have an unofficial dress code that says "Come as you are" but I thought one was supposed to dress their very best when coming to the house of the Lord for worship. For some, their best is a suit, while others it's merely pressed jeans and a blouse. Are we sinning if we do not wear our best clothes on Sunday, or does it really matter?

I don't think it is a sin if we don't wear our best clothes. Some people can't afford or even have 'best' clothes'. A person wearing the most expensive suit could come to church looking so fly but they could be doing all sorts of things behind closed doors.

I agree with StartinOvah that there is a difference between dressing down and appropriately. I like to dress up and wear pretty clothes to church but other times I wear jeans or whatever I feel comfortable in. I suppose you dress according to the environment you are in.
God is not looking at your best clothes its whats inside that counts.
I don't think its a sin. Maybe a tad lazy and semi dissin the Lord in his own house to some. I was raised ole skool baptist. You sure didn't dress down in them days. My elders consider it disrespectful to wear jeans to church. My Mom is offended by alot of todays bending of the rules as she says. :grin: Whateva lady! Everybody doesn't dress like they are to meet royalty everyday like you big hatwearing lady. :lachen: Ok rantin at my momma is ova. Back to the OG post. I like the come as you are mantra. I like to dress up and down/casual on Sundays. I don't want to be restricted to dressing up if I feel a lil down especially if I really really need the message/fellowship with my spritual family that day. :look: I need Sunday service to get me through my work week. So if I am running short on pantyhose oh well bare legs it is.
latia said:
My Mom is offended by alot of todays bending of the rules as she says. :grin: Whateva lady! Everybody doesn't dress like they are to meet royalty everyday like you big hatwearing lady. :lachen: Ok rantin at my momma is ova. [/color]

You're a trip, Latia! :rofl:

I was raised ol' skool Baptist, too. Unfortunately, since my step-brother took over the church dad was pastoring, it's become a "hip-hop" type of church. Rappin' and saggin'.

You know I don't go!

If I go to church, I want to hear some of those ol' skool hymns (Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross), and I want people to dress like they at least think God might actually be in church that day.

A lot of the women at the step-brother's church wear club gear. Say WHAT?! :mad:
Blossssom said:
You're a trip, Latia! :rofl:

I was raised ol' skool Baptist, too. Unfortunately, since my step-brother took over the church dad was pastoring, it's become a "hip-hop" type of church. Rappin' and saggin'.

You know I don't go! I ain't mad at cha!:grin:

If I go to church, I want to hear some of those ol' skool hymns (Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross), I want to hear some Amazing Grace and No Charge! and I want people to dress like they at least think God might actually be in church that day. I feel ya! Can I have a ugly day once in a while though?

A lot of the women at the step-brother's church wear club gear. Say WHAT?! :mad:

Chile I noticed this at my baby brothers funeral. I saw draws peeking out from under mini skirts, I saw bra's under sheer blouses, I saw dead people! :lachen:
latia said:
Chile I noticed this at my baby brothers funeral. I saw draws peeking out from under mini skirts, I saw bra's under sheer blouses, I saw dead people! :lachen:

Yea, it's pretty bad out there, unfortunately. People have no class!