Coloring chemistry


Well-Known Member
Just wondering...

And this is for all women, married and unmarried.

Did you intially vibe well in the bdrm when you started off with your SO/DH or is it something that you worked on and it got better. How did you work on it? And I don't neccessarily mean it was off the chains fireworks the first time. I mean that chemistry, the vibe, the physical connection.

I ask b/c a while ago I spoke with a friend and she told me that you have to instruct dudes and tell them how to do this, how to do that... I get a little coaching such as right there, ooh lower, ooh more pressure, :blah: :blah:

Part of me feels like it's something you can't force or rather I don't want to force it. By force, I mean I don't want to instruct a dude on how to do everything and I feel like doing so is almost insulting to them. A little coaching or reaction to pleasure is different than trying to teach someone sensuality.

This really is not entirely dependent on how much you love someone, it's just that chemistry that is there or is not. I guess what I'm asking is -- is sensuality and chemistry taught? Or do you believe some men have it and some don't? It's my observation from past experiences and what I've heard from friends is that some men just have it or come close to having it ... and there are those that don't. I feel like it's almost a character trait -- some people have certain character traits and some don't. How important is this to you?

It's weird, I have one ex who I in no way shape or form have any interest in at all but from our first encounter we def had that chemistry, I didn't have to do much instructing really and we vibed in that area. Another ex who I loved dearly for years and I was very attracted to, he was just a bit too rough and sensuality was just foreign to him. Then there are dudes who I've never even been with and they just have that ability to make you :spinning:. It's more than their apperance, it's the vibe they give off, how they smell, how they speak, how they touch you, kiss you, it's an overall smooth type vibe.. etc. And there are dudes who I can just look at and observe and see that they might posess some sensuality or they might be good in bed whether they are douchebags or not. It's certain personality traits that I almost tie in w/ sexuality and sensuality in my observations. It's weird, I can look at some men's eyes/faces and just see the freakiness in them :giggle:

I liken this type of chemistry to having personality chemistry w/ your SO/DH. You can't force it, it's just there and you're compatible. You can truly be yourself and enjoy your SO/DH outside of the bdrm. You share the same values, morals, your eye to eye on a lot of things. They are your good friend and you vibe very well. Is this more important than sexual chemistry? Logically, my mind says no but my heart and body says that you really do need both.
I guess there's chemistry, there's technique, and there's how much the guy wants to please you. When there's great chemistry, incredible technique, and the guy wants to please...goodness gracious.