Christian/Inspirational fiction

beaux cheveux

New Member
Any good Christian reads?:grin:
I am planning on expanding my inspirational fiction. Just starting to read my Bible again:yep:, got a great devotional, still, I am in the mood for some uplifting/inspirational fiction.
Any recommendations?
Any good Christian reads?:grin:
I am planning on expanding my inspirational fiction. Just starting to read my Bible again:yep:, got a great devotional, still, I am in the mood for some uplifting/inspirational fiction.
Any recommendations?

I am on book 4 of the Rain Series by Vanessa Miller... Girl the series is sooo good! I dread the day I read the last page of book 5! LOL

-Former Rain
-Abundant Rain
-Latter Rain
-Rain Storm <-- I am here
-Through the Storm

Also.... Ex-files by Victoria Murray Excellent also! :)

I ordered 11 other books, but have not even cracked them open yet.. lol Im becoming a book junkie! LOL

I have not read but heard the "blessed trinity" series is good also.
I am on book 4 of the Rain Series by Vanessa Miller... Girl the series is sooo good! I dread the day I read the last page of book 5! LOL

-Former Rain
-Abundant Rain
-Latter Rain
-Rain Storm <-- I am here
-Through the Storm

Also.... Ex-files by Victoria Murray Excellent also! :)

I ordered 11 other books, but have not even cracked them open yet.. lol Im becoming a book junkie! LOL

I have not read but heard the "blessed trinity" series is good also.
Thanks. I heard a lot about the Rain series. Will check it out. I haven't read a good book in a while.
Christian books I recently read are:
The Matyr's Song by Ted Dekker
My thoughts: Well-written. A moving story about persecuted Christians.
I heart Bloomberg by Melody Carlson
My thoughts: It was an OK read. A nice chick-lit kind of thing. Four students share a home. I liked the antagonist. She had more personality than the rest to me.:look:

They were both pretty good! Still, I don't like to have book I already read hanging around (I never re-read):perplexed I might sell them, I don't know. I have too much stuff laying around.:lachen:
Christian books I recently read are:
The Matyr's Song by Ted Dekker
My thoughts: Well-written. A moving story about persecuted Christians.
I heart Bloomberg by Melody Carlson
My thoughts: It was an OK read. A nice chick-lit kind of thing. Four students share a home. I liked the antagonist. She had more personality than the rest to me.:look:

They were both pretty good! Still, I don't like to have book I already read hanging around (I never re-read):perplexed I might sell them, I don't know. I have too much stuff laying around.:lachen:
:lol: @ "Chick-lit" :lol:

Now I want to go to Chick Filet for some waffle fries... :spinning:

Novels are 'new' to me, but you make these books sound worth reading; I like your commentaries, you gave me a quick preview to determine my interest. I love to sit outside and read, with my music in the quiet peace of the morning or afternoon. :meditate:

As for your 'abundance' in literature, they would be nice for a woman's shelter in a basket with hair products that you'll never use.

I need to follow my own advice and go through my stash this weekend (off for 4 days) and just pack things up and give them away. I'm out of room in my home, literally.

Thanks again for sharing about your books. :Rose:
This Present Darkness, by Frank Peretti - battle of angles vs. demons
Piercing The Darkness, by Frank Peretti - cont'. of battle
Redeeming Love, by Francine Rivers - old west, representing book of Hosea (i read this once a year)
The Mitford series, by Jan Karon - an episcopalian priest and his life and future wife( i read these every year too)

try any books from Peretti or Rivers. some are better than others.
Ted Dekker wrote Thr3e, and co-wrote House, with Peretti, if you like Dekker's writing.

The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis (my daughter is reading this for the second time, while i have yet to read it. I love the movie. I think he has other fiction works, but i have not read any yet.

i hope you enjoy one of these.
I second anything from Francine Rivers and Frank Peritti (sp)

I also enjoy books by Deeanne Gist and The Savannah Series by Denise Hildreth.

James Scott Bell and Craig Parshall both write intriguing books about the law mixed with faith.

The Veritas Conflict was hands down one of the best Christian/Fiction books I have ever read - second to ANYTHING by Francine Rivers.

I haven't read much but I really love The Mark of the Lion Series by Francine Rivers (or at least the first two books) It's about a Jewish girl that escapes death during the destruction of Jerusalem (70 A.D.) and is sold as a slave to a Roman family. The main character's compassion and faith was very touching. It's amazing how there really is nothing new under the sun and the issues that are dealt with in the book are still being dealt with today.
You can read most of the book on google books but I wouldn't recommend it XD It's about 500 pages per book and while I've done it before, paper is always better.

Really words can't express how much I loved the books. :)

My friend highly recommends Angela Hunt, I read one book from her Egypt series. It was good but my brother said it was a Biblical fanfic and now I don't want to read. (It was about Joseph and some servant girl well partially)
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:lol: @ "Chick-lit" :lol:

Now I want to go to Chick Filet for some waffle fries... :spinning:

Novels are 'new' to me, but you make these books sound worth reading; I like your commentaries, you gave me a quick preview to determine my interest. I love to sit outside and read, with my music in the quiet peace of the morning or afternoon. :meditate:

As for your 'abundance' in literature, they would be nice for a woman's shelter in a basket with hair products that you'll never use.

I need to follow my own advice and go through my stash this weekend (off for 4 days) and just pack things up and give them away. I'm out of room in my home, literally.

Thanks again for sharing about your books. :Rose:
That sounds like a great idea Shimmie, thanks!:grin:

This Present Darkness, by Frank Peretti - battle of angles vs. demons
Piercing The Darkness, by Frank Peretti - cont'. of battle
Redeeming Love, by Francine Rivers - old west, representing book of Hosea (i read this once a year)
The Mitford series, by Jan Karon - an episcopalian priest and his life and future wife( i read these every year too)

try any books from Peretti or Rivers. some are better than others.
Ted Dekker wrote Thr3e, and co-wrote House, with Peretti, if you like Dekker's writing

The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis (my daughter is reading this for the second time, while i have yet to read it. I love the movie. I think he has other fiction works, but i have not read any yet.

i hope you enjoy one of these.
I have read all of Peretti's books.:yep: His writing is excellent! I heard about the other fictional works of C.S. Lewis, surprisingly from a friend who is not christian, I heard they were very good. I might try that out, along with all the others you listed.
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers was excellent! Loved it completely, though I thought the ending was kind of weird.:look: The other book I read by her was Leota's Garden. Good stuff.

I second anything from Francine Rivers and Frank Peritti (sp)

I also enjoy books by Deeanne Gist and The Savannah Series by Denise Hildreth.

James Scott Bell and Craig Parshall both write intriguing books about the law mixed with faith.

The Veritas Conflict was hands down one of the best Christian/Fiction books I have ever read - second to ANYTHING by Francine Rivers.

It looks very good! So many books to choose from. Right now I am reading Living with Fred, a good about a city-slicker preacher's kid who moves to the south with his family in the early 70's when his dad is called to minister there. It is good so far. He talks about how he found God and tried to fit in with the other kids.
There was this other book I wanted to get, about this blind kid and his misadventures, saw a bunch on sale the other day, didn't get it. Now I went to back to the store and now it is all gone!:sad: I don't remember the title.
I am off to amazon to look for some of the titles you ladies suggested.
There is also a 4 book series from Victoria Christopher Murray.. Temptation, A sin and a shame, too little too late and Lady Jasmine.

I brought all 4 but still reading the "rain" series. Those 4 books will be next. :)
Wow! So today I got The Veritas Conflict as suggested by momi and it is awesomeness X7!!!!!!:grin:
I am still waiting on some other books to come in the mail, as suggested by Mrs. TheBronx, can't wait! Veritas was the first book that arrived though, so I am starting with that.
Thank you for all you suggestions ladies!:grin: