co washing only?

2 nites ago i washed my hair with shampoo and the very next day i exercised and sweated and i couldnt just leave it like that so i decided, i cant shampoo AGAIN cuz my hair was already very dry so let me try a co was with V05 moisture milks and NTM mask,, i left the cons in for about 3 mins just working it into the hair and scalp and rinsed very thoroughly and my hair is totally clean and brand new and soft, i was just wondering whether any of u only co wash? Im aware of the Curly Girl routine and how there is a no poo rule and some of the ladies on NC and even some straight haired ladies on LHC rarely use poo. Anyone who does this please holler and let me know how it works esp if u straighten your hair ....?
If you cowash, I don't think you should use the NTM mask. Yeah, tons of people on LHC only cowash and have been doing it for years, but the only way you'll be able to give up shampoo is if you go no-cones. I tried the no-shampoo method in July. I tried it for a whole month, and my hair didn't improve AT ALL. Cheapy conditioners don't do that much for my hair, so cowashing isn't good for me. You can use Elucence MB conditioner, but it's pretty costly for cowashing. Maybe you should just try a moisturizing poo, such as Keracare Hydrating Poo (love it!) or CON green (build-up, though). Anyways, good luck!
I cowash only, and I am strictly cone-free (which causes me to weep on occasion, as SOOO much of the cool stuff has cones in it!), and I love it. I cowash once a week, and wear twists for the rest of the week. I work out everyday, and I JUST rinse my hair well when I get home.

If you want to continue to use the NTM mask and cowash, you will have to use a clarifying conditioner at LEAST once a month (maybe more) to cut through the buildup. My personal favorite clarifying conditioner is whatever cheapie conditioner is already open, with about 1/2-3/4 a teaspoon of baking soda added to just the conditioner I'm putting in my hair.

Also - with cowashing, you can't just put it in, squish it around, and rinse like you do with shampoo. I've found that leaving it in for at LEAST 15-20 minutes is needed. I usually just mix up my conditioner & honey (and baking soda if I'm clarifying) put it in my wet hair, slap a shower cap on top, and clean the bathroom. By the time I'm done, it's time to rinse out my hair.

If you want to try cowashing, you rally should clarifiy before you start to insure that you are getting the optimal results.

Good luck!
I cowash every day, too. I don't use any products with cones in them, though. I use shampoo only if I need to clarify for some reason. Lately I have been having great success with citric acid, which is in my favorite conditioner from overseas. When I can't get that particular conditioner, I use a teaspoon of citric acid in a conditioner/water mix, something I learned from someone on another board. I think it works so well for me because I have HARD water with an iron content in it and citric acid gets rid of some of that. I would call this a clarifying conditioner, except it never leaves my hair dry, rather soft and tangle free. YMMV, though. Not everyone has success with that. For me, I think I might not have to use shampoo again, unless I put some cones in my hair by accident or something. :eek:

Sorry, I don't straighten my hair so I can't speak on that.
ohhk,, ive noticed that all co washers are very wary about cones,, so that means id have to give up NTM,, i believe the V05 moisture milks has no cones,, im really gonna have to give ths some consideration , but thanx for your input;)