
New Member
My aunt is a pharmacist and she said it makes perfect sense to use mn on hair that isn't growing. She says that if there is a fungus that is causing the growth stunt, then then active ingredient, MN, stops the fungus and helps to resume growth. I tried MN and it worked wonders for me. My hair has never been past shoulder length and now it is almost bsl!!!! so i don't know if i had a fungus but all i know is the stuff works.
A pharmacist told me the same thing last year. Despite this, I haven't used MN for awhile. Too lazy.
It worked for me! I got a growth spurt about a week after I started using it. the effectiveness seems to have died down now, but I'm sure I had fungus (or something!) up there, I've had scalp problems forever. Just never went to see a dermatologist. :look:
Are you ladies using this alone ? or adding it to something else before applying it to your scalp? I thought I read something about MN causing headaches for some ladies.
I never knew there was a "myth" about it not working. Some people just don't want to use it on their hair cause it is associated with the 'V" area. Alot of people have used it with much success.
this has been the best growth aid for me by far, but it can get a little pricey.
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I think I got a growth spurt from this stuff a while back. I mixed it with my moegrow oil(don't ask if I've seen growth from this oil as I hardly use it). I bought my mn from dollar tree but they don't have anymore for me to experiment and I refuse to pay $10 plus for a box of mn. Are any of you Bronx ladies buying out the MN from the dollar tree in Bayplaza? Anyhoo, I see they have some antifungal stuff with 1% MN so I'll try that. I really think I have a fungas up there. I get some bad itchies. I'll try to be consistent and see how it works.
I never knew there was a "myth" about it not working. Some people just don't want to use it on their hair cause it is associated with the 'V" area. Alot of people have used it with much success.

I personally don't like to self diagnose and medicate. So if I do have a fungus on my scalp that's hindering growth, I'd rather go see a dermatologist to make sure I'm taking care of the problem properly and not accidently creating more issues.
Instead of using all those chemicals contained in the MN you could just use coconut oil. Coconut oil is anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial. People use it all the time for internal/topical fungal issues. This has to be better for you than the MN.
I personally don't like to self diagnose and medicate. So if I do have a fungus on my scalp that's hindering growth, I'd rather go see a dermatologist to make sure I'm taking care of the problem properly and not accidently creating more issues.

This is your choice and that's fine but IMO most people that use MN are not trying to self diagnose themselves with a fungus. It is being used strictly for growth purposes.
This is your choice and that's fine but IMO most people that use MN are not trying to self diagnose themselves with a fungus. It is being used strictly for growth purposes.

Or have the benefits of both! :grin: But seriously, I know I need to take my behind to a derma though...

Re: I will try the coconut oil (I do have some, just haven't tried it on scalp), but they did say the same thing about tea tree oil which was 100% useless to me.
Instead of using all those chemicals contained in the MN you could just use coconut oil. Coconut oil is anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial. People use it all the time for internal/topical fungal issues. This has to be better for you than the MN.
My hair hates coconut oil for some reason. I don't use MN on a constant basis, i've gotten lazy, but when i was, i was very happy with the results. A 4 dollar tube, when mixed with my grease, last close to a month. :)
All along I thought that was the secret. I knew that MN was to fight fungus and I knew that people had fungi in their hair and fungus will stunt hair growth. I don't use it because I felt it was for people who had fungus or something similar which stunted their hair growth. I'm not hung up on where it's meant to be used on the body but people should be careful of dosages of meds in any skin cream when it comes to putting it on the scalp. It's just so close to the brain...
Has anyone used MN 4%? If so, what were your results? I used it, and did not have good results... AT ALL!!!!! Hair was FALLIN' out, y'all! :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: I thought that my hair was falling out because I was extremely sick (it fell out last year when I had fallin' ill too).

But when I used the MN 2%, my hair grew very nicely. :amen:

When I'm consistent with MN 2% it grows... I'm never using that 4% stuff any more. :nono:

When I first joined LHCF I started using MN in June and saw a growth spurt. It also seemed to calm my scalp from a lot of the itching and flaking. I started back using it again after a long hiatus because my scalp is flaring up again.
I used 4% and now 2% from the Dollar store and I love it. Excellent growth-I plan to document the hair growth with better pictures this time around.
I used 4% and now 2% from the Dollar store and I love it. Excellent growth-I plan to document the hair growth with better pictures this time around.


Did you see more growth with 4%, 2%, or same for both?

Bump... Does anyone still use this? Why or why not?

I do and love it!! At first I was using it mixed with coco oil and "greasing" my scalp with it :lick:...I saw a really good growth spurt!! Now I am applying it to my scalp with an applicator bottle 3 times a week mixed with MegaTek, 100% Coco oil, 100% EVOO, 100% Aloe Vera Gel and a bunch of other essential oils...Im thinking about going back to "greasing" my scalp with it tho...:grin:
Are you ladies using this alone ? or adding it to something else before applying it to your scalp? I thought I read something about MN causing headaches for some ladies.

You really hav to be careful about using it alone. I tried it out to see if I would get headaches and I did (some women get them others don't) and they were massive. I don't get them anymore now that I mix it with other stuff (sulfur 8 and BB's castor oil moisturizer).
My aunt is a pharmacist and she said it makes perfect sense to use mn on hair that isn't growing. She says that if there is a fungus that is causing the growth stunt, then then active ingredient, MN, stops the fungus and helps to resume growth. I tried MN and it worked wonders for me. My hair has never been past shoulder length and now it is almost bsl!!!! so i don't know if i had a fungus but all i know is the stuff works.

Whyme832 are you still a member?

I asked my pharmacist about using MN he asked if he could get back to me. My next visit he had complied information from his peers and a huge medical reference book, he says he could find no studies, peer reviews, etc on using MN more than 4 weeks.

I asked what if the yeast infection does not go away in 4 weeks, he stated a different type of medicine would be prescribed. He also stated that when used outside of the vagina it is still systemic (gets into the blood). The liver metabolizes MN and long term use could cause liver damage. He says if for some reason this was prescribed long term, testing should be done on the liver to ensure no damage is being done. What do you guys think?
^^^ That there is worthy of serious consideration MyFreind.

The Liver IMO is prob the most impt organ in the body.

I also have thought of using TeaTree Oil but there have also been studies against it's long term use :ohwell: