College girl needs help with regimen :)


New Member
Hey Hair Sisters,
I started my healthy hair journey in October 2009, and now it is march 2010:yawn: These last few months I have hidden my hair and wore a wig as a protective style:look: The last time is received a relaxer was in october, prior to starting this journey i would get a relaxer every 2-3months but now i've gone FIVE whole months without one.:nono:
So far:
  • I moisturize and seal every day and sometimes 2x a day(I've become a PJ so i use different moisturizers and different oils to seal)
  • I dont use any heat on my hair
  • I shampoo once a month
  • I co wash(condition only) every week
  • I braid my hair into four everynight, MS then tie with my satin scarf
Thats pretty much my regimen but i have not been seeing any growth:wallbash:
am i being too impatient?
is there something i need to add or remove frommy regimen?

Please help me ladies!!! Below is a video so you can see how my hair currently looks.

:yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn:Since I have been wearing wigs for the last 5months i purchased lots of them and i do wig reviews on youtube. check them out:yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn:
Watcha mean you're not seeing any growth?! If you decide to get a relaxer, you may disagree. I know my hair looked the same length when I took my braids out, but after it was detangled and I got a relaxer, my new growth stretched so I could see the true length of my hair, and it was a lot longer. Your regimen looks fine. When I first got on here I adopted a basic regimen too, and my hair thrived. This was it:

Shampoo: Keracare Hydrating Poo once a week
Conditioner: Keracare Humecto twice a week
Leave In: Paul mitchell The Conditioner followed my Paul Mitchell Skinny Serum
Moisturize and Seal: ORS Olive Oil/ Olive Oil every night
Wrap my hair each night.
I've not watched your vid but your regimen sounds fine. It sounds like you've taken a very sensible approach by not trying to do too much. :yep: Are you doing regular moisture and protein DC's - I couldn't quite see that from your post. You need to ensure you're getting a good balance of moisture and protein as these treatments will keep your hair moisturised and strong and in good condition.

As for the growth - don't forget when you're deep into a stretch like that the hair is shrunk by the new growth, and as you don't use heat you probably won't see any signs of additional length until you next touch up.
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This past summer I had a similar regi as you and did not retain length either. Me personally... is because I skipped out on protein and detangling my hair everyday was too much manipulation for me. If you enjoy cowashing, then try to include protein... olive oil replenishing pak or aphogee 2 min are two great examples of a light protein treatment.

Are you detangling your hair when you braid it each night? I don't know about relaxed hair, but i know for texlaxed that's a lot of manipulation.

Finding your regi really is trial and error. Try 1-2 new things consistently over a 2 or 3 month period and write about it in your hair journal on here or your fotki if you have one. You can't find the culprit unless you are consistent, which can be difficult as a PJ. Good luck!
Watcha mean you're not seeing any growth?! If you decide to get a relaxer, you may disagree. I know my hair looked the same length when I took my braids out, but after it was detangled and I got a relaxer, my new growth stretched so I could see the true length of my hair, and it was a lot longer. Your regimen looks fine. When I first got on here I adopted a basic regimen too, and my hair thrived. This was it:

Shampoo: Keracare Hydrating Poo once a week
Conditioner: Keracare Humecto twice a week
Leave In: Paul mitchell The Conditioner followed my Paul Mitchell Skinny Serum
Moisturize and Seal: ORS Olive Oil/ Olive Oil every night
Wrap my hair each night.

I agree, your regi might be perfectly fine. you won't know for sure until you relax
I'm trying to remember my old regimen when I was relaxed (...seems so long ago, fada-fa-fa...)
I would say your regimen is fine outside of shampoo'ing once a month. Relaxed hair gets build-up very easily and if you're moisturizing and sealing that often you may want to 'poo twice a month. But, you know your hair better than me. Oh, and I don't see anything about deep conditioning. THat's probably what is inhibiting your growth.
Easy on the manipulation with the finetooth comb (?) plastic brush (?).

Do you tend to brush and comb your hair like that often?
Your regimen looks fine to me. Have you taken pictures to document your growth? If not, you could have some and not even notice.

I cosign with making sure you include a DC every time you shampoo, and chilling on the manipulation. Is that right, you rebraid your hair every NIGHT? Try cornrowing your hair and leaving the cornrows in for a week or two to cut down on combing and brushing.
What stood out to me, too, was a lack of washing (either pooing or cowashing) as it seems you're only putting water to your hair once a week. Now, I have to admit I'm addicted to wetting/washing my hair - the fresh feel, smell, managability - so temper what I'm saying with your own good judgment in what you already know about your hair. Oh, and I remember from my college days at Penn State, we had VERY hard water in the dorms - I wish I'd known about clarifying (removing product buildup) and chelating (removing mineral deposit buildup) then. You didn't mention clarifying and chelating in your regimen, so you may want to add that at least once a month, especially considering how much you are moisturizing and sealing which will give you lots of buildup fast if you're not washing a lot. I've used Pantene Pro-V Clarifying and now Cristophe sulfate-free clarifying (from CVS), but I'm about to switch to Kenra Clarifying because it also chelates (has EDTA as ingredient). It runs $12.00 for 10 oz at my local mall's Trade Secret. Good luck - with your hair and your studies! :)

I'm trying to remember my old regimen when I was relaxed (...seems so long ago, fada-fa-fa...)
I would say your regimen is fine outside of shampoo'ing once a month. Relaxed hair gets build-up very easily and if you're moisturizing and sealing that often you may want to 'poo twice a month. But, you know your hair better than me. Oh, and I don't see anything about deep conditioning. THat's probably what is inhibiting your growth.
I've not watched your vid but your regimen sounds fine. It sounds like you've taken a very sensible approach by not trying to do too much. :yep: Are you doing regular moisture and protein DC's - I couldn't quite see that from your post. You need to ensure you're getting a good balance of moisture and protein as these treatments will keep your hair moisturised and strong and in good condition.

As for the growth - don't forget when you're deep into a stretch like that the hair is shrunk by the new growth, and as you don't use heat you probably won't see any signs of additional length until you next touch up.

I've heard so much about moisture and protein balance but im not to sure how it works:nono:
Please explain to me so i can add to my regimen
What stood out to me, too, was a lack of washing (either pooing or cowashing) as it seems you're only putting water to your hair once a week. Now, I have to admit I'm addicted to wetting/washing my hair - the fresh feel, smell, managability - so temper what I'm saying with your own good judgment in what you already know about your hair. Oh, and I remember from my college days at Penn State, we had VERY hard water in the dorms - I wish I'd known about clarifying (removing product buildup) and chelating (removing mineral deposit buildup) then. You didn't mention clarifying and chelating in your regimen, so you may want to add that at least once a month, especially considering how much you are moisturizing and sealing which will give you lots of buildup fast if you're not washing a lot. I've used Pantene Pro-V Clarifying and now Cristophe sulfate-free clarifying (from CVS), but I'm about to switch to Kenra Clarifying because it also chelates (has EDTA as ingredient). It runs $12.00 for 10 oz at my local mall's Trade Secret. Good luck - with your hair and your studies! :)

Please give me more info about clarifying???
I was under the impression that shampoo was bad and i should stay away from it:look: also what is chelating?
I agree with a previous poster. Build up can damage and break hair as much as anything else. I would also add that if you're not comfortable with using shampoo more than once a month, atleast use a clarifying shampoo. That way you're removing all the buildup from the co-washing, moisturizing and sealing.

I'll also add my reggie when I started out.

Prepoo with Joico K-pac Conditioner
Shampoo with Joico K-pac Shampoo
Deep condtion with heat - Kenra MC
Roller Set
Wrap nightly
Repeated this once a week

I used no moisturizers and no co-washing. I only used a dab of unrefined coconut oil after I removed the rollers from my hair and a few shots of oil sheen. My hair was strong as well as moisturized, which allowed me to retain all of my length. Hope this helps OP!
I am no wear near being an expert on moisture and protein. But, what has been working for me, is I always error to moisture because my hair needs it the most. So, I use moisturizing conditioners and deep conditioners and leave ins, but because I do use so much moisture I also incorporate a light protien. I put silk amino acids in my hair.

If you are relaxed you defenitly need some protien. I think the test for that is if your hair streches a while and then breaks you need more protein, but if it breaks very easily then you need more moisture.

I hope that helps a little bit and I'm sure more people who are more knowledgeable will pop in for you!
Please give me more info about clarifying???
I was under the impression that shampoo was bad and i should stay away from it:look: also what is chelating?

I know that some people have issues with shampoo, but I used shampoo on my hair every single week and still managed to go from just below shoulder length to just below Bra Strap in 2 years. Having said that, let me also add that I deep condtioned with heat every week also. I think that as long you keep your protein and moisture balance in check you're good.
Yes i do rebraid my hair sometimes 2x a day to m&s it.
not good??
I would say so.

Keep in mind that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". Don't stop using shampoo just because you don't think a lot of us aren't using it. Frrankly, I cut down on using it because my hair hates shampoo -- it gets tangled quite terribly anytime sulfates come near it, so I have to preprr really well to prevent that. Once my current stash of shampoo is used up, I am switching strictly to ACV rinses. However, that's just me. A good inexpensive clarifying/chelating shampoo is ORS Creamy Aloe. It's available almost everywhere, too. What shampoo are you currently using?

You didn't give us any product names, girl -- fill us in!!
These are the meanings for calrifying and chelating. I am also going to reccommend that you DC with heat at least once a week.If you cannot do this try leaving on your DC for like an hour or so. I DC for 30 mins once some times twice and this has really helped me.

What stood out to me, too, was a lack of washing (either pooing or cowashing) as it seems you're only putting water to your hair once a week. Now, I have to admit I'm addicted to wetting/washing my hair - the fresh feel, smell, managability - so temper what I'm saying with your own good judgment in what you already know about your hair. Oh, and I remember from my college days at Penn State, we had VERY hard water in the dorms - I wish I'd known about clarifying (removing product buildup) and chelating (removing mineral deposit buildup) then. You didn't mention clarifying and chelating in your regimen, so you may want to add that at least once a month, especially considering how much you are moisturizing and sealing which will give you lots of buildup fast if you're not washing a lot. I've used Pantene Pro-V Clarifying and now Cristophe sulfate-free clarifying (from CVS), but I'm about to switch to Kenra Clarifying because it also chelates (has EDTA as ingredient). It runs $12.00 for 10 oz at my local mall's Trade Secret. Good luck - with your hair and your studies! :)
I'm a relative newbie so I'm sure other ladies will be able to give more complete explanations and correct anything that I may state incorrectly here. My understanding is moisture makes the hair soft, protein makes the hair strong. Too much moisture can make the hair mushy and prone to snap; too much protein can make the hair hard and prone to break. Moisture products have water as the first ingredient and will usually say "moisturizing" (ex: Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner). Protein products have, well, protein and tend to have the words "repair" or "restore" on the packaging (ex: Nexxus Keraphix Restorative Strengthening Conditioner - proteins keratin and the milder collagen in it); some proteins are stronger than others.

My hair doesn't get along with protein that well, so my regimen leans towards moisture with use of mild protein products (once a week DC with Motions Oil Moisturizer Silk Protein which has hydrolyzed collagen). I cowash with V05 Moisture Milks Strawberries & Cream which has soy milk protein. I tried cowashing with Organix Coconut Milk Conditioner and I ended up with hard, dry hair with tangled clumps on my ends in a few spots - guess that egg white protein was too much. I doubt I'll ever go near any of the Aphogee products, most of which are hard-core protein from what I've read on here. As you see, some products are both moisturizing and conditioning. If the word "moisturizing" isn't in there, it's best for me to stay away!

Everyone's hair is different and you'll find the best combination of things for you. Some ladies here rave about Organix but it just doesn't work on my hair. I have 4B (very coarse natural) but thin hair and am relaxed. What may work on my head may not work on a natural head, or a relaxed head with a different texture, and vice versa. Hope this helps (and isn't too confusing)!

Thank you all so much!!
I don't understand the whole moisturise + protein balance.
Please explain to me
This article should explain everything about moisture-protein balance. I recommend reading the other articles by sistaslick about regimen building, heat, and porosity.

I'm a college student too, freshman =] And I agree that college dorms probably have hard water. My hair's been acting weird and suddenly when I got home and rinsed with my home water, it was all soft and nice. =\ I gotta look into ACV and porosity control.

DC once a week. (I know its hard with a busy college life but I think it's integral for maintaining the internal structural integrity of the hair.). What I do is DC overnight with a cap under my silk scarf then wash it out the next morning with my shampoo. (So it's really pre-poo but it saves time from other stuff I rather be doing on a friday/saturday night.)

I wash my hair once a week with shampoo, but also cowash midweek. I don't really DC on the days I cowash.

Can't really give good advice since I'm currently re-vamping my regimen to find a way to minimize time detangling/conditioning/etc.

But I think your regimen so far looks good. Just look into adding DC-ing (especially since you relax =] Read the articles, they help a ton)
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