College students in Chicago


New Member
Hey everyone.

I'm new. I was wondering if there are any chicago college students on an HHJ. I go to Loyola. Sometimes I feel I am the only person at my school lol. Who else is out there?
Hey coracaox, I attend Roosevelt University downtown Chicago and am on a HHJ as well. I've been natural for about three years and recently made tailbone length..I felt like the only one as well!
Heeeey. I dont think there are a lot of on campus hair groups. I wish there were. The only one I know is uiuc. I'm almost certain my school does not have one. does your school have a club or anything like that?
Hey I attend grad school in Lombard
Ive been Natural for 6 years & trying to grow my hair back to BSL
There are no natural hair groups on campus...the population is too small
My school is really big on performing arts, theatre and drama clubs are everywhere, followed by Student Government and then minority groups (Black Student Union, Latinos Unidos) But definitely no hair groups...I do see a handful of naturals around campus, maybe I should start one :)
Hey Mane_Attraxion, I've never known anyone who was pursuing a career in naturopathic medicine, that is what I am working towards too! After my undergraduate studies I hope to attend National University of Health Sciences..
I want to pursue a career in alternative medicine too. Not natruopathy but traditional chinese medicine.
Cosigning, I'm not in the area but I really think you should start one.
If not through your school check and create a meetup group for Chitown College Curlies or something like that.
Ya'll can plan to meet at certain public venues, even at a park and eat, exchange products and tips, and have a great time.

Angeleyez ,
You should start a hair group/club
@coracaox =) The school I attend has a Masters in oriental Medicine and a masters of acupuncture if you are interested in those degrees
@AngelEyez I just PM'd you =)
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