Co-Washing a day before a relaxer


New Member
Hello All,

I have a question. I am due to get a relaxer tommorow, but I know I am going to sweat it out at the gym tonight. I was thinking about co-washing later on this evening. Is this ok to do this one day before a relaxer?
Washing your hair (co-wash or otherwise) the day before relaxer day is a big no-no in my books...Why does your hair/scalp have to be clean for a relaxer anyway?
If you wash your hair your going to open your pores and cause major burning. I know a lot of people don't workout the day before to prevent from sweating and opening their pores. You really shouldn't wash unless it's a week before.
There were some members who would wash/co-wash right up until the day of their relaxer with no problems. Maybe they will chime in. I personally wouldn't do it.
Washing your hair (co-wash or otherwise) the day before relaxer day is a big no-no in my books...Why does your hair/scalp have to be clean for a relaxer anyway?

Hello Alli,

I was just doing a co-wash to soften my new growth. I didn't want my stylist tearing through my hair because of the growth. Not sure if this was right or wrong...
I just got burned from a relaxer on Monday and posted the experience in my blog. I didn't wash my hair right before, but I can tell you that being burned is no fun, and just leaving your hair alone is probrably the safest way to go.
Hello Alli,

I was just doing a co-wash to soften my new growth. I didn't want my stylist tearing through my hair because of the growth. Not sure if this was right or wrong...

Oh okay. After your workout maybe you could gently detangle your new growth with some type of moisturizer, then sleep with your hair in a loose ponytail so it's all going in one direction. I'm still on the don't-wash-it side :nono:
My stylist (uh....I think I posted in here about getting relaxer burns--it's not the same stylist. lol) said that it's okay to wash the day before a relaxer as long as the hair is dry. I want to try cowashing before for the same reason you said, OP, but so far I have been afraid to try it. I've been going to her for years and never experienced a relaxer burn so I guess she knows what she's talking about *question mark?* lol
I have washed 2 days before a relaxer because I had so much gunk in my head and was afraid the relaxer wouldn't "take" if I didn't wash it out. I experienced no burning. But that's just me. What works for me doesn't always work for everyone else.
Washing the hair aggravates the scalp and opens it up so it starts burning quicker and much more intensely. I've done it before and it is a harrowing experience. Relaxer wasn't on a minute before I had to make her wash it out. I wouldn't suggest it.
My scalp must be made of cement! I cowash before every relaxer with no problems.

I do it to loosen my newgrowth and make relaxer application easier.

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As long as you hair is dry before the relaxer you should be fine! If I have a ton of new growth that is hard to manage, i will co wash and blow out the new growth the day before. NO problems so far!
My scalp must be made of cement! I cowash before every relaxer with no problems.

I do it to loosen my newgrowth and make relaxer application easier.

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LOL... i do the same thing.
I wash my hair the day before my relaxer a few other ladies do too. I find it very very beneficial because the new growth is totally soft and the comb just glides through it when applying my relaxer.

I wouldn't do it any other way now.
As long as you hair is dry before the relaxer you should be fine! If I have a ton of new growth that is hard to manage, i will co wash and blow out the new growth the day before. NO problems so far!

Thanks for pointing this out! :grin: My hair is so naturally dry. I can cowash and airdry the night before a relaxer AND go to bed with slightly damp hair and be bone dry the next morning. :yep:

I've never had a relaxer burn in my life and I know all of my relaxers haven't been applied properly! Like I said upthread, my scalp must be made of cement or something. :lol:

Coming to LHCF and reading all of the relaxer horror stories is a real eye-opener for me.
I don't and won't but some do. They do not agitate the scalp when cowashing the day before. Be my luck, I'd burn.
When I was relaxed I used to wash and condition before relaxers all the time if I wanted. I never had any problems with it. It could be a day or 2 before and also those instances in which i would finish washing my hair at 3am go to bed and then wake up at 9am for my hair appt. :nono: :lol:

I wouldnt reccomend it tho, its just my experience
As long as you hair is dry before the relaxer you should be fine!

Careful OP, I hardly think this is the case with everyone. My worst relaxer burn was from washing my hair the day before getting it done. (Didn't know better at the time). It didn't matter that the hair was wet or dry, it was the fact that my scalp had no protection from the chemicals.

My head was oozing all over from the burns afterwards. I'm still surprised I still have hair on my head after that fiasco. :nono:
Definitely a NO in my book. It irritates my scalp.

I won't even workout the week before a relaxer because I have to cowash my hair after a workout or else my scalp itches (which also cause my relaxer to burn).
First I wouldn't for myself. I burn easily. Second maybe why so don't burn is the type of relaxer they use. Lye or No Lye. I use Lye and it is a big no for me. At least 4 days after a wash is the minimum, before I will get my hair relaxed.

Let us know what you did and how the relaxer treatment went for you. Good luck!

Oh I just started flat ironing my roots the night b4 my relaxer which helps with the NG and relaxer application.
As long as you hair is dry before the relaxer you should be fine! If I have a ton of new growth that is hard to manage, i will co wash and blow out the new growth the day before. NO problems so far!

I don't understand this. Why would you blowout the ng? How do you then tell where the line of demarcation is. I do just the opposite. I will wash and rollerset 3 days before my relaxer so that I can really determine the relaxed hair from the ng. I keep my ng moisturized without over moisturizing it with very little manipulation. This way I can clearly see where the relaxed hair is. But to answer the op question, NO! My scalp would be on fire.