Color Rinses in Your Weekly Conditioner


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies:

Does anyone add clear or color rinses to their conditioning process on a WEEKLY basis? It's been awhile but I was on a fashion blog and the blogger had almost tailbone length hair that appeared to be really healthy and she said this is one of the things that she does to her hair. I guess I just thought about it because I just did my once every 10-12 week rinse this past weekend and wondered about this practice. I wish I could remember the name of the blog for reference here...Im pretty sure I linked up to it in the Fashion thread. ETA: the name of the blog is
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hmmm... interesting idk if i would do that though because semi permanent rinses have a nice amount of protein & other strengtheners in them. When i do rinses its every time i relax (every 4 months or so) and I put the color in after one neutralizing wash but i wouldn't mind adding color every 4 weeks.. just my opinion :)
She rinses her hair weekly? I don't know about that... I do mine once every two months or so. I'd love to know what kind of hair she has (texture, porosity, etc). Maybe this is one of those "works for some, not for others" kinda moments.
Ok, I m not sure if the multi quote thing worked but NaiyaAi, I went back to her blog and she does it every two weeks. IMFOCSD, good to know about the protein and strengtheners...she mentioned on her blog that she uses a lot of heat on her hair, which I do not. So the protein may do more harm than good where my hair is concerned.
I normally use a rinse that does not have protein. That stuff does coat the hair because it doesn't really deposit into the hair. I couldn't see myself rinsing every week, maybe monthly, but depending on her manipulation I could see how this could work for some.