Closer to Bra-strap PICS!!


You're not my hair're my hair hero. Your hair is very pretty and healthy looking. Keep up the good work!!!!
Wow, Cleo! That's some hair you have there.
It looks healthy, thick and long - are you sure you're not actually *at* brastrap? Very pretty. Thanks for sharing.

I was thinking the same thing. The picture looks as thought she has already met her hair goal...
Mocha1111 said: are my hair inspiration.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's so sweet! Thank you Mocha1111, see now you have me blushing again
Hi Karly, sorry for the delay. Thanks for the compliment. I use either Beautiful beginnings or Parnevu. I really like both relaxers. I always add about a tablespoon of oil before mixing.
I just read through the rest of the thread, you guys are sooo encouraging. At times I get frustrated with my hair, but with all this positive feedback I guess I'm doing something right. Again, you ladies are the absolute best!!

Nyambura, thanks love! I don't think I'm "technically" at bra-strap yet. Thanks for the lovely compliment though! Maybe if I hike my strap up a tad I can be there now.
...I have about an inch to go.

MissB, you are my girl! Just as sweet as you can be ... Thanks hon! (I'm blushing again) ...we are in this thing together ...

Hairlove, DSD, JenniferMD, I love your heads of hair so I really appreciate the compliment! DSD that is so nice of you to put me on your list
Cleo, how fabulous
girl your hair is banging, so black and be-u-ti-full

Do u ever shed and would do u do when u do? also if u measure from your forehead/hairline down to your ends at back how long is it? - jus curious

nice, verrryy nice
Hi NYCChild! Thanks for the lovely compliment!
Actually I shed ALL the time. I don't really do anything about it except stick to my weekly washing and light protein treatments. Sometimes it's better than others but I shed every day. I also experience breakage from time to time because my hair is awfully fragile.
My strands are pretty fine so I have to comb my hair very gently.

As far as length, I've never measured, but I'm about 1 inch from bra-strap. HTH
Thanks Ayanapooh, Poetess, and MelloYello! (MYello I like your name ..that was my baby neice's nick name)