Combing Between Washes - What is Your Cardinal Rule?


New Member

I read one blog and someone mentioned she never combs on dry hair, only when she puts moisture on her hair. Now this is a new concept to me.

Is this your number one rule if you comb between washes?

(1) Moisture (Condition) & Seal (Oil) and then (2) Comb.

I notice not all the time I moisturize and seal. So yes at times I will comb on dry hair starting from the ends to detangle and yes I sometimes hear the hair popping :wallbash:, but never connected it to not moisturizing first before combing. I don't know. I will now observe more closely to figure out why it may pop, because I am careful when I comb.

What methods do you use to comb your hair?

I section my hair horizontally from the back and comb section by section to the top of my head, so I am not fighting combing through all the thickness of my hair.

Please share your combing methods and cardinal rules if you don't mind. TIA for sharing!
That's my cardinal rule too. I NEVER comb dry hair, and I don't lose a lot of hair when I comb either.
I only finger comb between shampoo days. I co-wash everyday but I only detangle about once a week or once every 2 weeks....Although I don't, I CAN comb my relaxed ends when dry but I don't touch my new growth.
I PS very often, so 90% of the time, I do not have to comb my hair. The other times I do need to comb, it's usually with conditioner, under the shower, as I am detangling.
I PS very often, so 90% of the time, I do not have to comb my hair.

What is PS?

I have just started only combing under running water again. I had tried it before, but I thought I was losing a lot of hair combing while wet. I think now that I lose the same amount of hair regardless. The hair I lose in the shower does seem to be shed hair (rather than broken). I actually thought about posting a picture of my shed hair from the shower to see if it is normal/average, but didn't want to gross you ladies out. :grin:
I am going to try to be self conscious and make sure I mositurize first before combing, then if this fails, finger comb.

Do you ladies section your hair to comb?

Ooh, I Need to wash my DC out now and I use a detangling comb while washing out. It is amazing, I don't have to fight my hair to detangle because the conditioner gives slip and the running water makes it easier!
I do not comb in between washes. I am usually in braids. This has been key in retaining length and thickness.
What is PS?

I have just started only combing under running water again. I had tried it before, but I thought I was losing a lot of hair combing while wet. I think now that I lose the same amount of hair regardless. The hair I lose in the shower does seem to be shed hair (rather than broken). I actually thought about posting a picture of my shed hair from the shower to see if it is normal/average, but didn't want to gross you ladies out. :grin:

PS is Protective Style.

Thanks to all that provided feedback!
I guess this goes to show how different things work for different people. I lose MORE hair when I comb it AFTER moisturizing. I flat-iron once a week and I believe the cones make it easier to comb and I barely lose any hair. Plus it's less tugging too. Then when it's time to moisturize and bun I learned to comb it when it's dry before moisturizing. It doesn't matter if I use my fingers to comb or a regular comb, I'll have hair all over. Either way, I lose MUCH more hair when it's wet.

So I guess it makes a difference if you're only protective styling with no heat.
I just adopted this rule, to only comb after I moisturize and seal. I gently comb thru to evenly distribute in 2 sections, and it works much better this way, I hardly get any breakage when I do it like that
The only time that I comb in between washes is when I'm detangling my hair from a twistout. I still moisturize & seal before combing it, though. Also, I comb my hair w/ my fingers before using a comb b/c my fingers remove tangles more gently than the comb does.

I read one blog and someone mentioned she never combs on dry hair, only when she puts moisture on her hair. Now this is a new concept to me.

Is this your number one rule if you comb between washes?

(1) Moisture (Condition) & Seal (Oil) and then (2) Comb.

I notice not all the time I moisturize and seal. So yes at times I will comb on dry hair starting from the ends to detangle and yes I sometimes hear the hair popping :wallbash:, but never connected it to not moisturizing first before combing. I don't know. I will now observe more closely to figure out why it may pop, because I am careful when I comb.

What methods do you use to comb your hair?

I section my hair horizontally from the back and comb section by section to the top of my head, so I am not fighting combing through all the thickness of my hair.

Please share your combing methods and cardinal rules if you don't mind. TIA for sharing!

I only comb in the shower.
I comb everyday with my wide tooth comb on either dry or wet hair. My hair is only usually wet on wash day though.
Lots of mixed responses but personally I won't go near my hair with a comb unless its sopping wet. Even when I straighten, I only moisturize the ends without combing. I'm too scared of that popping sound . . . .
The last time I used a comb in my hair was when I wore it out in April 2009. Otherwise I just finger comb my hair, one braid section or twist section at a time, when redoing my braids/twists. I remove shed hair this way and because I keep my hair stretched, I don't get knots or tangles.

I only comb my hair when wearing it out, usually in an afro puff.
The last time I used a comb in my hair was when I wore it out in April 2009. Otherwise I just finger comb my hair, one braid section or twist section at a time, when redoing my braids/twists. I remove shed hair this way and because I keep my hair stretched, I don't get knots or tangles.

I only comb my hair when wearing it out, usually in an afro puff.

This is exactly what I do and it works for me.:grin:
I HAVE to comb my hair before a wash or I will have major matts/tangles in the back. So I spray my hair with a leave-in, apply an oil or moisturizer, and then comb it out from the root with a wide-tooth comb to remove the shed hair. If I don't do that, the shed hair gets entangled with the rest of my hair during the manipulation of washing. I messed up and didn't comb one time and it took over an hour to detangle my hair, plus I lost A LOT.
i comb when i want to!

sometimes i comb 1x per wk on wash days. other times i'll come every couple of days on moisturized hair. other times i comb on dry hair.

i lose the same amount of hair every time so its like what ever to me lol.

i know its better to only comb on wet hair with conditioner for slip. but sometimes i feel the need to comb
I never comb between washes. On wash days I finger comb my hair in three or four sections with my hair full of conditioner while standing under running water in the shower. No dry combing. Sometimes I co wash and finger comb daily and other times only once a week. It depends.
I need to start doing this. My hair HATES to be combed...just hates it. If I leave it alone, I only get a couple shed hairs...when I comb it starts raining ends!!

The last time I used a comb in my hair was when I wore it out in April 2009. Otherwise I just finger comb my hair, one braid section or twist section at a time, when redoing my braids/twists. I remove shed hair this way and because I keep my hair stretched, I don't get knots or tangles.

I only comb my hair when wearing it out, usually in an afro puff.