"Class of 2004" (Did you find LHCF in 2004 ?)

After 2 years and some months, did you make your goal?

  • I made my hair goal

    Votes: 15 40.5%
  • I fell short of my hair goal

    Votes: 13 35.1%
  • I gave up...../I just want healthy hair.

    Votes: 9 24.3%

  • Total voters
Class of '04 in da hizzouse!!

I originally joined back in August 2004, lurked for 2 years, gave up the five bucks in September 2006 and finally made my first post in May 2007. I don't know what my problem was ... it's not like I'm shy or anything. :grin:

Back then, I found this site the same way most have: a Google search on how to repair my overly dry and damaged relaxed hair. I never really had a hair length goal though. I just wanted to get my healthy hair back. Now I'm in transition mode.

But now I do have a hair goal ... healthy and natural BSL hair (mid-back if I can get it, but I'd be more than happy with BSL).
I voted that I gave up and just want healthy hair. The truth is that I have had a couple of set backs and I've learned a lot about my hair, what it likes, and what it can take. My last trim/cut in May was really a fresh start. More than ever, I now know what to do with my hair and how to keep it healthy. I have learned that my fine hair likes ORS hair mayo every other week with moisture in between. I've also learned that my hair, though it is fine, is not naturally thin when healthy. My hair also hates too much product and is fine with weekly deep conditioning with mid-week moisture (more than this and it starts breaking). I'll no longer try to stretch trims to the point where the last inch of my hair is see through. For now having full healthy hair is much more important then length.
Member of the class of 2004 checking in. I definitely reached my goals. I was not trying to achieve hair length but healthy hair. Once I started to apply what I learned here, I was able to get both
I am also Class of 2004. December 2004 to be exact. I have been doing great until recently. Now, I am up for a comeback. ;)
I'm class of '04, I believe march of 2004. I didn't have any goal as far as length goes when I joined but when I found the site my hair was damaged from color, relaxers, and I was also experiencing postpartum shedding which I hadn't experienced before so I was devastated. All I wanted was healthy hair and since joining I've cut away thin see-thru ends twice (about 3inches each time) and I've now accomplished healthy hair. Now I'm focused on BSL and well on my way.
I actually started lurking the beginning of 2003 after my hair started falling out due to the hard water of my new surroundings. At the time I was trying to fix & deal with my relaxed hair and actually I got some good tips here...but at some point by the time I signed up with the fee in 2004 I decided to just transition (other reasons) and found good tips for keeping my hair from breaking during this time.

My goal became healthy natural hair which I have now, I even figured out how to take care of my ends which is a problem I've had ever since I bc'd. As far as goal length, I want all of my hair to comfortably sit on my shoulders when I wear it down....or rather out :look: Now I'm about brastrap when stretched so I'm thinking that won't happen till i'm near or at waist length.
I joined in april of 2004. I did really well and grew my hair out and healthy. Then I got lazy and took it for granted and it broke off again. As of January of this year, I started a new hair mission. My main goal is to have a full healthy head of hair. My goal is healthy brastrap length.