Christianity Vs. Other religions


New Member
OK - I'll admit I'm not expert on religion but I have this arguement/discussion with religious friends. It is Christian belief that only Christians will go to heaven .....correct??
I believe that your name has to written in the "Book of Life" in order to be in order to get into heaven.

Revelation 20:15 - And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Yes, I believe that you have to be a Christian/Baptist.

Mark 16:16 - He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.
yes, the belief is only christians (those who repent and believe jesus died for our sins) will go to heaven.

but if someone thinks im wrong please correct me

sugaplum, when you say "Christian/Baptist" do you mean that you only think baptists will go to heaven?
weaveitup said:
yes, the belief is only christians (those who repent and believe jesus died for our sins) will go to heaven.

but if someone thinks im wrong please correct me

sugaplum, when you say "Christian/Baptist" do you mean that you only think baptists will go to heaven?

Hey weaveitup,

No I just meant it as Christian and Baptist are the same thing.
OK thats where it gets complicated for me b/c why would only a fraction of the population be told the truth. What about people in other parts of the world that have never heard about Christianity, they go to Hell b/c they don't know?
senimoni said:
OK thats where it gets complicated for me b/c why would only a fraction of the population be told the truth. What about people in other parts of the world that have never heard about Christianity, they go to Hell b/c they don't know?

I asked a good friend of mine that I consider more knowledgable and to be much further along in her walk than me that very thing years ago. I think I asked specifically about starving kids in other nations etc. Her answer to me was 'everyone has the same opportunity to know and accept or reject it as you do' :ohwell:

Left me kind of stumped.
sprungonhairboards said:
I asked a good friend of mine that I consider more knowledgable and to be much further along in her walk than me that very thing years ago. I think I asked specifically about starving kids in other nations etc. Her answer to me was 'everyone has the same opportunity to know and accept or reject it as you do' :ohwell:

Left me kind of stumped.

Um ok, that sounds an awful lot like ...I don't know the answer ...stop asking me.

I'm not trying to start a debate.....I'm just a very analytical person and I overthink everything....when I get confused I shut down....and I just want to understand. To me its like telling one child you aren't allowed to go out and play and not tell the other....then punishing the one you never told for going outside.
There is doctrine that addresses this. "Those who earnestly seek Me shall find Me". Basically God has promised that if someone seeks truth He will make sure they get it. I dont have the scriptures for it but I can call my brother.

Christians are not only in the united states. The world has been evangelized many times over. There has been Christian temple ruins found in China. It was at one time the main religion in parts of Africa. Sudanese Christians are being persecuted today for their faith. In Iran or Iraq when muslim invaders came they said serve Allah or die, so many were put to the sword or forced to change religions. There are american indian fables stating that Christ appeared to natives and gave them the gospel. I went to geneva to visit my sister and even had Jehovahs witnesses knock on the door. (Not considered christian by some but you get my point.) If you subscribe to the Christian theory on life springing from Adam and Eve, and then after the flood the tribes as the sprang from Moses' offspring, all of the first people knew God. They went astray and worshipped false Gods. God is not powerless. Its less common but He can speak directly to you if He wishes. I don't want to go into it but I have had my own experience and I know of other testimonies to that effect. That is how He got Abrahams attention. A lot of places also have sattelite. TBN reaches almost everywhere. They have viewers in countries like Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and often get emails and letters requesting bibles and more information. Its kind of hard today not to get the information. God being just if He condemned someone I would assume He will be able to show that they had a choice to choose or deny Him and they denied Him. I know there is scripture on it and when I get a hold of my brother I will post it.
senimoni said:
Um ok, that sounds an awful lot like ...I don't know the answer ...stop asking me.

Well that wasn't her attitude :lol: :lol: She's very patient :) She said other stuff too that put it all together but I don't remember what it was, but that was the bottom line. At the time it kind of made sense to me the way she put it and I was a newly saved and confused about everything so I didn't question it any further.
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Enchantmt said:
There is doctrine that addresses this. "Those who earnestly seek Me shall find Me". Basically God has promised that if someone seeks truth He will make sure they get it. I dont have the scriptures for it but I can call my brother.

what if you don't know to seek him? I'm like the other poster, I overthink things, so I'm not debating you, just asking.
I found this scripture Enchantment:

Proverbs 8:17 - I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.
Honeyhips said:
what if you don't know to seek him? I'm like the other poster, I overthink things, so I'm not debating you, just asking.

Exactly...what I was thinking....but I definatley appreciate the comments thus far, its more than I knew before.
Well, I don't think fair is fair in Gods book. I read some things in the bible..and I think oh thats not fair, but I then remember that God can do what he wants to do and it doesn't have to be fair to me. I also ask that my thoughts be conformed to Gods.

Like what happened to Job..thats not fair..Uzza for touching the arc of the covenant..thats not fair...those are my wordly thoughts..but God isn't a respector of persons..he can do what he wants to do for his glory.

Thanx Suga. I called my brother last night but he wasnt home. I will call again tonight. Everytime I call I end up on the phone 2-3 hours discussing doctrine so its probably best to do it on a night I dont work the next day anyway. :)

@Trust, God is usually pretty straight forward in what He expects. You do this you die. You do that you prosper. I understand tho, I thought killing the one who touched the ark was harsh also, but it was a matter of obedience and he disobeyed. God is true to His word, and He is just. He is not a liar. If He says do A and B will happen, He is required to make it come to pass, to keep His word.

@Semoni, I will get some answers to clarify things for you. Basically, the bible says just looking at nature and all of Gods creation you have to know that there is a creator behind it but I want to get the exact doctrine for you. I may be able to find what I'm looking for on line. If so I will post some links. Once my questions about the issue were settled I didnt hold on to the details.
In Matthew Jesus give the order to go and preach the gospel in every corner of the earth. It is my belief that by the time he comes that everyone would have had the gospel preached to them and would have had the chance to either deny him or accept he and go to heaven.

Now because again I believe that we serve and good and faithful God that if you were to dye before having the oppuriutunity to know Christ they would be a chance for you to get into heaven. Like I said that is my belief I don't have any thing to back that up, all I have is my faith and my knowledge that God is loving and faithful.
Enchantmt said:
@Trust, God is usually pretty straight forward in what He expects. You do this you die. You do that you prosper. I understand tho, I thought killing the one who touched the ark was harsh also, but it was a matter of obedience and he disobeyed. God is true to His word, and He is just. He is not a liar. If He says do A and B will happen, He is required to make it come to pass, to keep His word.

I totally agree that its a matter of obedience. If I recall correctly I don't think uzza knew that he was going to die if he touched the ark, but he should have known that it wasn't his place to carry the ark, it was the Levites. David was disobedient by not making sure the Levites carried the arc. Thats why I said what we think is fair in our human mind/flesh isn't necessairly fair in Gods book. Because uzza was just following an order, but died as a result and it really was Davids fault. Correct me if im mistaken though please.

As far as the law, everyone would have known that it was not to be touched. If I recall correctly he had orders to ride with the ark (it would still mean not touching it) and when the ark looked as though it was going to fall he reached out to steady it. He was doing what we would consider a good deed, protecting the ark, but since touching it carried the penalty of death he was killed. It probably seemed like a good idea at the time :lol: but he basically doomed himself. I guess that speaks to God taking care of his own and doing things God didnt ask us to. :perplexed:
You know what bothers me about all this. Okay, say these people who have been raised Buddhist or Hindu or Muslim here the word of Christianity, okay so they hear a message or 2 and they are supposed to automatically leave behind what they have known their whole lives.

I don't think we can understand that because many of us get Christianity and Christian beliefs beat in our heads daily...this is what we were brought up with so it is easy....waaaay easier for us. The only way I am comforted is in knowing that I do not know everything and maybe it is not as bad as it seems.
senimoni said:
OK - I'll admit I'm not expert on religion but I have this arguement/discussion with religious friends. It is Christian belief that only Christians will go to heaven .....correct??

I believe these verses address people who have not heard about Jesus Christ/Christianity:

Romans 2:11-16 (New King James Version)

11 For there is no partiality with God.

12 For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law 13 (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified; 14 for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, 15 who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them) 16 in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.
I remember reading somewhere that when judgement day comes all those who died before the birth of Jesus and all those who were not taught about Jesus will get the opportunity to hear his words and make the decision to accept Jesus or not. I wish I could recall where I read this.
sprungonhairboards said:
I asked a good friend of mine that I consider more knowledgable and to be much further along in her walk than me that very thing years ago. I think I asked specifically about starving kids in other nations etc. Her answer to me was 'everyone has the same opportunity to know and accept or reject it as you do' :ohwell:

Left me kind of stumped.
My dad said this too when I asked him the same question tha senimoni just asked. :yep:

Enchantmt said:
@Semoni, I will get some answers to clarify things for you. Basically, the bible says just looking at nature and all of Gods creation you have to know that there is a creator behind it but I want to get the exact doctrine for you. I may be able to find what I'm looking for on line. If so I will post some links. Once my questions about the issue were settled I didnt hold on to the details.
My dad mentioned this as well! :)
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TrustMeLove said:
Well, I don't think fair is fair in Gods book. I read some things in the bible..and I think oh thats not fair, but I then remember that God can do what he wants to do and it doesn't have to be fair to me. I also ask that my thoughts be conformed to Gods.

Like what happened to Job..thats not fair..Uzza for touching the arc of the covenant..thats not fair...those are my wordly thoughts..but God isn't a respector of persons..he can do what he wants to do for his glory.

Yes, right on! ;)
ReaLuvsAOxymoron said:
You know what bothers me about all this. Okay, say these people who have been raised Buddhist or Hindu or Muslim here the word of Christianity, okay so they hear a message or 2 and they are supposed to automatically leave behind what they have known their whole lives.
This is a good point. I know if I go to a Buddhist or Hindu or Muslim worship service a few times, I certainly wouldn't jump from what I've been raised to follow to something new.
angaliquew said:
I believe these verses address people who have not heard about Jesus Christ/Christianity:

Romans 2:11-16 (New King James Version)

11 For there is no partiality with God.

12 For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law 13 (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified; 14 for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, 15 who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them) 16 in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.

Pretty deep, isn't it?
Enchantmt said:
Basically, the bible says just looking at nature and all of Gods creation you have to know that there is a creator behind it

You can know that without accepting Jesus, Christianity or that God did it. Every religion has their own explanation for that. Even atheists and scientists attribute it to the big bang theory and evolution.

For every sign of Gods presence and power there's a theory waiting to steal his glory :mad:
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So everyone that doesn't accept God goes to hell forever? What about the fact that death and hell are swallowed up in the lake of fire? A lot of people assume that the lake of fire is synonymous with hell...but I'm not so sure. There are a lot of references to fire in the bible...and God is even called a consuming fire. There is a lot of the bible that cannot be understood with the natural mind...and Revelation is definitely one of those chapters. In fact, John was standing in the Spirit when it was written.
This is a passage I have been taught which takes into account all peoples.

That all have been and will be given the same opportunity to come to Christ.

Roman 1:17-32. It refers to how all people have been given the knowledge of God and how some have turned from him. It states that the invisible things of him from creation of the world are clearly seen. Very lengthy good to read.
Therefore what Christ has said if you seek ye shall find. God said if you seek me...

If I am not mistaken Buddist do not worship a God nor do Hindu's? Pre-Muslims peoples of the middle east and africa and the orient had the teachings of Christ before Muhammad came along. He himself choose to reject Christ as Lord and teach his own teachings.
senimoni said:
Um ok, that sounds an awful lot like ...I don't know the answer ...stop asking me.

I'm not trying to start a debate.....I'm just a very analytical person and I overthink everything....when I get confused I shut down....and I just want to understand. To me its like telling one child you aren't allowed to go out and play and not tell the other....then punishing the one you never told for going outside.

This is exactly why I have no religious affiliation. It's not that Im deviant or immoral, or purposely going against the norm. Everything that I read or hear I tend to over-analyze and get brain fry overload. That will always be apart of me. After that last butt whooping for "questioning the lord" when I was seven, it completely turned me off :ohwell: I can't get into practicing something that I dont fully have my heart in doing.

So now I am just open to hearing everyone's explanation's and interpretation's regarding whatever religion, and will just live life as is :)
ReaLuvsAOxymoron said:
You know what bothers me about all this. Okay, say these people who have been raised Buddhist or Hindu or Muslim here the word of Christianity, okay so they hear a message or 2 and they are supposed to automatically leave behind what they have known their whole lives.

I don't think we can understand that because many of us get Christianity and Christian beliefs beat in our heads daily...this is what we were brought up with so it is easy....waaaay easier for us. The only way I am comforted is in knowing that I do not know everything and maybe it is not as bad as it seems.

ITA with this as well. I dont think anyone would appreciate Buddhist missionaries...if there are any :rofl: seriously :ohwell: