clip-ins and airport security


Well-Known Member
hypothetically speaking :look: ...if a person is wearing clip-ins (specifically the ones from Sally's), can said person go through the airport security w/o being called out? or will they just brush the scanner over your head and let you go?
candy1214 said:
hypothetically speaking :look: ...if a person is wearing clip-ins (specifically the ones from Sally's), can said person go through the airport security w/o being called out? or will they just brush the scanner over your head and let you go?

Hmmm...that's really interesting. LOL...I can just see someone having to take their phony poney out at the gate :lol: .

Bump...anyone know?

If the metal detector goes off they will pull you to the side and hand scan you. You can just tell them that you have clips in your head. They will do a full body scan though. I've been down this road with bobby pins and those cute hair clips.
abenyo said:
If the metal detector goes off they will pull you to the side and hand scan you. You can just tell them that you have clips in your head. They will do a full body scan though. I've been down this road with bobby pins and those cute hair clips.
True, and if they did have to 'go there' and require that you remove it (HIGHLY unlikely), you are more than welcome to do it in the private area :)
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This is good to know cause I'm planning a trip soon, and I haven't flown since before 9-11 so I need to freshen up on some of the new rules.

I didn't have a problem with mine. I went to Disneyworld for Memorial Day. Oh gosh, I'm glad I didn't have any drama, I think I would have been a bit...HORRIFIED, LOL.
That would be so funny if I saw a woman removing her weave at the security checkpoint!

I know the airport security guards can be rude and grumpy, but hopefully they would have more decency than to make a women take her hair off in public.
Nope - clip ins will not set off the metal detectors in the airport.

Metal detectors in the airport do not detect ALL metals -hence why I can walk through that mess with a headful of bobby pins no problem. And why women can go through with various pieces of jewelry on no problem. It depends on the composition of the metal.

That being said, I assume that clip in hair pieces are made of the same stuff as bobby pins, so it shouldn't be a problem. And worst comes to worse, walk through the metal detector, let the sucker beep, and you stand there shrug your shoulders, they'll wand you and you can just say you have bobby pins in your hair. They won't make you take them out.
Monilove122 said:
I didn't have a problem with mine. I went to Disneyworld for Memorial Day. Oh gosh, I'm glad I didn't have any drama, I think I would have been a bit...HORRIFIED, LOL.

OH THANK GOODNESS!! I was worried!! I'll use a metal clip to pin it up and point to that if they ask...LOL!!
yeah i am planning on wearing my wig with sewn-in wig clips to the airport this weekend, and don't want to get str8 played at the checkpoint....