Citrus in Conditioners = Clarifying?


New Member
I am starting to do the cg routine and don't want to use any shampoo so wanted to use the Kiwi and Lime conditioner. Will any conditioner with citrus do the trick? I ended up buying Fresh Shine Conditioner from the L'Oreal Vive line. It smells heavenly but it is kinda thick. I guess I will give it a try. But I'm wondering what others think. Is a conditioner with lemon or lime considered clarifying? (Of course, I know it's not as strong as an actual clarifying shampoo.)
I used citre shine conditioner because of a rec from a friend and it was very clarifying for a conditioner. I don't know about the Fresh Shine one. Generally I think citrus does have that clarifying effect but it would depend what and how much of the other ingredients are present. I hope that makes sense.