
New Member
Does this mean you use conditioner as your shampoo? Do you follow with a deep conditioner? Does any of this leave build up on the hair? What are the benefits of doing this? Sorry for so many questions.
Does this mean you use conditioner as your shampoo?
Yup, that's right

Do you follow with a deep conditioner?

No, it's not nessary. The conditioner has "cleansers" that are much gentler then shampoo and get the job done better then shampoo, at least in my opinion.

Does any of this leave build up on the hair?

Depending on the type of conditioners you use it can. Conditioners that have lots of "cones" can eventually cause build up. So in some cases, some will use a moisturizing clarifing shampoo to get rid of that build up once or twice a month, and go back to the "no poo" or conditioner routine.

What are the benefits of doing this? Sorry for so many questions.

Hey don't apologize, if you don't ask, you won't know.:grin: Many of of "no pooers" are following a modified curly girl routine. You can search this on the net. here's a link to ge4t you started in your learning about this.

I hope this helps you get started!
Does this mean you use conditioner as your shampoo? yes Do you follow with a deep conditioner? no Does any of this leave build up on the hair? yes What are the benefits of doing this? moisture Sorry for so many questions.

Have you tried to do a search on co-washing?? I answered above, but doing a search may help you understand more.
Does this mean you use conditioner as your shampoo? Do you follow with a deep conditioner? Does any of this leave build up on the hair? What are the benefits of doing this? Sorry for so many questions.


you can if you want to but you don't have to. it all depends on your hair.

it can leave a build up depending on what products you use, how often you cowash, and how often you use shampoo or a clarifier.

the benefits vary from person to person

here's a recent thread on it:

You should do a search because that will turn up way more answers. I always search using google. For example, type in: cowash That way it'll only search this site.