

Well-Known Member
Anyone here been called "cold" (in various types of relationships, not just romantic) and needs help "warming up?"

Or were you once "cold" and got through it.

I would like to be more affectionate towards friends/family/guy/etc.

The emotions are there, they're just hidden by blocks of ice sometimes:look:

If you have any stories you would like to share, I'd love to read them.
My family is not very touchy feely or emotional at all. I dont remember my mom or other family members telling me they loved me when I was growing up but I always knew they did. My first few boyfriends I had to learn how to show affection. Also I try to make a point to tell my son I love him at least a few times a week. I wouldnt say Im through it but its a lot better.
No...I'm not cold at all, in fact very warm and tender IMO... but me and my SO that I saw alllllllll this darn potential with is telling me that I am dismissive.

Whatever the heck that means.
yep. i get it all the time with every single relationship i'm in and it hurts to the core.

anyway, eventually w. a lot of effort and once i kno they REALLY truly like me i usually warm up quite a bit. tho it usually takes a few months :ohwell:
I have been told that alot in my previous relationships :ohwell:. I attributed that to the guys not treating me the way I deserve to be treated. So in all of my previous relationships I bounced when things weren't going right. So I ended up being single for many years b/c of that :ohwell:.
Yup...I've been told that for years. It's something I'm still working on. I don't let my guard down easily.