Christians who point out what's wrong with the faith,

especially around non-Christians. Does this bother you? If so, why and if not, why not? I ask b/c I know as humans under the umbrella of Christianity, some things that are done are questionable, but one thing I noticed is that other religions have their faults,too, but I don't hear Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, etc discussing their religious ills around others who don't share the same faith. I really try to watch what I say about what I dislike about some ministers, churches, etc unless it's just something just super crazy, but even then, I don't make it a habit of pointing out what's wrong with my faith.

Same scenario, different partner, I do the same thing when I am around non-blacks. I DO NOT talk about the ills in the black community or high five non-blacks when they point out something that's going on with us. I mean seriously, what's the point? To try to prove yourself as one of the 'cool ones?'
Sometimes, it does bother me when Christians and non-Christians alike point out what's wrong with our faith. Many of the things that they say is wrong with our faith are really just distortions and misconceptions that they have developed about our faith. They do not realize that true Christianity is where Christians believe inwardly and outwardly that Jesus' death has allowed God to offer them forgiveness and eternal life as a free gift. Christians have accepted that gift by faith and are seeking to live a life of obedient gratitude for what God has done for them. Christianity is both private and public, believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth that Jesus is God's Son, and the Lord and Savior of your life. Our relationship to God and the power He provides result in obedience. Having received the gift of forgiveness and eternal life, we are now daily challenged to live that life with His help from the Holy Spirit. With saying that, I see NOTHING wrong with the Christian faith. And I also agree with you when you said we should start praying instead of bashing. We should also try to live as examples for everyone in this world. Yes, we all sin and fall short, but we cannot continue to use that as an excuse to lose faith and lose sight of God's purpose.

And you're right about the comparison you made with "Christians talking bad about Christianity to non-Christians" is the same as "Blacks talking bad about the Black community to non-Blacks." It's like verbal back-stabbing.
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I don't believe one should ignore anyone's wrongdoings especially in the church, but my point is, why constantly point out that someone is false prophet, when it just may anger the person who is seeking God and finds wise counsel in that person? What proof are you providing for such a claim? Going around labeling one as a false prophet is just as dangerous as being a false prophet .I think this is a reason many stop going to church b/c whether they admit it or not, they tend to say they point out this or that false prophet when they can't see the good in any minister at all. It just causes confusion b/c it may make one think 'who can they trust to minister to them?' In this case, that person needs to seek GOD and not man who may find faults in everything a minister does. God will reveal it to them, if they truly seek Him.
I will have to agree with this!!!

There is a minister at our church who CONSTANTLY points out fasle prophets, false teachers, etc. He even makes judgments about others' salvation and where they will spend eternity. :( Many people like him use Matthew 23, where Jesus condemns the religious leaders, as justification that they can judge others. And they use scriptures from the Bible about having the spirit of discernment to judge others. But they do not realize that judging and condemning should be left with God. Yes, there are true and false believers in churches today, but we should be cautious in our judgments because only Christ is qualified to make the final separation. When we start judging, we may damage some of the good "plants" as Jesus mentions in His parable of the weeds in Matthew 13. It's more important to judge our OWN response to God than to analyze others' responses.
I will have to agree with this!!!

There is a minister at our church who CONSTANTLY points out fasle prophets, false teachers, etc. He even makes judgments about others' salvation and where they will spend eternity. :( Many people like him use Matthew 23, where Jesus condemns the religious leaders, as justification that they can judge others. And they use scriptures from the Bible about having the spirit of discernment to judge others.

But they do not realize that judging and condemning should be left with God.

Yes, there are true and false believers in churches today, but we should be cautious in our judgments because only Christ is qualified to make the final separation.

When we start judging, we may damage some of the good "plants" as Jesus mentions in His parable of the weeds in Matthew 13.

It's more important to judge our OWN response to God than to analyze others' responses.

AMEN to both of your posts...! :amen:

God bless you Poohbear. :kiss: I asked God to send in the ones with the right answers. He wasted no time with both you and Relaxer Rehab...

There's just a right way to go about doing things when we talk about our Faith and its challenges...