Coffee for Hair Growth!

Caffeine could be a new and effective hair loss treatment according to a new study published in the International Journal of Dermatology.

The study found that caffeine works by blocking the effects of a DHT, the hormone that causes Male Pattern Baldness and damages the hair follicles. The scientists discovered that caffeine stimulates the growth of human hair when tested on hair follicles in the lab.

Dr Fischer, who conducted the trial, took scalp biopsies from 14 men in the early stages of hair loss. He extracted the hair follicles and then placed them in test tubes with solutions containing different levels of caffeine.

The samples were left in the laboratory for up to eight days to monitor growth. At the end of the experiment, caffeine had boosted the length of the hairs by between 33 per cent and 40 per cent. In contrast, other test tubes containing hair follicles mixed with testosterone showed that they grew much more slowly.

”Hair follicles that were treated with caffeine showed a highly significant growth rate at 24 hours, and still showed further significant growth at eight days,” said Dr Fischer.

This finding could lead to new treatments for male pattern hair loss (MPB) but unfortunately it will require buying and using a new topical product containing caffeine rather than simply drinking endless cups of steaming cappuccinos every day.

very similar to little brownied's finding on the first page that say

It doesn't say could increase, it says does. Now if that's for men who are bald, who have time GROWING hair. Imagine how fast it could increase hair follicles that are already growing hair!:spinning::yep:
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Note the articles said "different levels of caffeine". I'm thinking if I steep my tea longer, the caffeine will be stronger. I mayb be wrong but I'm going to try for it. I'll do research on that.
Caffeine could be a new and effective hair loss treatment according to a new study published in the International Journal of Dermatology.

The study found that caffeine works by blocking the effects of a DHT, the hormone that causes Male Pattern Baldness and damages the hair follicles. The scientists discovered that caffeine stimulates the growth of human hair when tested on hair follicles in the lab.

Dr Fischer, who conducted the trial, took scalp biopsies from 14 men in the early stages of hair loss. He extracted the hair follicles and then placed them in test tubes with solutions containing different levels of caffeine.

The samples were left in the laboratory for up to eight days to monitor growth. At the end of the experiment, caffeine had boosted the length of the hairs by between 33 per cent and 40 per cent. In contrast, other test tubes containing hair follicles mixed with testosterone showed that they grew much more slowly.

”Hair follicles that were treated with caffeine showed a highly significant growth rate at 24 hours, and still showed further significant growth at eight days,” said Dr Fischer.

This finding could lead to new treatments for male pattern hair loss (MPB) but unfortunately it will require buying and using a new topical product containing caffeine rather than simply drinking endless cups of steaming cappuccinos every day.

very similar to little brownied's finding on the first page that say

It doesn't say could increase, it says does. Now if that's for men who are bald, who have time GROWING hair. Imagine how fast it could increase hair follicles that are already growing hair!:spinning::yep:

You down for it? Man Caffeine and mega tek. Lawd. This should be good.
so uhhhh why don't i just crush up no-doz and mix with my shampoo or DC? i'm serious. no-doz is just caffeine, so..... LHCF chemists, help me plz.....

so uhhhh why don't i just crush up no-doz and mix with my shampoo or DC? i'm serious. no-doz is just caffeine, so..... LHCF chemists, help me plz.....



If I do this, I'll use No-Doz. :yep: Easy to measure, and should be easy to grind up and dissolve into a paste. I'd mix it with my DC's, and be done with it. :lol:

I'mma keep the good grounds for internal use, thank you verrah much. :lol:
so uhhhh why don't i just crush up no-doz and mix with my shampoo or DC? i'm serious. no-doz is just caffeine, so..... LHCF chemists, help me plz.....


Until we know how it affects us sleep wise. Lets do this during the day. Not before we go to sleep. Im going to do more research. I will start on Sunday.
Wow. No Doz people keep me informed. I'll just stick with my tea.It seems to me that the paste may be too thick. Only coffee has been used, and coffee is watery like tea, making it easily absorbed into the follicles. I don't know how a paste would work being as it's not caffeine's stimulation that seems to be doing the work, as you'll read below from this article. IDK let me know how it goes No Doz people. Also I wanted to show you all just one more thing.

You have to have a pdf to open this but I'll just type the interesting part. It's what justkiya (I think it was you...) asked about circulation. This is what it says of their study of caffeine on growth:

"These results showed that in addition to the generally expected effect of improving circulation, caffeine had other effects that had been previously overlooked...The study results revealed that a distinctive increase in Follicle growth, amounting to up to 46% in individual batches was achieved with caffeine. The stimulating effect of caffeine on blood circulation was not relevant in the hair organ culture model, since the HOCM operates independently of the vascular system. For this reason, any stimulating effects of caffeine observed in the model must be due to caffeine acting directly on THE METABOLISM of the hair root."

It then goes on to state the roots "exhibied a 37 percent longer life time in comparison with the control" or group not treated.

Okay so how many are up for a challenge. I know I can count on a few of you right now!
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Also what else is in no doz that you will be absorbing into your body? The others are natural, where no doz is engineered in a lab. I realize some man made stuff is good, but who knows about putting something with other chemicals to be absorbed through your skin! Might want to think about that before using no doz as your source of caffeine.
Also what else is in no doz that you will be absorbing into your body? The others are natural, where no doz is engineered in a lab. I realize some man made stuff is good, but who knows about putting something with other chemicals to be absorbed through your skin! Might want to think about that before using no doz as your source of caffeine.

and that's why i made my post with "I" instead of suggesting people try no-doz and i asked for assistance....because i do not know what will happen using a crushed up caffeine pill regardless of the brand vs. that liquid vs. brewed coffee or brewed tea. i am not a chemist or doctor or are 100% correct.
Wow. No Doz people keep me informed. I'll just stick with my tea.It seems to me that the paste may be too thick. Only coffee has been used, and coffee is watery like tea, making it easily absorbed into the follicles. I don't know how a paste would work being as it's not caffeine's stimulation that seems to be doing the work, as you'll read below from this article. IDK let me know how it goes No Doz people. Also I wanted to show you all just one more thing.

You have to have a pdf to open this but I'll just type the interesting part. It's what justkiya (I think it was you...) asked about circulation. This is what it says of their study of caffeine on growth:

"These results showed that in addition to the generally expected effect of improving circulation, caffeine had other effects that had been previously overlooked...The study results revealed that a distinctive increase in Follicle growth, amounting to up to 46% in individual batches was achieved with caffeine. The stimulating effect of caffeine on blood circulation was not relevant in the hair organ culture model, since the HOCM operates independently of the vascular system. For this reason, any stimulating effects of caffeine observed in the model must be due to caffeine acting directly on THE METABOLISM of the hair root."

It then goes on to state the roots "exhibied a 37 percent longer life time in comparison with the control" or group not treated.

Okay so how many are up for a challenge. I know I can count on a few of you right now!

I'm down!

Ladies, let's go! Caffeine for hair growth and health!
Why would it have to be coffee? It says Caffeine, not coffee. So you could just use a tea with caffeine rinse on hair, couldn't you?
no-doz's active ingredient is caffeine and the study did not say how many mg of caffeine either. that sure would help. i'd try a caffeine pill ground up b4 i'd try Alpecin.
and that's why i made my post with "I" instead of suggesting people try no-doz and i asked for assistance....because i do not know what will happen using a crushed up caffeine pill regardless of the brand vs. that liquid vs. brewed coffee or brewed tea. i am not a chemist or doctor or are 100% correct.
Gotcha! I'm not trying to make you defensive or anything. It just occured to me about the other stuff in the pills, and I thought I should write it out, in case you guys hadn't considered it. I'm hoping no one is getting defensive because I'm a libra, and I'm so "typical" of libras in the way that I just look at both sides of things. I don't believe in all the astrological stuff but that's one that is consistent with my personality. Cool, you already have. I'm definitely not a chemist too, I just thought abut the whole skin absorbtion thing. So anyways let me know how it goes! I'm rooting for all of us reaching out goals.
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I am erasing this one, I was leading you guys to Arizona tea's new flavor that has 200 mg and it's natural, but it has sugar in it, and that has been known to impede hair growth. So I'm scratching that idea. Off to research teas with higher potency!
Okay, I'm a research hound. So anyways, I know you guys may be tired of information, but I want to know as much as possible. I looked on wikepedia and found this"tea contains more caffeine than coffee" As caffeine is what the study is based on, you guys may want to think about that. Also it says no matter what, the amount of caffeine depends on how strong the brew is. Which makes sense. So you should have super strong coffee or tea.
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Okay, I'm a research hound. So anyways, I know you guys may be tired of information, but I want to know as much as possible. I looked on wikepedia and found this"tea contains more caffeine than coffee" As caffeine is what the study is based on, you guys may want to think about that. Also it says no matter what, the amount of caffeine depends on how strong the brew is. Which makes sense. So you should have super strong coffee or tea. So I'm going to throw in like four tea bags of lipton which will contain 55 grams each of caffeine (looked at the back of the tea bag), for a total close to no doz, and just 8-12 ounces of water (enough to rinse my hair, so it will contain all the caffeine in it of 220 grams!

Which explains the tea rinses. I wonder if Hibiscus tea would help. Hibiscus leaves has moisturizing properties. Its used in ayuverda.
I know someone said tea changes hair color. I've done a nettle tea rinse and I didn't see a change in color, but my hair is dark brownish black. Hope someone knows the answer to that. Also, I found this on Alpecin's site (they make a caffeine shampoo) Leaving the product on for a longer period of time also boosts caffeine absorption in the scalp. A study by the Charité university clinic in Berlin has shown that absorption of the active ingredient increases for a period of up to 30 minutes that the product is left on the scalp. After that, penetration via the skin surrounding the follicles has increased to such an extent that additional caffeine availability is ensured for up to about eight hours. If you leave the product on the scalp for longer than 2 minutes, you should check your scalp type and scalp condition. Depending on your scalp's sensitivity, leaving the product on excessively long can result in temporary redness.

Just so we know we can leave it on longer, but we need to check scalps and if we have sensitive scalps, less time is necessary like 2 minutes.
luckiest, you funny! LOL

so, does coffee or tea affect hair color? i'm asking 'cause i don't know.

what about this product?

Caffeine Anhydrous 200mg (ACTIVE) Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate (vegetable), Gelatin (capsule).
Wow just caffeine basically which seems like it is in the same vein with coffees and teas. I don't know how it will absorb as a paste, let me know! I know the coffee seeps into the folicles (it's practically absorbed like water would be or a oil like coconut), not sure about ground up products made into pastes. Hopefully a science major, or chemist can answer this one as I'm not sure.
I'm gonna start doing either coffee or tea rinses. I actually wanted to do these a long time ago, for a deeper color, now Im'a just do it
wait, I gotta find a way to do this though cause coffee/tea will end up staining my bathtub over time

pour it over my head in the stainless steel sink then after letting it sit for a few, make sure is very squeezed out ........I dont know, I cant rinse my whole head in the sink, but for this I shall try :grin:
y'all still didn't answer me: does tea or coffee alter hair color? i know ppl put coffee grounds in henna to alter i'm asking. i drink coffee every morning without fail and i always have left over. i'd use it for my hair if it won't turn my hair some funny shade or make it smelly.

plus i imagine after reading the study that the caffeine was left on and not washed or rinsed off and placed at the root not the hair shaft so i'm still leaning toward crushed pills but not in a paste but more like a liquid or gel. ummm like crushing them, mixing with enough water to liquify them and then mix with aloe vera gel and apply to the scalp not the hair all over.

this is just me speaking thoughts out loud. i wish some of the LHCF chemists would come in here and comment.
I know that I use to put used coffee grounds in a plant that I had at the office and that plant started growing uncontrobally(sp?)........
y'all still didn't answer me: does tea or coffee alter hair color? i know ppl put coffee grounds in henna to alter i'm asking. i drink coffee every morning without fail and i always have left over. i'd use it for my hair if it won't turn my hair some funny shade or make it smelly.

plus i imagine after reading the study that the caffeine was left on and not washed or rinsed off and placed at the root not the hair shaft so i'm still leaning toward crushed pills but not in a paste but more like a liquid or gel. ummm like crushing them, mixing with enough water to liquify them and then mix with aloe vera gel and apply to the scalp not the hair all over.

this is just me speaking thoughts out loud. i wish some of the LHCF chemists would come in here and comment.
People have been known to use it as a color rinse, that and tea (koolaide too LOL), Ive heard about that for a long time around the hair boards. I always did want to try it but never did though:yep: