Co Washing Vs Weekly Regimen


Well-Known Member
I just recently started Co washing and now I'm washing my hair every few days. Do you ladies still wash with shampoo on wash days or still use clarifiers if you co wash during the week? I feel like I'm cleaning my hair so often now that I really don't need the heavy duty chelating or clarifying on weekends. How often do you co wash? I thought co washing was meant to be done between our weekend regimen.... What say you? And yes, I'm using the shea moisture ( cleaning) co wash..
I cowash daily and use a clarifying shampoo once a week (Desert Essence Lemon Tree Shampoo) before protein treatment/moisturizing treatment DC.

To ensure my hair doesn't get stripped while shampooing, I'm not overly manipulating my hair and my scalp gets clean, I section my hair in loose twists, apply the shampoo to an extra-soft toothbrush used only for this purpose to cleanse my scalp and gently brush my scalp. When rinsing, the run-off from the shampoo cleans my hair but since it's in sections, this prevents tangles. I apply my Hairveda Moisture 24/7 to each section after rinsing, let it sit, detangle with my wooden bristle brush and viola!: MAGIC! My scalp and hair are clean and fresh and ready for my DCs to penetrate my strands.

I hope this helps answer your question!
I don't really have a set routine but I'd say between 2-3 weeks is when I pull out my shampoo
Sometimes cowashes are 2 days apart sometimes 4 or 7 days. I really just do whatever lol I need a permanent routine
I co-wash like 3-4 times a week and shampoo once a week. I co-wash mainly because I just like the feeling lol and I also feel like it helps my hair to stay moisturized. I use the shampoo to cleanse my scalp and strands because I do tend to use a lot of product during the week and I use regular conditioners as leave-ins.
Clarifying poos don't really contain any special ingredients, any shampoo that doesn't contain moisturizing ingredients can be labeled as "clarifying" or "deep cleansers." And chelating poos should normally be used for hard water issues. They contain an ingredient that binds to minerals and removes them, but if you just want to clean your hair from products and buildup, a chelating poo is unnecessary.

I think cowashing can be harmful and is too overused/overdone, I don't understand why we all insist on it (lol, sorry!) but definitely do keep washing with a regular shampoo, especially if you're cowashing regularly. The frequency is up to you but definitely keep shampoo in your reggie.
Clarifying poos don't really contain any special ingredients, any shampoo that doesn't contain moisturizing ingredients can be labeled as "clarifying" or "deep cleansers." And chelating poos should normally be used for hard water issues. They contain an ingredient that binds to minerals and removes them, but if you just want to clean your hair from products and buildup, a chelating poo is unnecessary.

I think cowashing can be harmful and is too overused/overdone, I don't understand why we all insist on it (lol, sorry!) but definitely do keep washing with a regular shampoo, especially if you're cowashing regularly. The frequency is up to you but definitely keep shampoo in your reggie.
I was thinking the same thing as far as co washing. I wondered if we really need it. I like the idea of running clean fresh water thru my hair when I'm in the shower, but to actually use product everytime is a little much in my opinion. Chelating or clarifying once a week should be enough since I have hard water.. But then, I don't know that's why I'm here. You all have given great answers... I like the array of different answers. It won't be hard to decide what's best for me.... Thank you
Clarifying poos don't really contain any special ingredients, any shampoo that doesn't contain moisturizing ingredients can be labeled as "clarifying" or "deep cleansers." And chelating poos should normally be used for hard water issues. They contain an ingredient that binds to minerals and removes them, but if you just want to clean your hair from products and buildup, a chelating poo is unnecessary.

I think cowashing can be harmful and is too overused/overdone, I don't understand why we all insist on it (lol, sorry!) but definitely do keep washing with a regular shampoo, especially if you're cowashing regularly. The frequency is up to you but definitely keep shampoo in your reggie.

I think you mean harmful to your hair
I co-wash once a week, I've never co-washed more than that and my hair and scalp are fine. I use shampoo once a month to every 6 weeks when I do any type of protein treatment.
I think cowashing can be harmful and is too overused/overdone, I don't understand why we all insist on it (lol, sorry!) but definitely do keep washing with a regular shampoo, especially if you're cowashing regularly. The frequency is up to you but definitely keep shampoo in your reggie.

If anything, my hair seems to be more moisturized and retains more length when I co-wash 3-4 times a week as opposed to only once a week (or less often). But, I can see how frequent co-washing could potentially cause breakage and tangling if you're detangling with a comb each time or are not gentle while handling your strands. I only use a comb to detangle once a week. Any other time I co-wash, I finger comb and haven't had any issues. Different methods work for different heads of hair, I guess!
I think I'm going to start co washing with my weekly regimen once a week and never use shampoo again unless I'm chelating. I tell you my hair was so clean and my curls were tight as hell after I co washed with shea moisture co wash conditioning cleanser... Never liked shea moisture products but it was the only one I could find where I live right now..YT town... As I am line is in Sallys though. Was it the shea moisture or does co washing really get hair extremely clean and dry feeling?
I am considering a return to cowashing once it gets warm and stays warm. I will only do a clay or other cleanse once a week though for fear of drying my hair out, and it just takes to long to be doing with work in the morning.
I have stopped with the shampoo for the most part, I tend to clay wash instead and I do that about once a week.
As for mid week washes I have become ultra lazy and discovered water rinsing . I tend to do it after I work out and all I do is rinse my hair, then add a little watered down conditioner and gel. Before I tried this I would have thought my hair would be super dry but so far it is just the opposite.
I have stopped with the shampoo for the most part, I tend to clay wash instead and I do that about once a week.
As for mid week washes I have become ultra lazy and discovered water rinsing . I tend to do it after I work out and all I do is rinse my hair, then add a little watered down conditioner and gel. Before I tried this I would have thought my hair would be super dry but so far it is just the opposite.
Same here. I put my head under the shower water while I shower for work and it feels great. We all know that water is the best moisturizer so once I'm out and dried.... I add moisturizer and off to work I go... But the actual co washing conditioner is a no go for me.
Same here. I put my head under the shower water while I shower for work and it feels great. We all know that water is the best moisturizer so once I'm out and dried.... I add moisturizer and off to work I go... But the actual co washing conditioner is a no go for me.

I just love it when less is more :-)
You know the co-washing shampoo like the wen and all that feels great one wash one but it will make my hair so brittle by the 3rd wash. I wonder if it is a ph thing.
I just love it when less is more :-)
You know the co-washing shampoo like the wen and all that feels great one wash one but it will make my hair so brittle by the 3rd wash. I wonder if it is a ph thing.
I felt the same way with the shea moisture cowash. It made my hair feel so clean and crispy dry. I'd rather just use regular conditioner during the week instead of something that cleans the hair. It could be the PH but I don't know. What I do know, is my hair doesn't need all that cleaning during the week because I deep clean my hair on the weekends...