Christian Women Stereotypes


Well-Known Member
What are some stereotypes you face as a Christian Women?

Because you pray and read your word everyday, you're a fanatic.."it dont take all that"

Because you dont club or drink, your life is 'boring'

Since I dont date, i must be bitter or a lesbian..

If you dont like people cursing around you, you think you better than everyone else

Just because I like wearing dresses and skirts Im a Penecostal...

Anyone face these things as well?
What are some stereotypes you face as a Christian Women?

Because you pray and read your word everyday, you're a fanatic.."it dont take all that"

Because you dont club or drink, your life is 'boring'

Since I dont date, i must be bitter or a lesbian..

If you dont like people cursing around you, you think you better than everyone else

Just because I like wearing dresses and skirts Im a Penecostal...

Anyone face these things as well?

Oh wow! This is a wonderful topic and it has a huge 'deliverance' within it. :yep:

Because I am a Christian, many people 'assume' that I am 'religious'.

:nono2: Noooooo, there is a major difference. Major!

For me, being a Christian is having a personal relationship with God. Religion has nothing to do with it.
If you quote Scripture, you think you're closer to God than others

If you laugh at something most find comical or have an opinion, you're not a 'real Christian'

If you don't have an attitude or speak to people aggressively, you're not a 'bold' Christian :lol:
If you speak the Word of God... "You're Passive / Aggressive".

That term has been used so much that it's become a 'knock - off', like those shoes that this YouTube girl used several bottles of red nail polish to create her own Loubotin 'red bottoms'. :lol:

Like Christians dont have a sense of humor...we laugh too, believe it or not!! :lachen:

Sometimes people may do things that I dont agree but I dont chop everyone head off that I see in error. I allow God to lead me on when correction is necessary.. (i know it may be hard to believe:look:)

If you laugh at something most find comical or have an opinion, you're not a 'real Christian'

If you don't have an attitude or speak to people aggressively, you're not a 'bold' Christian :lol:
I think one stereotype is that Christian women think they are better than everyone.

And yes, there are some that are judgmental and condescending. They use the name of God in ways He wouldn't condone and aren't rooted in His word.

But, I think most Christian women look at this walk a journey. We stumble. Doesn't mean we're hypocrites. It means we are human.

I'm striving to be Christ-like. There are days I will fall way short....but there are days that His grace and majesty will be flowing all up and through me!

Sorry for getting off on a tangent, but I'm bothered by attacks on Christians as a whole. If the same negative comments were made against folks of other faiths everyone would be up in arms. I'm tired of getting lumped in with the bad experiences of a few. There are good and bad people from every faith that hide behind the name of God. Sorry...I just had to get that off my chest. :)
Because your a christian you have no edge,your soft,your not allowed to be depressed,you cater to all men in the church and fix their plates etc.
You don't have a sense of style or you dress over the top in a ugly old way
Your not fit bc your the church mammie
Your dry,have an attitude and nag bc you are doing Gods work.
You don't have sexual thoughts or do anything wrong sexually.
Pretty much everything y'all have said to include this warped perception that all you do everyday is go around singing the halelujah chorus and are completely detached from what's going on around you in the world (political matters, financial matters, reality period). If you get angry (rightfully or otherwise) you are supposed to sit quietly and say or do nothing (Where dey do that at?). You have the same misunderstanding they do as to what the word submissive means so you are a mindless, spineless doormat.
THANKS again to GoddessMaker 's entire post...
That you're always judging everybody. ( most often true than not) I'm working on being not judgmental.

That you are single if you come to church alone. (Mostly true)
Since I'm a christian some people asssume that...
I hate gay people.
I'm naive.
I'm boring, and don't have fun ever.
I never make mistakes?

All which ofcourse aren't true. It's sad that many people think that christians are judgmental, but I can see where they are coming from.
That just because you don't agree with the things of the world that you're racist, homophobic, prejudice, judgmental... etc.

I can't pick or choose what parts of the bible I think are ok and dismiss the ones that I don't agree with. It doesn't work like that.
Since I'm a christian some people asssume that...
I hate gay people.
I'm naive.
I'm boring, and don't have fun ever.
I never make mistakes?

All which ofcourse aren't true.

It's sad that many people think that christians are judgmental,

but I can see where they are coming from.

The irony with the bolded is that 'they' are judging us.... :spinning:
I had a friend who made a comment about another friend's choice of clothing. She said that she didn't "dress like a Christian." This friend was a devout Christian who was saving herself for marriage and was always seeking God. Yes, she was a "trendy" dresser, but her clothes were never revealing and and always in good taste. She always looked nice and knew how to accentuate her beautiful figure without looking loose or like she was on the prowl for a man.
Because I don't want to be around certain activities, I have something against (dislike) the ppl partaking in the activities
That we are boring and rigid
that we can't pursue certain interests
that we have to dress dowdy or not where makeup
Well, it's a lil different, but here goes:

That I'm a bigot by default and hate certain groups of people. :look:

That I must not be very learned. Again, we're catholic...pretty big on education and world experience, culturally, socially, politically, spiritually.

Folks being shocked I(we) go to Mass. Why?

Folks being shocked I'm not baptist/protestant. Folks who don't comprehend why I'm obligated every Sunday...cuz of His eternal sacrifice I'm grateful for. :yep:

**People being shocked my kids are pure and I live a chaste life. ????? We're observant catholics. Sigh. Troy Polamalu and his family face something similar.

**People shocked that my kids aren't allowed to do certain things or go certain mixed-sex places like the other kids. We're CATHOLIC!

Here's the clincher:

Folks in my own family/network (via former marriage) who are shocked that I'm not some wanton skank divorcee looking for easy sex, adulterer, actually dating before my annulment is granted....and that I didn't leave him to go into the arms of another. Consider they helped him save face by believing his lies. I think that when you project, you're probably the one doing such? I dunno. Sigh.....:nono: Like I said before, I'm an observant catholic. I didn't say "perfect." But I know my L-rd.

Sometimes, at the grocery store, I'll get the occasional white checker who will see all the lemons I buy and ask me about the skeezy liquor party I'm supposedly about to have. :look: ???? (this place is definitely prejudiced)

So, you ladies keep up the good work! He is definitely FIRST! People will judge all day long...and if you get a glimpse into their lives, it will reveal a whole lot!!!:yep: People hated Jesus, how much more His imperfect followers?
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Well, it's a lil different, but here goes:

That I'm a bigot by default and hate certain groups of people. :look:

That I must not be very learned. Again, we're catholic...pretty big on education and world experience, culturally, socially, politically, spiritually.

Folks being shocked I(we) go to Mass. Why?

Folks being shocked I'm not baptist/protestant. Folks who don't comprehend why I'm obligated every Sunday...cuz of His eternal sacrifice I'm grateful for. :yep:

**People being shocked my kids are pure and I live a chaste life. ????? We're observant catholics. Sigh. Troy Polamalu and his family face something similar.

**People shocked that my kids aren't allowed to do certain things or go certain mixed-sex places like the other kids. We're CATHOLIC!

Here's the clincher:

Folks in my own family/network (via former marriage) who are shocked that I'm not some wanton skank divorcee looking for easy sex, adulterer, actually dating before my annulment is granted....and that I didn't leave him to go into the arms of another. Consider they helped him save face by believing his lies. I think that when you project, you're probably the one doing such? I dunno. Sigh.....:nono: Like I said before, I'm an observant catholic. I didn't say "perfect." But I know my L-rd.

Sometimes, at the grocery store, I'll get the occasional white checker who will see all the lemons I buy

and ask me about the skeezy liquor party I'm supposedly about to have. :look: ???? (this place is definitely prejudiced)

So, you ladies keep up the good work! He is definitely FIRST! People will judge all day long...and if you get a glimpse into their lives, it will reveal a whole lot!!!:yep: People hated Jesus, how much more His imperfect followers?

I love your post... you're speaking from your heart. But Guitar, what would she think so foolishly about the lemons? I buy them by the bags,, as I use fresh lemon juice in my Green Tea. Also in my smoothies, and I eat them like oranges.... :yep:

That cashier is way off base. But then... Oh, that's right... we're Christians... :yep: :lol:
Shimmie, it was a white guy...and I think it's a PIttsburgh thing. There are so many stereotypes (some true, went to the hood yesterday :look::nono:) but it's not true of everyone and that's what I hate so much. I guess he thought I was liquoring it up with men and whatnot cuz he had this kinda nasty, mischievous look on his face. :look::nono: I guess it didn't help I had a big packet of chicken wings on the belt, too. Sigh... It's not like they automatically know I'm christian. I'm just a regular person. I guess my peeve is that they think I couldn't possibly be an upright person. :sad: I dress and behave modestly (yeah, I can get a little rowdy on LHCF sometimes).

Yeah, I buy bags of lemons for everything from cooking, salad dressing, cleaning chicken to skincare and whatnot. I just freeze them and when they thaw, they're automatically juiced lol! Just don't accidentally drop any on your bare toes.:lol:

Bout the "skeez-factor" from former (I kicked them to the curb) son's here from college and his dad and family are still talking crap. No child should be subjected to that crap. It just simply isn't true. Time will tell and if not, when we die, all truth shall be known. Y'all, pray for me. :nono:
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My friends stopped telling me things after i started to profess christianity a few years ago because they thought i was going to judge them. I realized the way i acted as a "new-born" christian may have led to those thoughts...sigh..

But yeah, the judgemental thing. Hating gays. Stuff like that.
It takes all that and more...that could be a thread all by it self...

What are some stereotypes you face as a Christian Women?

Because you pray and read your word everyday, you're a fanatic.."it dont take all that"

Because you dont club or drink, your life is 'boring'

Since I dont date, i must be bitter or a lesbian..

If you dont like people cursing around you, you think you better than everyone else

Just because I like wearing dresses and skirts Im a Penecostal...

Anyone face these things as well?