Coconut water as a hair spritz?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone tried using pure / unsweetened coconut water as a hair spray or diluted with water? I like to use aloe Vera juice with water in my spray bottle while styling my hair. Curious to know if anyone has tried something similar with coconut water? If so, did you like it?
This is interesting. I've never even thought about it... coconut water is more expensive than aloe vera juice per oz, isn't it?
I tried it and forgot to update this thread. I’m not sure about the per oz price comparison, but a box/can of single serve coconut water is around .99c at my grocery store. you definitely wouldn’t need the whole can and the shelf life is very short (use within 1 to 2 days, or freeze what you can’t use I guess)

I mixed it up with AVJ and water and used it as my spray along with leave in for my last rollerset. The results were okay, a little stiff (almost like a gel cast) but as soon as I started separating my hair the cast went away and my hair was very soft. the ratio I used was 1/3 water 1/3 AVJ and 1/3 coconut water. I was worried my hair would come out sticky since coconut water is slightly sweet but it wasn’t sticky at all.

I’m on the fence on whether or not this is something I’d like to continue with though. I’d have to try a few more times to determine if it’s actually doing any more for my hair than AVJ already does.

@apple_natural @VictoriousBrownFlower

Edit — now that I’m thinking about it... I wonder if the sugars in the coconut water were causing the cast/ hold? I don’t normally get a cast with my rollersets because I don’t use any holding products. But this set came out like I had used a properly diluted lottabody mix.
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