Combing Conditioning Treatment Through


New Member
Does anybody comb the conditioning treatment she/he uses from root to end?

I tried this recently, and it seemed to make a difference on the appearance and feel of my hair. After the comb-through, I applied a plastic cap, and then put on my microwaveable conditioning cap for about 30 minutes.

Just curious.

The only time I comb my hair is under a stream of water to rinse out my conditioner.
I always comb the conditioner through to make sure each strand is saturated. It really makes the difference in my conditioner treatments
I ALWAYS comb my conditioner through even when doing a conditioner wash. I am very gentle and typically don't use much hair doing this. It's the basic way that I detangle.
Yeah, you gotta make sure that the conditioner reaches all the hair. If you are not gonna use a comb, make sure you finger part and work it in really well.
I like to comb the conditioner through. I'm finding as my natural hair gets longer, I'm having to "finger comb" the conditioner through the crown &'s just more gentle this way to avoid damaging my formed coils
Nevertheless, sectioning & combing through is working for me
I agree, combing the conditioner through makes a difference. What also makes a huge difference is sectioning my hair when I put conditioner on so each part gets conditioner on it instead of just smoothing it all on with the hair back.

That makes a huge difference too.
Yes i comb it through and i read that you should massage it into your hair a 1/2 from your scalp.
I comb thru only after I've sat under the dryer for awhile, otherwise I really can't get through my hair. I do a little massage before I go under the dryer. Then in the shower with some water running on and off, I'll comb thru.

I'm going tp try sectioning my hair to apply, maybe that will make a difference
Yes, I slather it on, let it sit and then while rinsing I comb through. I do it in two sections now and it's been working like a charm.
shinyblackhair said:
Yes, I slather it on, let it sit and then while rinsing I comb through. I do it in two sections now and it's been working like a charm.

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Good! Yes, it really does make a diff when putting cond. in section by section
Good question... I never comb the conditioner thru, because I am afraid of breakage. I always comb it through while washing it out. I just started applying conditioner in sections
miss_brown said:
I always comb the conditioner through to make sure each strand is saturated. It really makes the difference in my conditioner treatments

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I just started doing this as well (and finally put that Jilbere shower comb to good use!) and I notice that my new growth lays flatter and my hair feels smoother and softer. It also helps me with comb-out after I shower. My comb-outs are so much better when I have combed through the conditioner. I am going to keep doing this for sure!
I NEVER comb through! I wonder if I'm only half conditioning then???

OY! I'd get so much breakage right now if I didn't give the conditioner some time to work before I got to combing.

This is NOT good news for The Trayster.
Sometimes I comb it through. I lot of times I will use my fingers to distribute my conditioning treatments.
I comb it through because I want the conditioner to saturate the full length of each strand of my hair. Then I pin it on top of my head loosely with one duckbill clip and put a plastic cap on while it is working in the shower for about 3-5 minutes.
Sometimes I comb through and I get better results with doing so. When I deep condition, I definitely comb/(brush) through with my Denman.
I apply my cholesterol treatments with a tint Then I rub it through as if it were a relaxer. No combing though.
I always comb my conditioner through from root to tip I want my hair to get the full benifit from the conditioner.