Clogged scalp pores = myth?


Ms. Nobody
If the skin on the scalp is like the skin on the face and body,(i dont think it is) when it gets clogged shouldnt it get bumpy and possibly get inflamed(acne)?

So with all of the info about certain products and clogging the scalp shouldnt a symptom be scalp acne? If this is not occuring are our scalps really being clogged? If they do get clogged how do we really know?
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I'm not 100% sure if the skin on our scalps is the same as the skin on our bodies. What I notice when my scalp is not being cleansed is there is buildup and or dandruff. Which could eventually lead to some sort of bacterial or fungus.. While dandruff or itchy scalp is not bumps or acne I think it's the same in the sense that it needs to be cleaned cleansers that remove toxins and oils... But what do I know ::grin::
Now that is a great question. Especially since I've avoided mineral oil and petrolatum like the plague lol. I use it maybe once a month in the grease I own but even back when I was using it like a moisturizer I never had acne symptoms on my scalp (now my face? Whole diff subject). Maybe the skin on our scalp sheds differently, like in a way that allows the dead skin to layer itself whereas the skin on our faces maybe...oh idk. I've never seen flakes on my body like I've seen in my head tho

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Because the scalp has numerous sebaceous glands, what develops on the scalp is referred to as sebaceous cysts. These result from clogging of the pores and can be felt more so under the scalp.
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Because the scalp has numerous sebaceous glands what develops on the scalp is referred to sebaceous cysts these result from clogging of the pores and can be felt more so under the scalp.

if this is the case, wouldnt these be directly correlated with products that "clog" the scalp? With all of the years of scalp greasing i never had anything like this. So it makes me wonder if alot of things we say clogs our scalp is really clogging it?
I wouldn't say its a myth, I think its just the way things are generalized and not relayed correctly. If there are 100 people and 10 of them have an issue, is not communicated that this can potentially happen, it is stated as a fact.

So if 10 people out of 100 had issues with a product or ingredient clogging the pores, it will be spread as This ingredient clogs pores not This ingredient could clog your pores.

Usually the information isn' even based on the masses. Its based on the few. But its stated as a given fact for everybody.
Napp, I think it's an individual thing. There are people who will not use Vaseline on their face because it makes them break out or get milia, while others attribute their clear, flawless, youthful skin to using Vaseline on their face. I do think if dirt is trapped under anything on skin anywhere, then germs will flourish and problems will ensue. And anything heavy that can act as a seal can lead to dirt and sebum being trapped, hence clogging.

For all we know, perhaps the reason applying grease to an itchy or dirty scalp used to calm the itching was because it suffocated the microbes by preventing oxygen from getting to them too. :giggle:

Oh boy, I just got a visual a crime scene showing heaps of dead microbes brutally massacred by asphyxiation? :lachen:
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if this is the case, wouldnt these be directly correlated with products that "clog" the scalp? With all of the years of scalp greasing i never had anything like this. So it makes me wonder if alot of things we say clogs our scalp is really clogging it?

Not necessarily. Acne or Sebaceous Cysts (the two are not interchangeable) are usually associated with an overproduction of Sebum, that overproduction plus the introduction of irregular skin shedding is what leads to clogged pores. In my opinion, lots of African Americans may produce less sebum on their scalp, hence the need to wash hair less often and the need to add oils to the the scalp/hair shaft because it seems or appears dry. Because our scalp is covered with hair it is sometimes hard to assess it fully and most sebaceous cysts are painless and although you may have never noticed does not necessarily mean you may have never experienced it. I don't know if I believe that greasing the scalp is clogging the pores because as others have pointed out people can sometimes take a theory and introduce it as fact. I would say that greasing the scalp is covering the pores but that is not enough to cause clogging you also need the epidermal cells along with it in order to actually cause clogging and then possibility of a cyst or acne can occur. If you haven't had trouble with greasing your scalp then what the naysayers say can be considered myth regarding your experiences. What is good for the goose is not always good for the gander. HTH
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