Christians struggling with faith


Well-Known Member
Do y'all ever reach a point where it's hard to have faith?

I know that in Mark that God tells us to have faith and believe, and we will receive the desires of our hearts.

What about those who have cancer, and they truly believe that they will be healed, but then they die? This confuses me. I've talked to other church members about it, and they say that a healing from cancer wasn't in God's plans for the life of the cancer patient. But that totally contradicts what the Bible tells us about believing and receiving.

I'm just tired, I guess. I try to do right (but I'm not perfect) but it seems as if things still fall apart. I have given and sacrificed so much for others. Then I see others who are ugly, they live happy and fulfilling lives.

I read so many stories about people facing tests, but very few testimonies. Do y'all ever experience real breakthroughs, just true bliss and happiness, where everything went right? I just can't go on like this, I've cried too long, and prayed too much to keep living like this. I'm so tired of doors being slammed in my face.

Others who are feeling like me, please chime in...
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Do y'all ever reach a point where it's hard to have faith?

I know that in Mark that God tells us to have faith and believe, and we will receive the desires of our hearts.

What about those who have cancer, and they truly believe that they will be healed, but then they die? This confuses me. I've talked to other church members about it, and they say that a healing from cancer wasn't in God's plans for the life of the cancer patient. But that totally contradicts what the Bible tells us about believing and receiving.

I'm just tired, I guess. I try to do right (but I'm not perfect) but it seems as if things still fall apart. I have given and sacrificed so much for others. Then I see others who are ugly, they live happy and fulfilling lives.

I read so many stories about people facing tests, but very few testimonies. Do y'all ever experience real breakthroughs, just true bliss and happiness, where everything went right? I just can't go on like this, I've cried too long, and prayed too much to keep living like this. I'm so tired of doors being slammed in my face.

Others who are feeling like me, please chime in...

I know what you are saying. faith is hard to "show" if you don't have God to back it up with something---or at least it seems that way at first. For me, my belief is that God knows the true desires of my heart, even when I don't. We will be given the desires of our heart, but they must line up with God's will, if they don't, then we can't have that. My mother was a victim of cancer. She wanted the cancer to just be gone, we all did, and I am sure I am not the only one who was believing for a miracle from God to instantly heal her body. However, when she did. I knew that it was her choice to let go of the fight, because her work on this earth was done. I was the baby. She died just 5 months after I moved out on my own. her lifes work basically included taking care of kids. I was the last one and she was finished. Through her death though, I got closer to God, because she was faithful and didn't complain, all the way til the end, she knew God would have his way and his way would be the best way. I started going back to church because I wanted to be able to follow her path. If she had lived, I may have never gone back to church and maybe neither would my sister. Maybe my father(also passed now) would have never formed a relationship.(she made him promise to be more supportive of me after her death).

As for me, my testimony is this. I am faithful because I know that God's will always works out in my favor and to His glory in the end. My will, usually only benefits me, so I submit my will to God, and by faith, I believe that he knows what's right. Now for some concrete stuff:
I haven't worked since sept 2007 but God has carried me through in some miraculous ways. I have not been without anything that I needed and have been able to receive a lot of what I wanted, including upgrading my car by 9 years. My kids haven't wanted for anything. all have had great holidays and birthdays. Turns out for me that faith=trust and only when I truly began to trust that God would carry me, did he begin to show me just what awesome works he had in store for me. If you were to come to my house today, you wouldn't know that I was an unemployed single mother. You may wonder were my husband was who kept the grass cut and hedges trimmed, car washed and such. wonder how I come home with bags from the mall, wonder how I pay tithes, wonder how I keep my hair done and my kids looking good. wonder how I can keep a smile on my face and not a bit of worry in my eyes. It is all due to God making a way out of no way. He has made me look at my own situation in awe of what he has done.
It's not so much the physical things either. It's the emotional issues that I am finding to slip away from me. I am not nearly as stressed as I was when "I" was in control of my own life. Now that God is in control, I don't have to worry about it, because he is the ultimate authority. I have actually had some people that the enemy has tried to use against me to ask me how I stay so cool under the stress of the situations that they have had me in. My answer, "God". Now when you stump the devil by living as a testimony to the Lord, then that is a good feeling.

God has been directing me to read things and learn about myself in ways that I never thought were problematic, but in order to prepare me for some "thing" he has had me relaxing and focusing on who he created me to be and not the mess that I have turned myself into. I have been raised by this society to have faith in my own abilities and trust that I will just "know" what to do. But now I am reprogramming myself to have faith only in God and "know" that through him, it is already done.
I had a breakthrough at church last Sunday. The sermon was from Psalm 121 and I it spoke to my spirit and the pastor talked about those of us who were tired and needed rest. God is there and has our backs he'll protect us and keep us in those times when we get to that point where we don't think we can go on. The breakthrough was that I went up for altercall, got prayed for. decided in my mind and heart to submit to whatever God had me come up to the alter for.(((because he was pulling me by the heart strings. it was like an energy burst out of my chest and caused me to move up to the alter without even thinking about it))) Anyway. I fell out, and had a moment with God that was so peaceful and he showed me that in the midst of all my stress and struggling with my self and my fleshly capabilities, that he was there to offer me rest and that he had it all under control. It was beautiful. The tears just flowed and were so cleansing. Notice that nothing physical changed, but my mindset was refocused on the power of God instead of my own lack of power that I have over my circumstances.

We never know what our testimony can do for another person going through the same thing. I don't like strife and stress, but if it will help someone else learn to rely on God first in order that they don't have to go through the stress I went through, then so be it. My real treasure is not of this world anyway. All the comfort in this world can not compare to the gift of my salvation or the day that I will meet my maker face to face
I think God answers prayers but not in the way we hoped or intended. A teacher at my university was killed by her husband. Her family said this man choked and abused her on the regular and that she was praying it would get better. Yes she died, but it did get better.
This thread is so on point for me right now. Lately, I have been feeling unsettled. Like I am not living the life that I want for myself. It has been bothering me lately and I don't know what to do about it. I need to rely on my faith but I feel tested right now.
I agree with all the faith is such personal thing, we were all given a measure of faith how we choose to cultivate it is our decision. I read in a book one time that sometimes God changes the situation, sometimes he changes you in the situation. There have been many things which I thought was my hearts desire that I have asked for, I mean prayed and prayed and prayed for. When I look back over some of my journals, I never received them, but at some point I stopped praying for them, which I take to mean that God had changed my heart for that particular thing, and looking back on it had I gotten those things, I don't think that my relationship with him would be as it is today. Yes he took what I thought was my hearts desire away but when he did he replaced it with himself and things I would have never thought to have asked for to...and the transition was so smooth, I never even noticed it.

I still stuggle but I have peace in knowing that if I turn something over too God, and put my faith in what he is able to do (and the Word says nothing is impossible) even though the outcome does not line up with my limited vision, I know that what he does will work out for my ultimate good.
Thank you all for your responses. I'm hoping that this is a place where we can vent, and encourage each other in our walks with the Lord.

Envy, you are I are feeling the same thing. I just feel so unsettled and angry at God for some of the things I went through. Yes, I'm stronger from it, but I'm also so bitter. Maybe because my breakthru hasn't exactly come yet. I'm just waiting for that point in my life, where it all falls together, where it all makes sense. I feel bad because I know I'm blessed, and I'm grateful for what God has provided, but I'm so hurt too. It's the past, I need to get over it.

I've been reading The Battlefield of the Mind, by Joyce Myers. It is an excellent book, and she tells us how to think and win the battle against Satan. Right now I reading the chapter about Doubt and Unbelieving, it's really giving me insight.

Supernova, I totally agree with your post. I think God puts obstacles in our lives in preparation for the good. I just so tired and worn out by the obstacles. I'm scared to be happy about opportunities now, because I failed so many times before.