Coconut milk mask

Damaged but not out

Well-Known Member
So i just finished an overnight henna. Rinsed and co-washed. Bt i had to go somewhere so i just blot-dried my hair, left it nekkid and wrapped it up in a scarf
like this .

Now its 5 hours later and i'm ready to deep condition, as a final "rinse". In my henna mix i had an ayurvedic "powder" mix and chamomile, so my hair is just full of stems and leaves that need to be gone.

My experiment today is 2 things that i have wanted to try for awhile. So i'm going to combine them

1. Coconut milk, aloe juice(im using gel) and wheat germ oil ( Scalp cleanser)
2 Coconut milk and molasses ( hair mask)
3. I bought some slippery elm today so thats going in too.

I have NL hair so im using

1/3 can coconut milk
1/4 cup molasses
1/4 cup aloe gel( the meat of the plant)
1tsp of wheat germ oil
1tbsp olive oil
1tbsp slippery elm
1tbsp burdock root

wish me luck
Do tell the results later:yep:. I have been thinking of trying henna but have heard a lot that concerns me about hair being dried out after the process. Hope your results are fab!
Do tell the results later:yep:.

^^ITA. BTW the drying can get REALLY bad i think dependingon what is added to the Henna. The henna itself ( i think) would have a milder drying outcome than say adding lemon juice, acv, etc. But it's not that hard to fight off the drying if you knw what moist con. your hair likes.
So in a water bath i added the slippery elm, burdock and coconut milk. let that heat up.
Then i mixed everything together, except half the aloe. The left out aloe i mixed with 7 drops if peppermint and massaged that into my scalp first. Then i applied the mask.


Ok then i steamed with a hot towel, until it cooled, rinsed, co washed.


I liked it, next time im going to combine my cooked and blended seamoss. Cuz it can only get better. I might also add a bit more olive oil, not the aloe, but do the aloe/peppermint rub