Churchless and Pastorless!


New Member
Everyone I have a problem, and I need your help. I am not a member of a church. I am saved and I grew up in the church. In fact until, last year I had been a member of a church for about sixteen years (active until I stayed longer periods away in college that was the next state over). To make a long story short, the church split a few years after a new pastor was called. When I am at home, I go to church (and this is becoming rare) with my mom at the church where that gentleman is the pastor. I also attend church services regularly here in CA, but it is a church w/ over 5000 members. I only plan to be here for a year to complete my MA, so I decided not to join, I still pay tithes, etc.

Somebody from my old church just died, and I started thinking. If I were to die, who would do my eulogy and where would my funeral be held because I am technically "churchless." Moreover, I wanted to know for those of you who attend megachurches, where will your funeral be held?
Sorry to hear your churchless. You should try visiting other churches even though you will only be here for a year it doesn't mean you cannot join in the mean time. I guess the large church isn't a good fit for you:confused:

I was churchless for a while but I will always have a home at the church I was raised in no matter what. I love the church I joined a year ago. I shudder to think what I will do when I leave here. I am glad that isn't in the plans anytime soon now though. Its all in Gods hands.
I hear you, Firecracker. I love the church that I currently attend. The pastor there is bold enough to say things such as just because you follow God does not mean that you will necessarily be materially blessed 24/7 or won't be persecuted. He is solid on the Word, and I love the fact that he focuses on the soul and the other things are there but peripheral (sp?). I also love the fact that the church seems to be a microcosm of what heaven is really going to be like--people from every nation united in one Way-Christ. I just feel a little weird, because I now understand the people who won't "do" megachurches. I feel connected to a certain extent and most certainly "fed," but I know that certain things I won't be getting. That is why I am curious about this topic.
Mango, Fire is right. My prayer for you is that the Holy Spirit will give you total peace about your Destiny. I pray for you to be seeded and planted into the right ministry, be it large or small. And that no matter what, you will have a Church that will always be your home. In Jesus' name, Amen. ;)