Combing Dry Hair


New Member
As I was reading through some threads, a few people mentioned you should never dry comb your hair. Could someone explain? I wrap my hair at night and every morning I comb out my hair while it is dry without putting anything on it. Should I not be doing this? What products do you use before combing?
I don't follow this rule...but then again I don't follow many LHCF hair rules. LMAO. I comb my dry hair, just not every day and I do it gently...some people say you get more breakage but if you're gentle enough...I'm not going to lose inches from combing gently every 3-4 days. I don't comb everyday though so I can't really relate but I use my moisturizer and seal then I gently comb and braid it up for the next few days.
It's mostly naturals that don't comb on dry hair... I guess it wouldn't be as big of problem to comb straight hair dry.

but curly/kinky afro textured hair is much easier to detangle when it's damp or wet and loaded up with some sort of detangler/conditioner so that the comb can glide through easier.

With that said, every now and then I very gently and carefully dry comb to get the cute, fluffy look.

It's mostly naturals that don't comb on dry hair... I guess it wouldn't be as big of problem to comb straight hair dry.

but curly/kinky afro textured hair is much easier to detangle when it's damp or wet and loaded up with some sort of detangler/conditioner so that the comb can glide through easier.

With that said, every now and then I very gently and carefully dry comb to get the cute, fluffy look.

Yep, what our LHCF genius said :yep:
I never let my hair get 100% dry because dryness was my main cause for breakage pre-LHCF. Since I started adhering to my own personal rule, I retain almost 100% of my length. My hair cannot take being combed dry because it would snap at the slightest weak point in the strand because there was nothing to add a little elasticity, kwim? HTH!

ETA- I'm relaxed.
I think when most people say that they're thinking of people combing their hair in order to detangle. If your hair has been properly detangled, then I think it is fine to comb dry. There may be some people who are able to detangle dry with no issue. However, I can foresee this being very problematic for those with very curly/coily or thick natural hair.
I don't comb dry unles I have a braid out that I want to be fluffier. & even then, I wet it a bit. I only comb on 30%-80% dry hair. I believe it is helping with keeping breakage at bay.
I comb dry but only as a pre-poo routine. I put oil in my hair and then detangle while the oil is still in my hair before washing. As a natural I would otherwise see it as a sin.