Co-worker's Comment - Vent


New Member
After about 11.5 weeks of stretching my relaxer, I got a touch-up last week. My co-worker is obsessed with having straight hair. She usually gets a touch-up every four weeks and this time it was 3.5 weeks. When she saw my touch-up, she said that she was glad to see the "n_gg_er naps" gone. First of all, although it was a bit tough to deal with the new growth and the relaxed portion of my hair, I liked when I had the new growth. It made my hair look fuller. Second, I resent her comment. This was the hair that I was born with and I like it. I found her comment highly offensive. Despite her comments, I am going to stretch my relaxer again.
Had it of been me, I would have stepped to the sister and enlightened her. It kills me when black people make these stupid comments.

I had a similar vent with a white lady. She dates this black guy who is a coach. I guess it was his black family members that showed up to the game one day. She told the little girl did you get your hair did. It looks straighter as if to say straighter was better. I gave her one of those you are stupid looks. I never heard her saying slang like ooh you got your hair did. I found it so annoying.
byrdmail said:
After about 11.5 weeks of stretching my relaxer, I got a touch-up last week. My co-worker is obsessed with having straight hair. She usually gets a touch-up every four weeks and this time it was 3.5 weeks. When she saw my touch-up, she said that she was glad to see the "n_gg_er naps" gone. First of all, although it was a bit tough to deal with the new growth and the relaxed portion of my hair, I liked when I had the new growth. It made my hair look fuller. Second, I resent her comment. This was the hair that I was born with and I like it. I found her comment highly offensive. Despite her comments, I am going to stretch my relaxer again.

What a stupid women! At the rate she's going, SHE won't have any hair at all, perming it every 4 weeks!
This stoopid comment sorta reminds me what my stepbrothers used to say to me about my hair all time.

"your hair is so nappy
who is your pappy?
Lord yous an ugly child!"

I was teased just about every day by these people.

Stoopid ignorant fools!
I am suprised she still has hair. When she relaxes she barely has any new growth. For the most part, it looks good all the time but I can see a little breakage in the front.
:eek: i cant believe she said that. i think i would have turned beet red and let her know that excuse me, but she was born with those same naps, and covering them up every few weeks don't make her less of a N :mad:
What an ignorant ass comment. Tell her if she wants to hate herself, then fine. But you love yourself and the way God made you.
Well I'm not suprised.
This is America and it is full of colonized negroes.
The best we can do is lead by example.
CarLiTa said:
:eek: i cant believe she said that. i think i would have turned beet red and let her know that excuse me, but she was born with those same naps, and covering them up every few weeks don't make her less of a N :mad:
:lachen: Girl you are crazy...

I agree w/ CatSuga...just because there are people who are obsessed with having straight hair 24/7 doesn't give her the right to make unnecessary comments to you. I woulda said something to her to...nothing confrontational, but just enough so that 1) she knew I wasn't as ignorant as she is and 2) she knew I did not give a rat's behind what she thought and that it would behoove her to keep all of her comments, concerns, and criticisms to herself
It's unfortunate. It's sad. But. . .it's real. That's the thinking that still prevails among many of our brethren and sistren.

Friday, one of my students told me that he wished he was light-skinned. Flat out, "I wish I was lighter. I wanna be light-skinned." Beautiful boy, eighth-grader. Will be chocolate and handsome when he's older.

I asked him if he believed in God. When he affirmed yes. I asked him if he believed in the wisdom and perfection of God's creations. When he affirmed yes, I asked him why he didn't believe in what was created in him.

I think you should have a similar convo with your co-worker. She's spreading poison and you should see if you can STOP it. The only cure for ignorance is knowledge. GENTLY delivered knowledge.

Can you imagine what she was saying to family and friends if she said THAT to your face?

"Girl, there's this woman at the job who ain't got enough sense to straighten them dayum ***** naps!! It's embarrassing!! I wanna tell her to perm that ish so bad!"
