Co-Washing Relaxed Hair


Well-Known Member
Relaxed ladies, how often do you co-wash? Do you co-wash right after you get a relaxer? Do you find co-washing helpful when you are stretching? If so, why?

TIA to all who participate
I cowash b/t 2-7 days per week. It depends on what else I have going on. I start cowashing the day after a relaxer. It keeps my new growth soft and manageable.
Paging Nix08.....

I cowash around 4x a week. It helps to keep all of my hair moisturized and I also like the body my hair has. I use Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship, Touchably Smooth, and Hydrolicious. Garnier Triple Moisture is also in rotation.

Cowashing is a must when I stretch. I've decided to cowash with WEN Fig once I hit 13 weeks post because is softens my newgrowth like no other.
I'm relaxed and I love cowashing! I think I'm addicted to it. I'm trying to cut down but I'll wash 5-6 days a week.
I wash with neutralizing shampoo the day after I relax, but after that I'm back to cowashing.
My absolute fav conditioner is Aussie Moist, especially at 8 weeks post. I also use VO5, Kenra and Organix Coconut. My last cowash is always with Aussie Moist.
I haven't done a poll or anything, but I notice that a lot of the best relaxed heads cowash.
I cowash 2x per week. I dry under a warm dryer. I have a dry scalp and cowashing totally relieved that.

If I need a deeper cleansing, I'll use a Conditioner Cleanser or As I Am's Cleansing Pudding.
Is the As I Am's Cleansing Pudding good?


I really like it for a Deep, Deep Cleanse. (Even deeper than a Cleansing Conditioner). And it doesn't leave my hair stripped or dry.

I've purchased it at least 3 times, so (in my book) that means I like it.:lol:

And I do always follow this up with a R/O conditioner.
I pre poo as my dc then just follow up with my Aussie Moist.

I just leave some conditioner in my hair as my moisturizer. It seems like moisturizer doesn't take if my hair is wet and by the time my hair fully dries, if it fully dries, I'm cowashing it again.
How do you ladies moisturize with daily cowashing?
I cowash anywhere from 2-5x a week and air dry each time in a bun or flexirod set. I dont dc on cowash days. I seal with grapeseed oil after a co-wash and the next day my hair is soft.

Next morning if some areas are dry I spritz with rosewater and lightly seal with spray oil.
Loving the advice. :bighug: I'm relaxed and I don't co-wash at all. *Please don't slap me* :hardslap:
That's only because I'm newly relaxed and didn't know where to start. I wore a weave for 2 years and my hair has grown to bsl but now I've relaxed (2 weeks ago) it I'm browsing the site to work out what the hell I'm supposed to do now??

I washed recently and tried to air dry, but I felt like my hair was frizzy once dried and I really missed heat to get the slick look that I get with my new daily bun.

Any help on how you air driers get your relaxed hair straight again?
Ms. Tiki , sunnieb , Babygrowth , BadMamaJama

And how long do you spend co-washing? I can't imagine finding 4 - 7 evenings a week for such a routine. So there must be something I'm missing. I need to get it together, I don't want my new hair to break off.:perplexed
Monaleezza Cowashing only takes 10-15 mins in the shower unless you prepoo or DC. I don't go for straight hair. I'm texlaxed so that will not happen without heat. If I need my edges straight I tie a scarf around it. I know a few ladies do roller set to get their hair smooth
Thanks for that. ok, 10-15 mins I can do. I'm fighting applying heat... but it means I'm sacrificing cowashing! Not good.

OOoo more Qs:
Do you ladies wash in plaits to prevent shedding?
When you do, do you undo the plaits to rinse?
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hey sunnieb:wave:
Daily cowasher here:yep:
I often will apply tea and conditioner before I cowash while I'm making dinner or doing other duties around the house 30minutes to 2 hours.
Cowashing likely takes an additional 2 minutes to my shower if that because I would spend a good 10 minutes just standing there anyway:look:
I also include an oil rinse/tea rinse/and aloe vera juice rinse during my cowash BUT again it really takes moments. (My overall shower time takes about 20 minutes and that's as long as it's always been pre cowash).
I air dry with my hair hanging straight down and run my fingers through it periodically - this takes about 2 hours to dry. I do 2-4 bantu's a simple bun or 2 strand twists overnight and have waves for a down style or simply put it up in a bun in the AM.

I don't do plaits when I cowash...I keep my hair in one direction during styling, washing, air drying straight down.

Someone asked about straight styles...I don't really do straight styles anymore but I use a sock like satin cap when I want a straight style.
@Monaleezza Cowashing only takes 10-15 mins in the shower unless you prepoo or DC. I don't go for straight hair. I'm texlaxed so that will not happen without heat. If I need my edges straight I tie a scarf around it. I know a few ladies do roller set to get their hair smooth

Same for me!
I've tried cowashing but I can't. My hair just feels nasty afterward like its not clean. Plus, I use oil 3 times a week and it gets dirty. Gotta wash
Sparkz1920 The first few times I cowashed I didn't like it either. I think if you want to cowash, you have to find the right conditioner (ones without silicones for me).
I cowash 1x week and deep condition afterward and then air dry. Even when stretching, i still only cowash once a week, it keeps my new growth moist.
In the past, I would only cowash once a week (Wed). But the last two months I have been cowashing 2-3 times a week and bunning. So far my hair seems to like this but of course not much styling going on. But that is not a problem because I'm giving my hair a rest. I rollerset maybe a couple of times during the month. I'm eight weeks post and so far my ng has been acting with some sense. My beady beads has also been behaving. I really can't say it's from all of the cowashing because I have also been using JBCO 3 times week along with adding it in my deep cond once a week. I'm going to cowash tonight since I skipped my Monday prepoo and cowash.
I try to condition wash atleast twice a week,it really helps to keep my hair moisturized.
Relaxed ladies, how often do you co-wash? Do you co-wash right after you get a relaxer? Do you find co-washing helpful when you are stretching? If so, why?

TIA to all who participate

I co-wash every week starting at 8 weeks post relaxer because it's extremely helpful on the stretching. I don't co-wash frequently after a fresh relaxer. I feel I need to shampoo as often because of the chemicals after a fresh relaxer. At least up to 8 weeks.