Coffee for Hair Growth!

y'all still didn't answer me: does tea or coffee alter hair color? i know ppl put coffee grounds in henna to alter i'm asking. i drink coffee every morning without fail and i always have left over. i'd use it for my hair if it won't turn my hair some funny shade or make it smelly.

plus i imagine after reading the study that the caffeine was left on and not washed or rinsed off and placed at the root not the hair shaft so i'm still leaning toward crushed pills but not in a paste but more like a liquid or gel. ummm like crushing them, mixing with enough water to liquify them and then mix with aloe vera gel and apply to the scalp not the hair all over.

this is just me speaking thoughts out loud. i wish some of the LHCF chemists would come in here and comment.

yes it coffee cream n sugar needed. my granny said her mom done this back in the days to granny's hair b/c she didn't like the natural red color. i used coffee and it does give it a darker hue.
Im going to try the tea rinse tomorrow!

My plan is to wash, protein treatment, tea rinse and then apply my moisturizing DC before rinsing out the tea, sit under warm cap for 30 minutes.
Yep, it's probably the caffeine. Green tea works similarly (and without the coffee smell). Green tea also contains caffeine. After I wash my hair I always do a Green tea/honey rinse. Green tea has been shown to kill scalp bacteria and fungi when used externally and when taken internally it has been shown to slow the balding process in men.
I know that I use to put used coffee grounds in a plant that I had at the office and that plant started growing uncontrobally(sp?)........

I've actually heard of this before. Starbucks gets rid of any old coffee grounds for free for people to use in their gardens. My mom used to stop by there and pick up a bag or two for her rose garden. Somewhat relevant, here's an article on coffee and a brief mentioning of plant growth:

It says that coffee is high in nitrogen, which is good in helping your garden plants and vegetables grow faster. For us, however, a lack of nitrogen can cause hair loss. Here's an article about a study done on that titled "The Loss of Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, and Nitrogen in Hair from the Scalp of Women" (it's a pdf also).
I've actually heard of this before. Starbucks gets rid of any old coffee grounds for free for people to use in their gardens. My mom used to stop by there and pick up a bag or two for her rose garden. Somewhat relevant, here's an article on coffee and a brief mentioning of plant growth:

It says that coffee is high in nitrogen, which is good in helping your garden plants and vegetables grow faster. For us, however, a lack of nitrogen can cause hair loss. Here's an article about a study done on that titled "The Loss of Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, and Nitrogen in Hair from the Scalp of Women" (it's a pdf also).

ahh so maybe there is help for all my trees afterall :yep:
Note the articles said "different levels of caffeine". I'm thinking if I steep my tea longer, the caffeine will be stronger. I mayb be wrong but I'm going to try for it. I'll do research on that. will be stronger. im the tea queen but when it's caffeine i have to stay home and drink it cause i steep it for a LONG time and im caffeine a heart murmur so im not even supposed to be DRANKING caffeine :lachen:
Good Thinking...
I wonder if the coffee butter has retained all of its caffeine effect? However, maybe if I rinsed with the coffee and used the caffeine butter as a leave in???

I had a sample of Coffee butter from Camden grey. I never knew what to do with it. Now I know.:grin::grin:
Hmm...I drink a half a pot a day, never thought to use it on my hair. I read somewhere that used coffee grounds are a great exfoliant and helps with cellulite.

I was about to say it helps with cellulite. Creams have it incorporated into the formula. I'm not sure if it is oil-infused caffeine or an extract from liquid. Anybody know?
Why would it have to be coffee? It says Caffeine, not coffee. So you could just use a tea with caffeine rinse on hair, couldn't you?

Coffee has more caffeine than tea. I guess if one wished to use the highest level of caffeine, the infuse your oils or create an extract from green coffee beans. The more you roast it, the lesser the caffeine.
FYI Ladies, it seems that tea contains more caffeine than coffee weight for weight, but less weight is used, in general, to brew a cup of tea so coffee seems to contain more caffeine per cup. You may find the information below helpful. I'll be using a coffee rinse and probably using coffee as the liquid for my conditioning henna. I also ordered some nettle tea bags to use as a rinse. This with my Megatek/OCT, self made sulphur oil and daily vitamins should have me with BSL hair in a few months, I hope! Thanks for sharing!

Caffeine in 8-ounce Beverage milligrams

Coffee, Drip 115-175
Coffee, Brewed 80-135
Coffee, Espresso (2 ounces) 100
Coffee, Instant 65-100
Tea, iced 47
Tea, brewed, imported brands (avg.) 60
Tea, brewed, U.S. brands (avg.) 40
Tea, instant 30
Tea, green 15
Hot cocoa 14
Coffee, Decaf, brewed 3-4
Coffee, Decaf, instant 2-3

SOURCES: National Soft Drink Association, US Food and Drug Administration, Bunker and McWilliams, Pepsi, Slim-Fast
Good Thinking...
I wonder if the coffee butter has retained all of its caffeine effect? However, maybe if I rinsed with the coffee and used the caffeine butter as a leave in???

I was wondering about Coffee butter too, but my thinking is that it wouldnt have as much as the straight coffee would

hehe@ Caffeine butter
Thanks for the information.Now I will smell like a complete breakfast of bacon(mtg),eggs(condish) and coffee.:lachen:
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OMG!!! I just had a brainstorm. sells coffee butter which you can rub into cellulite areas and use on the scalp and hair. Plus, they are having a November sale. 1 lb. Jojoba oil for 10.00, castile soap 1 lb. 3.80, Rassoul clay 1lb. for 8.95, sulphate-free shampoo 7.90 1/2 lb. (sales under pink note, special promotions link)
I am steeping my chocolate chai tea & green tea/blueberry teabags. Plus I added ginger slices to the mix. My hair is getting the works today! (hair masks, trim, scalp stimulation) It needs it. Desperately. Thanks all!
I may do it too. Between the MT and the caffein. Tomorrow Im going starbuck. Maybe some bustelo. Thats the strong stuff. I don't think folgers is strong enough.

Y'all don't get it. :lachen: Believe me, coffee is strongest in caffeine the closer it is to green. The more you roast it, the more caffeine you lose. That's why people don't get the jitters so much from a french roast or espresso that they would get with a regular American drip coffee. Green coffee would yield more caffeine than tea. I guess that if someone ground and boiled the green one, they would get a coffee that looks like Arab coffee drink (like what is drunk in Saudi) and it resembles a light tea. You'd probably not get the staining. I have some green coffee beans around here somewhere and I'll test it. If anyone wanted to try it, got to an Arab marketplace or Ethiopian one (they like to roast their own coffee for ceremonies etc.). They definitely say to not use instant tea or coffee as a hair rinse:
so uhhhh why don't i just crush up no-doz and mix with my shampoo or DC? i'm serious. no-doz is just caffeine, so..... LHCF chemists, help me plz.....


Active Ingredients: Each caplet contains: Caffeine (200 mg)

Inactive Ingredients: Benzoic Acid, Corn Starch, FD&C Blue 1, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Mineral Oil, Polysorbate 20, Povidone, Propylene Glycol, Simethicone Emulsion, Sorbitan Monolaurate, Stearic Acid, Sucrose, Titanium Dioxide
I was wondering about Coffee butter too, but my thinking is that it wouldnt have as much as the straight coffee would

hehe@ Caffeine butter

You know....
I thought that too. Also, take into consideration the part where you are not supposed to leave it on your head for an extensive amount of time. Coffee butter in hair may not work.
So after a little research, I'm going to try doing my caffeine infused olive oil using the "cold-brew" method. Some sites say it has more caffeine, some say less. I'm just going to assume it is more concentrated.

In the directions below, I just replace water with oil.


Items needed: (To make enough for 2-3 glasses of iced coffee)
  • A container for the final brew, which will be placed in the refrigerator when finished. This can be a pitcher or bottle or small carafe or even a tall jar with a lid.
  • A tall glass for the brewing (or a mason jar with lid, etc.)
  • A second glass for pouring the steeped coffee mixture into.
  • A stainless steel kitchen strainer, nothing big or fancy. The finer the mesh, the better. If the mesh is coarse, you can try using some good cheesecloth to help strain.


Measure a 1/4 to 1/3 cup (5-6 tablespoons) of coffee into the brewing glass. Add about a cup and a half of room-temperature water (bottled water or filtered water will taste best). Stir the mixture until it is even and there are no lumps. You don't have to be really precise on these measurements. Just make sure you have about 4:1 water to coffee.
Put some sort of lid on the container/container to keep the mixture clean, or use a canister-type container. Let it sit a minimum of 3 hours. It can sit overnight, up to 12 hours if you like (some people do this), but we find 3-4 hours is fine.

When ready, pour the mixture through the stainless steel strainer into the second container. Clean the first glass to rinse out any grounds. Then pour the coffee back from the second glass into the first glass through the finest mesh or cheesecloth. Or if you have a Vietnamese coffee filter cup, run it through that, it's a little quicker. This removes the fine grinds. It may be necessary to stop pouring once to rinse the filter or strainer to clear it if it clogs.

Pour the final mixture into your storage container and put it in the fridge. That's it!

*Although there's a lot more research to do, I'm hoping this should work. There's so much conflicting info on coffee!!

I'll be using this oil on my scalp, and may be some prepared coffee mixed with shea for moisturizing my hair and scalp-- for 2 weeks diligently.

Starting pic:


More are in my fotki
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I've actually heard of this before. Starbucks gets rid of any old coffee grounds for free for people to use in their gardens. My mom used to stop by there and pick up a bag or two for her rose garden. Somewhat relevant, here's an article on coffee and a brief mentioning of plant growth:

It says that coffee is high in nitrogen, which is good in helping your garden plants and vegetables grow faster. For us, however, a lack of nitrogen can cause hair loss. Here's an article about a study done on that titled "The Loss of Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, and Nitrogen in Hair from the Scalp of Women" (it's a pdf also).

It seems that if Nitrogen aids in hair growth, then coffee would work for hair growth along the same lines as miconazole nitrate (MN), another nitrogen-containing product. Along with the blood stimulation to the hair follicles helping with growth, coffee could be the truth! :yep:
I'm in on this one...gonna try to infuse jojoba oil with the ground coffee beans (greenest I can find) for max absorption into the scalp and use the oil as a pre-treatment to the MT/OCT application.

Btw, I'm not a "chemist" but I am a registered pharmacist, so IMHO, I would not suggest using any of those ground up No Doz/Vivarin pills for this due to all the fillers used to make the tablet/capsule (big molecules that may not blend or absorb into the scalp) with untold poss. side effects to the scalp :nono:.

I didn't do any specific research on this, I'm just speaking from MY experience with compounding tablets like this into mixtures at work.

Yep, it's probably the caffeine. Green tea works similarly (and without the coffee smell). Green tea also contains caffeine. After I wash my hair I always do a Green tea/honey rinse. Green tea has been shown to kill scalp bacteria and fungi when used externally and when taken internally it has been shown to slow the balding process in men.
It depends on the type of green tea. My green tea doesn't contain caffeine, but some do. So make sure to look. From reading online it seems only the darker coffee and teas have a potential of casting a dark hue. will be stronger. im the tea queen but when it's caffeine i have to stay home and drink it cause i steep it for a LONG time and im caffeine a heart murmur so im not even supposed to be DRANKING caffeine :lachen:
This is a rinse! Not to be drank. I drink tea too, but the tea I drink is nettle and it is for hair growth, and it has zero caffeine in it. For the rinse, only so much is absorbed into your scalp. Test it out in smaller amounts to see, as you have a murmur, of course!
Coffee has more caffeine than tea. I guess if one wished to use the highest level of caffeine, the infuse your oils or create an extract from green coffee beans. The more you roast it, the lesser the caffeine.
according to wikipedia, tea has more caffeine than coffee. I think they just used coffee in their experiment because of the caffeine. If you'll look at some of the other articles I pulled up it is the caffeine, not the type of drink, that causes the growth. And further more it's not circulation, it's a change in the metabolism of the strand (growth). It's a few pages back as I pulled from several articles doing research last night.
FYI Ladies, it seems that tea contains more caffeine than coffee weight for weight, but less weight is used, in general, to brew a cup of tea so coffee seems to contain more caffeine per cup. You may find the information below helpful. I'll be using a coffee rinse and probably using coffee as the liquid for my conditioning henna. I also ordered some nettle tea bags to use as a rinse. This with my Megatek/OCT, self made sulphur oil and daily vitamins should have me with BSL hair in a few months, I hope! Thanks for sharing!

Caffeine in 8-ounce Beverage milligrams

Coffee, Drip 115-175
Coffee, Brewed 80-135
Coffee, Espresso (2 ounces) 100
Coffee, Instant 65-100
Tea, iced 47
Tea, brewed, imported brands (avg.) 60
Tea, brewed, U.S. brands (avg.) 40
Tea, instant 30
Tea, green 15
Hot cocoa 14
Coffee, Decaf, brewed 3-4
Coffee, Decaf, instant 2-3

SOURCES: National Soft Drink Association, US Food and Drug Administration, Bunker and McWilliams, Pepsi, Slim-Fast
co sign. Just know that nettle does not have caffeine. I use it as a rinse, because it is said to stimulate hair growth in other ways and strengthen the roots and lessen hair fall out (which I'm finding is true so far). So I think that would be a good combination of the coffee and the nettle. I also wondering about the whole oxygen thing said above.
It seems that if Nitrogen aids in hair growth, then coffee would work for hair growth along the same lines as miconazole nitrate (MN), another nitrogen-containing product. Along with the blood stimulation to the hair follicles helping with growth, coffee could be the truth! :yep:
I'm in on this one...gonna try to infuse jojoba oil with the ground coffee beans (greenest I can find) for max absorption into the scalp and use the oil as a pre-treatment to the MT/OCT application.

Btw, I'm not a "chemist" but I am a registered pharmacist, so IMHO, I would not suggest using any of those ground up No Doz/Vivarin pills for this due to all the fillers used to make the tablet/capsule (big molecules that may not blend or absorb into the scalp) with untold poss. side effects to the scalp :nono:.

I didn't do any specific research on this, I'm just speaking from MY experience with compounding tablets like this into mixtures at work.

If you're a pharmacist then you know your stuff and are a scientist of the highest magnituted. I looked at the pharmacy degree requirements, and it is mad intense (I had a friend considering pharmacy) and another who is a pharmacist who then turned around and went to med school. So anyway I respect any imput you can give. As for the whole oxygen thing, when it was brought up earlier, I decided to shut up about the whole tea thing. Because the oxygen, plus the metabolism thing could be both what's stimulating growth. They only tested one factor, and could find out later that both matter. Either way, who cares, they studied coffee, not tea, so I'm going to use coffee. As I don't use it on a regular basis (I just drink tea), I'll have to head to starbucks (because I know theirs isn't instant), for my wash (save part of it in the fridge for the next one), and just do that every week. As I don't have a brewer and don't plan to get one.

Okay so I'm eating my words about doing the tea thing right now, and abandoning it for coffee.
WITH the exception of the final rinse. I'm still rinsing with nettle as it has hair growing properties, stimulation, and strengthening of roots. So wash, coffee, rinse condition, dc, and rinse with nettle tea for the finale! Also FYI, please look a few threads back as someone mentioned green coffee. Just like green tea doesn't stain, they said green coffee is just like green tea. So for those with lighter hair that want to keep it that way, go for that option. I have really dark hair, so I know it's not going to do anything to mine.
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y'all still didn't answer me: does tea or coffee alter hair color? i know ppl put coffee grounds in henna to alter i'm asking. i drink coffee every morning without fail and i always have left over. i'd use it for my hair if it won't turn my hair some funny shade or make it smelly.

plus i imagine after reading the study that the caffeine was left on and not washed or rinsed off and placed at the root not the hair shaft so i'm still leaning toward crushed pills but not in a paste but more like a liquid or gel. ummm like crushing them, mixing with enough water to liquify them and then mix with aloe vera gel and apply to the scalp not the hair all over.

this is just me speaking thoughts out loud. i wish some of the LHCF chemists would come in here and comment.

Active Ingredients: Each caplet contains: Caffeine (200 mg)

Inactive Ingredients: Benzoic Acid, Corn Starch, FD&C Blue 1, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Mineral Oil, Polysorbate 20, Povidone, Propylene Glycol, Simethicone Emulsion, Sorbitan Monolaurate, Stearic Acid, Sucrose, Titanium Dioxide

:thankyou: for that.

Bugger. *sigh* I won't be using the No-Doz, then - there's way too much other gunk in it. Bugger.

I wonder if I could find a pure caffeine extract....

This webpage had a good comparison of various products and their relative levels of caffeine....

The reason I'm personally focusing more so on trying to find a 'straight' source of caffeine is so that I can be more precise about the amount of caffeine I'm using.......the age of any herbs contributes to the amount of caffeine in them, and it seems like it would be more controlled to use pure caffeine, in some form. :lol:

I did stumble across instructions on how to actually distill caffeine from tea with some chemicals and a couple of tubes and flasks, but that might be going a bit far.

If I can't find a good source of caffiene, I might try using some type of tea - it's a shame I hate the smell of Liptons. :lol:
:thankyou: for that.

Bugger. *sigh* I won't be using the No-Doz, then - there's way too much other gunk in it. Bugger.

I wonder if I could find a pure caffeine extract....

This webpage had a good comparison of various products and their relative levels of caffeine....

The reason I'm personally focusing more so on trying to find a 'straight' source of caffeine is so that I can be more precise about the amount of caffeine I'm using.......the age of any herbs contributes to the amount of caffeine in them, and it seems like it would be more controlled to use pure caffeine, in some form. :lol:

I did stumble across instructions on how to actually distill caffeine from tea with some chemicals and a couple of tubes and flasks, but that might be going a bit far.

If I can't find a good source of caffiene, I might try using some type of tea - it's a shame I hate the smell of Liptons. :lol:

Coffee seems to be the best bet. I don't know if you saw what nuggetrock wrote above (she's a pharmacist), and advises you staying away from pill forms. Make sure you check that out before going on your quest so you'll be well informed as to whether you want to try the pill combination, or not! Good luck to us all! I hope to hear reports people!!!!!