"Class of 2004" (Did you find LHCF in 2004 ?)

After 2 years and some months, did you make your goal?

  • I made my hair goal

    Votes: 15 40.5%
  • I fell short of my hair goal

    Votes: 13 35.1%
  • I gave up...../I just want healthy hair.

    Votes: 9 24.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
How did your hair come along? I just did an album update. After 2 year and 4 months, I realize that I over estimated how fast the hair grows. Hair grows at it’s own pace. My hair came along way. I remember when I just started LHCF, I said, “oh I am going to be bra strap within one year.” Lol. Look at me now, 2 years later and still waiting for bra strap. After 2 years did you make your goal?


I actually found LHCF in 2003, but didn't participate/join until 2004. I foolishly believed that the ladies on here had a different type of hair that allowed them to get their length.
I've achieved one goal; I got APL, then BSL (which I thought was merely wishful thinking at the time) and now almost 3 years later I'm close to WSL.
My other goal isn't fully achieved because I'm still transitioning. But its been a good transition and I'm sure with all the help here my natural hair will be healthy.
My original goal was BSL which I reached last year. Now I'm focused on two new objectives: WSL and transition to natural.
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I picked the last response. I joined LHCF in 2004, but I didn't pay $5 until a couple of months ago. That's when I really consider myself starting my hair journey. Before I would just lurk occasionally.
cocoa32 said:
I picked the last response. I joined LHCF in 2004, but I didn't pay $5 until a couple of months ago. That's when I really consider myself starting my hair journey. Before I would just lurk occasionally.

Same here. I think I paid my $5 in September 2006 and that was when I really started paying attention to what was going on with my head. In 2004 I posted a few questions but never set a goal for myself and never created a regimen. Then I had a really bad hair day in August and was like - "something has got to give!" So here I am chasing APL for the first time and I see it coming!

Edited to add: I just saw my start date was February 2004. If only I applied then what I'm applying now! What a shame!
cocoa32 said:
I picked the last response. I joined LHCF in 2004, but I didn't pay $5 until a couple of months ago. That's when I really consider myself starting my hair journey. Before I would just lurk occasionally.

Same here.
:scratchch...this month begins my third year as a member. The first year, I was just absorbing all of the information, but not applying it on a consistent basis:ohwell:
Its only been in the last year that I've seriously gotten on the 'hair grind' and my hair is the longest, and more importantly the healthiest, its been as an adult:eek:

I never had a defined goal, but now I believe that I can achieve full APL all around by this time next year:up:
I'm apart of the class of 2004! I've actually been a member for 3 years (I joined April 2004).

I guess I have reached my goal...my goals changed after cutting off my relaxed hair in 2005. At first, I wanted long relaxed hair like Sherrylove and adrienne0914. Now I want long natural hair like BlackCardinal and Ms_Lala! :grin:
I'm apart of the class of 2004! I've actually been a member for 3 years (I joined April 2004).

I guess I have reached my goal...my goals changed after cutting off my relaxed hair in 2005. At first, I wanted long relaxed hair like Sherrylove and adrienne0914. Now I want long natural hair like BlackCardinal and Ms_Lala! :grin:

@hottopic, your hair length has come a long way since your beginning pics when your hair was neck length! Now it's sneaking down your back! ;)
i joined in 2004 and have tried every thing on mentioned on the board and sad to say i feel like i have made no progress my hair is still dry and frizzy
kinchen said:
i joined in 2004 and have tried every thing on mentioned on the board and sad to say i feel like i have made no progress my hair is still dry and frizzy

I think you are selling yourself short, because your hair looks shiny.

locabouthair, jaded_faerie and Poohbear: Thanks. I made it to APL, but I know it is still alot of growth... Be greatful right :)
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I joined in 2004, but ask me again in 3 years ;)

I changed my goal. My goal was to have long relaxed hair. It changed to having long natural hair. So, transitioning ate up a lot of potential length.

I then decided I wanted brightly coloured long natural hair, and if I couldn't do that, then just brightly coloured natural hair of any length.

I am managing to retain growth at the moment though, despite the bleaching (touch wood), so hopefully in 3 years I will have reached my goal.
kinchen said:
i joined in 2004 and have tried every thing on mentioned on the board and sad to say i feel like i have made no progress my hair is still dry and frizzy

I dunno. I was looking at your album. It looks like you are making progress to me.
I found LCHF at the end of 2004 I believe but didn't register for a few weeks. I've learned so much and have so much to pass on to my kids so they'll know how to care for their hair.:)
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I found LHCF in 2003 but didn't register until January 2004 (under username LaNecia).

My hair is almost at my goal length now (APL). The first year was a lot of trial and ERROR. A lot of product sampling and inconsistency with establishing and sticking with a regimen. Only last year did I begin to figure out what worked for my hair (stopped trying to reinvent the wheel). Since then, it has gotten much healthier and is starting to get longer. I'm considering modifying my goal length to bra strap...I can almost see it in my minds eye.
I gave up...I just want healthy hair. I haven't gotten my APL degree.

I failed a few LHCF classes. I keep cutting my Nutrition class, and I didn't do all the water and vitamin assignments. I'm taking Stretching 101 again. The only class I like is Henna 250. :bookworm:

At least I scored an "A" on my Relaxing project last month when I switched to ORS lye relaxer. ;) I have to practice my moisturizing technique more often like I'm supposed to.

I don't know if I'll graduate in June with full apl hair. I might have to take Summer classes.

I need to get more inspiration from some of our alumni and check their hair albums.

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Yup, I found LHCF in May 2004. I was trucking along just fine towards my goal until I had a self-relaxer disaster in the fall of 2005. I lost so much hair. It was a major setback. I had to keep cutting thin areas until I regained thickness. Now, I am back on track. So, I haven't reached my goal, but my hair is very healthy now, from the roots to the ends. No thin ends for me. I would rather cut it first. This is where I am at right now. I will take health any day, because long, see-through hair is not a goal for me. I am 1-inch from APL, and I hope to get there by year's end (No high-pressure growth schedule for me--been there, done that! I am happy with what I have at any given moment.). I am going to take it slow, because that's how it grows! :)
victorious said:
I gave up...I just want healthy hair.

I failed a few LHCF classes. I keep cutting my Nutrition class, and I didn't do all the water and vitamin assignments. I'm taking Stretching 101 again. The only class I like is Henna 250. :bookworm:

At least I scored an "A" on my Relaxing project last month when I switched to ORS lye relaxer. ;) I have to practice my moisturizing technique more often like I'm supposed to.

I don't know if I'll graduate in June with full apl hair. I might have to take Summer classes.

I need to get more inspiration from some of our alumni and check their hair albums.


Cute post!:lol:
I gave up on lenght and went for healthy hair after a major set up. But I've sinced learn that with healthy hair everything else fall into place.

ETA: I think I found LHCF in November 03 but did not join until January. If Only I found you guys a couple of months earlier after I got fustrated and trimmed about 3 inches (that's a lot because it takes me a year to get 3 inches).
Technically I'm 2005 ..but it was early in 05 and I did lurk in 04. But I agree with you...by my record I would have been APL last spring and BSL by the fall...ummm no. APL was last fall and BSL still hasn't come to pass...but I'm ok with it...I'm close enough.
I'm actually an '03, before the $5 fee, before the entertainment and other boards, lol!!
I didn't have any real goals, but I wanted to learn better ways to style and manage my hair. I had already been natural since the early 90's, so I wasn't looking for ideas on that, I just wanted different options and new takes on old ideas.
I would like to hit waistlength, though. I am slightly addicted to my trimming scissors though and snip every month and a half or so, so it waistlength won't happen anytime soon.
That's okay though, my layers are catching up with each other and THEN I'll let it grow grow grow!!
mermaid said:
I'm actually an '03, before the $5 fee, before the entertainment and other boards, lol!!
I didn't have any real goals, but I wanted to learn better ways to style and manage my hair. I had already been natural since the early 90's, so I wasn't looking for ideas on that, I just wanted different options and new takes on old ideas.
I would like to hit waistlength, though. I am slightly addicted to my trimming scissors though and snip every month and a half or so, so it waistlength won't happen anytime soon.
That's okay though, my layers are catching up with each other and THEN I'll let it grow grow grow!!
Your hair is so thick and healthy.
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I joined in 2004 but was lurking since 2003. My hair was a little past waist and I've done a lot of cutting and growing back since then. This board did help me to understand my hair more. Documenting your hair by pics is a great idea.
mermaid said:
I'm actually an '03, before the $5 fee, before the entertainment and other boards, lol!!
I didn't have any real goals, but I wanted to learn better ways to style and manage my hair. I had already been natural since the early 90's, so I wasn't looking for ideas on that, I just wanted different options and new takes on old ideas.
I would like to hit waistlength, though. I am slightly addicted to my trimming scissors though and snip every month and a half or so, so it waistlength won't happen anytime soon.
That's okay though, my layers are catching up with each other and THEN I'll let it grow grow grow!!

You have grandkids....NO WAY. You look great. I hope I grow up to look like you.... :)
leleepop said:
Your hair is so thick and healthy.
It's definitely thick, I'll say that! Thanks!
Healthy, well, it's getting there. My biggest problem is dryness and normally I have it under control, but I tend to slack on the nutrition side so it manifests in my hair and scalp.
hottopic said:
You have grandkids....NO WAY. You look great. I hope I grow up to look like you.... :)
Mmm-hmm. My widdle baby piggie wigs! My ladybugs! My mini-tryants.:look: