Christian Food Pantry Refuses to Give Up Jesus


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Christian Food Pantry Refuses to Give Up Jesus, Loses Government Food Contributions

By Morgan Lee , CP Contributor
September 10, 2013|5:09 pm
  • christian-service-center.jpg

    (Photo: Flickr / Billy Brown)
    The Christian Service Center has been serving food to the poor for the past 31 years.

A Christian food pantry that provides meals to low-income Lake City residents has refused to give up Jesus, and will continue to show Christian images as it distributes food while carrying out its charity work, and will continue to ask if people would like to be prayed for.
The decision by the Christian Service Center (CSC) has come despite the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) mandate prohibiting the Florida-based Christian organization from keeping faith components in its programming. The USDA has threatened that if it does not comply then the center will no longer remain eligible for government food.

The CSC has served food to low-income Lake City residents for the past 31 years. As part of its service, CSC prays with its clients and asks them if they would like to learn more about Christ. According to CSC Executive Director Kay Daly, clients do not have to accept this offer to receive services.

"When we meet with them to get an understanding of the crisis or need, we ask them if they know Jesus Christ and if we may share with them. If they decline, we don't. If they do want to, we share the Gospel with them," Daly told The Christian Post. "Sometimes we lead them to the Lord and sometimes we don't."

But under a new contract with the USDA, CSC was asked to halt the religious aspects of their programming. It was also asked to take down pictures of Jesus and 10 Commandments signs currently on center walls.

The USDA explained that the mandate was meant to comply with church and state regulations.
"This program is a USDA-funded program and the requirements were outlined by the USDA," spokesperson Amanda Bevis told Fox News. "This agency administers the program on the state level. Our staff did provide a briefing to CSC following turnover in leadership at CSC and did review the USDA requirements."

However, another USDA spokesperson explained that "under current law, organizations that receive USDA nutrition assistance can still engage in religious activities so long as the activity is not used to create a barrier to eligible individuals receiving food."

CSC has refused to comply with the new regulations, even though the loss of the USDA food will severely cut into the food it has available, as the government currently contributes 30 to 40 percent of its total supply.
It hopes to make up for the anticipated food shortage through the support of its many relationships with area churches and individual donations and prayers.

"We also will trust God," said Daly. "I don't say that lightly. We will trust Him day to day to meet our needs."

Daly said because CSC's mission is so closely tied to faith, the organization could not compromise their beliefs with the USDA.

"How do you comprise? We would deny what we stand for, which is Jesus Christ, which is why we are," said Daly. "The USDA has drawn the line in the sand. If they are going to put stipulations on the use and distribution of the food, we make a choice and our choice is to stand with Christ."
Daly said she is unfamiliar with any other Florida organizations who have faced similar restrictions.

Anyone who wishes to remotely assist the CSC may make a check out to The Christian Service Center and send it to P.O. Box 2285, Lake City, FL 32056.
I remember this movie, its a teacher in Chicago and she said, (Mrs Marva Collins) if you take anything from the Government you have to follow their rules and curriculum and she wasn't going to do it. He who eats my bread does my will, is what she actually said.
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Government money and religion don't mix. Don't use government money to proselytize. I wouldn't want someone teaching me about Mohammed if I am at the lowest point in my life and it is state sponsored. Forcing people to come to Jesus via coercion does not work. It is a personal call and the person has to be ready and receptive. Only God knows when that correct time is and when the seed should be watered.

They should not have accepted government money anyway and the whole thing makes them look bad.

To me if you want religious freedom then believe God for the finances to do his work don't beg the government to pay for your personal convictions

I am leaving before I get kicked out... sorry

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^^I'm sure that no one would 'kick' you off the CF, we all have the same rights on this site which is to share our opinion...

I must highlight that the articles said they 'ask' the individuals first...

A Christian food pantry that provides meals to low-income Lake City residents has refused to give up Jesus, and will continue to show Christian images as it distributes food while carrying out its charity work, and will continue to ask if people would like to be prayed for.

"When we meet with them to get an understanding of the crisis or need, we ask them if they know Jesus Christ and if we may share with them. If they decline, we don't. If they do want to, we share the Gospel with them," Daly told The Christian Post. "Sometimes we lead them to the Lord and sometimes we don't."
^^I'm sure that no one would 'kick' you off the CF, we all have the same rights on this site which is to share our opinion...

I must highlight that the articles said they 'ask' the individuals first...

I read that but it is not the right place and time for that. I wouldn't want any religion to do me that way. This is just my thought and belief.

Again this is my opinion

I try not to post much in here because I hate to debate other Christians

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Government money and religion don't mix. Don't use government money to proselytize. I wouldn't want someone teaching me about Mohammed if I am at the lowest point in my life and it is state sponsored. Forcing people to come to Jesus via coercion does not work. It is a personal call and the person has to be ready and receptive. Only God knows when that correct time is and when the seed should be watered.

They should not have accepted government money anyway and the whole thing makes them look bad.

To me if you want religious freedom then believe God for the finances to do his work don't beg the government to pay for your personal convictions

I am leaving before I get kicked out... sorry

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

The government, both Federal and State and Local City/County have no problem taking Christians Tax Dollars......

So as Christians we have every right to be involved in the government. It's our money keeping them (the government) fed. To be honest, it's our money that pays the USDA and the food which they feel they have a right to control.

Just sayin'.... :yep:
The government, both Federal and State and Local City/County have no problem taking Christians Tax Dollars......

So as Christians we have every right to be involved in the government. It's our money keeping them (the government) fed. To be honest, it's our money that pays the USDA and the food which they feel they have a right to control.

Just sayin'.... :yep:

Okay and it is non Christian money as well. Let Caesar take what is his and don't place demands on it.
This is my last post because I don't really like to debate
I just disagree

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Okay and it is non Christian money as well. Let Caesar take what is his and don't place demands on it.

This is my last post because I don't really like to debate
I just disagree

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

At the bolded, I understand how you feel. It's okay. I sincerely respect it. :yep:
^^I'm sure that no one would 'kick' you off the CF, we all have the same rights on this site which is to share our opinion...

I must highlight that the articles said they 'ask' the individuals first...
The only reason why the government "gives" them food to begin with is because they "want" the "Church" to feed the hungry because they ain't got time for that....:rolleyes:. They would rather see people go hungry than help them. I know...I worked first hand with them.

I worked for 18 years for a not-for-profit organization that believes that Jesus Christ is Lord and would share the Gospel with people first. If they refused it, then we wouldn't share to that person/persons. But, that was rare because most people in this situation wanted prayer....they ASKED for it.

We got most of our food, clothing and other items (soap, lotion, shampoo & conditioner, laundry detergent, etc.) from private donations and other organizations including Muslim organizations, that wanted to help us because of what we do. They didn't do it, but they wanted to help to feed the hungry in that very large community we serviced. We welcomed all the items from people WHO WANTED TO HELP FEED THE POOR.

There will always be those who oppose the Gospel of Jesus is:
"The stone which the builders rejected, this became the very corner stone," and, "A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense"; for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also appointed." 1 Peter 2: 7-8

I praise God for His Word when He says this:
"But you are A chosen race, A royal Priesthood, a Holy nation, a people for God's own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9

People that do the work of the ministry by feeding the poor will get a great reward. Surely what we see is an attack against JESUS and the enemy is working through people.
This was my first though:

Matthew 10:33 - But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

My prayers go out to them and I hope that they continue to do their good work.
Your comment brought this thought to mind.

We share diet, cooking, cleaning, hair growing technique and tips even where to get the best deals from without even asking folk first. I'm curious when it comes to God why are there so many restrictions.

Thank you for your opinion, no debate from me.

I read that but it is not the right place and time for that. I wouldn't want any religion to do me that way. This is just my thought and belief.

Again this is my opinion

I try not to post much in here because I hate to debate other Christians

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
The only reason why the government "gives" them food to begin with is because they "want" the "Church" to feed the hungry because they ain't got time for that....:rolleyes:. They would rather see people go hungry than help them. I know...I worked first hand with them.

I worked for 18 years for a not-for-profit organization that believes that Jesus Christ is Lord and would share the Gospel with people first. If they refused it, then we wouldn't share to that person/persons. But, that was rare because most people in this situation wanted prayer....they ASKED for it.

We got most of our food, clothing and other items (soap, lotion, shampoo & conditioner, laundry detergent, etc.) from private donations and other organizations including Muslim organizations, that wanted to help us because of what we do. They didn't do it, but they wanted to help to feed the hungry in that very large community we serviced. We welcomed all the items from people WHO WANTED TO HELP FEED THE POOR.

There will always be those who oppose the Gospel of Jesus is:
"The stone which the builders rejected, this became the very corner stone," and, "A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense"; for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also appointed." 1 Peter 2: 7-8

I praise God for His Word when He says this:
"But you are A chosen race, A royal Priesthood, a Holy nation, a people for God's own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9

People that do the work of the ministry by feeding the poor will get a great reward. Surely what we see is an attack against JESUS and the enemy is working through people.

This was my first though:

My prayers go out to them and I hope that they continue to do their good work.

Your comment brought this thought to mind.

We share diet, cooking, cleaning, hair growing technique and tips even where to get the best deals from without even asking folk first. I'm curious when it comes to God why are there so many restrictions.

Thank you for your opinion, no debate from me.

The USDA is unrealistic...

So, they're just going to allow the food to go to waste knowing folks are hungry. Why not ask the people that they are depriving how they feel about it?

What about the families who don't get a food box or basket all because of the USDA is being a food nazi. "Naw soup fer' you!"

And I still go back to 'WE' Christians pay the taxes that pay the salaries of the USDA and for the food as well. They need a better reason than 'prayer' to withhold food for hungry people. Shame on them.

How do they sleep at ngiht?

Oh... I get it. They're vampires. :nono:
The USDA is unrealistic...

So, they're just going to allow the food to go to waste knowing folks are hungry. Why not ask the people that they are depriving how they feel about it?

What about the families who don't get a food box or basket all because of the USDA is being a food nazi.
"Naw soup fer' you!"

And I still go back to 'WE' Christians pay the taxes that pay the salaries of the USDA and for the food as well. They need a better reason than 'prayer' to withhold food for hungry people. Shame on them.

How do they sleep at ngiht?

Oh... I get it. They're vampires. :nono:
Now I have to regroup....but first :dighole: :rofl: :rofl:
The USDA is unrealistic...

So, they're just going to allow the food to go to waste knowing folks are hungry. Why not ask the people that they are depriving how they feel about it?

What about the families who don't get a food box or basket all because of the USDA is being a food nazi. "Naw soup fer' you!"

And I still go back to 'WE' Christians pay the taxes that pay the salaries of the USDA and for the food as well. They need a better reason than 'prayer' to withhold food for hungry people. Shame on them.

How do they sleep at ngiht?

Oh... I get it. They're vampires. :nono:
Yes they will. And the people who complained about it while they were on line to receive the food will know when they go back and there isn't any food for them to eat. The Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance that they didn't want the "Food for life.":nono:

People don't understand....its not enough that you feed the body, but your spirit must be fed and it can only be fed with The Word of God! Without it, your body may get nourishment, but your spirit will die without it.
Wow - I was just thinking about this last evening... I used to volunteer for a food pantry at a church. I was completely taken aback when I was told that we couldn't "proselytize" to the people we were serving. I'm like "You mean we can't tell them about Jesus"???
Then what is the point - to gain the world or some dried beans and potentially lose your soul???

There is a coalition in my area between local pastors and the county sheriff's department to provide after school care for at risk young boys. The article said that it would be a "secular" program... it brought me to tears. So you want the church's influence but not the God that they claim to serve. Secondly I wondered why the pastors agreed to any program that wouldn't allow them to lead the young men to Christ???
Amen! :yep:

Yes they will. And the people who complained about it while they were on line to receive the food will know when they go back and there isn't any food for them to eat. The Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance that they didn't want the "Food for life.":nono:

People don't understand....its not enough that you feed the body, but your spirit must be fed and it can only be fed with The Word of God! Without it, your body may get nourishment, but your spirit will die without it.
Wow - I was just thinking about this last evening... I used to volunteer for a food pantry at a church. I was completely taken aback when I was told that we couldn't "proselytize" to the people we were serving. I'm like "You mean we can't tell them about Jesus"???
Then what is the point - to gain the world or some dried beans and potentially lose your soul???

There is a coalition in my area between local pastors and the county sheriff's department to provide after school care for at risk young boys. The article said that it would be a "secular" program... it brought me to tears. So you want the church's influence but not the God that they claim to serve. Secondly I wondered
why the pastors agreed to any program that wouldn't allow them to lead the young men to Christ???
There are shepherds and then there are hirelings...that's why.
The only reason why the government "gives" them food to begin with is because they "want" the "Church" to feed the hungry because they ain't got time for that....:rolleyes:. They would rather see people go hungry than help them. I know...I worked first hand with them.

I worked for 18 years for a not-for-profit organization that believes that Jesus Christ is Lord and would share the Gospel with people first. If they refused it, then we wouldn't share to that person/persons. But, that was rare because most people in this situation wanted prayer....they ASKED for it.

We got most of our food, clothing and other items (soap, lotion, shampoo & conditioner, laundry detergent, etc.) from private donations and other organizations including Muslim organizations, that wanted to help us because of what we do. They didn't do it, but they wanted to help to feed the hungry in that very large community we serviced. We welcomed all the items from people WHO WANTED TO HELP FEED THE POOR.

There will always be those who oppose the Gospel of Jesus is:
"The stone which the builders rejected, this became the very corner stone," and, "A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense"; for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also appointed." 1 Peter 2: 7-8

I praise God for His Word when He says this:
"But you are A chosen race, A royal Priesthood, a Holy nation, a people for God's own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9

People that do the work of the ministry by feeding the poor will get a great reward. Surely what we see is an attack against JESUS and the enemy is working through people.

The government, both Federal and State and Local City/County have no problem taking Christians Tax Dollars......

So as Christians we have every right to be involved in the government. It's our money keeping them (the government) fed. To be honest, it's our money that pays the USDA and the food which they feel they have a right to control.

Just sayin'.... :yep:

Mods - we need a hold my mule while I shout smilie. :lol:
Yes they will. And the people who complained about it while they were on line to receive the food will know when they go back and there isn't any food for them to eat. The Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance that they didn't want the "Food for life.":nono:

People don't understand....its not enough that you feed the body, but your spirit must be fed and it can only be fed with The Word of God! Without it, your body may get nourishment, but your spirit will die without it.

That ain't right... :mad: That is just not right.

What do they expect from Christians? To not be a Christian? We share Jesus and prayers for hungry souls which is truly where the physical hunger begins.

Jesus is indeed the "Bread of Life" and our 'Living Water'.

We as Christians know all too well that it takes more than physical food to exist in this world of such terror and confusion. We all need Jesus. No one is being forced to 'accept' Him. But people need to know and hear the 'Good News' that Jesus is their root and life for survival. 'Come to Jesus' for everlasting life. What if these same hungry people get sick and die without Christ and without knowing that His love is for them?

The raunchy and ratchet government we have will put anything gmo in their food and not blink a single eyelash of conscious nor regret and then send these precious lives off to die and not care about them nor their life after death.

Whoever is behind this needs to get 'checked' and checked good. I'm praying for full repentance for this government. They are not doing justice to the American people. They'd rather see a person die of hunger than feed them the true Bread of Life.

Wow - I was just thinking about this last evening... I used to volunteer for a food pantry at a church. I was completely taken aback when I was told that we couldn't "proselytize" to the people we were serving. I'm like "You mean we can't tell them about Jesus"???
Then what is the point - to gain the world or some dried beans and potentially lose your soul???

There is a coalition in my area between local pastors and the county sheriff's department to provide after school care for at risk young boys.

The article said that it would be a "secular" program... it brought me to tears.

So you want the church's influence but not the God that they claim to serve. Secondly I wondered why the pastors agreed to any program that wouldn't allow them to lead the young men to Christ???

Secular... ? This makes me very sad.

Those folks ain't right... :nono:
I'm with you Shimmie it just aint right, but like momi said in an up thread, why are we complying with it...I'm wondering if it's because we think that the government is our 'source'.
I'm with you Shimmie it just aint right, but like momi said in an up thread, why are we complying with it...I'm wondering if it's because we think that the government is our 'source'.

I know........... right?

The government is not our source. Neva' was, Twernt neva' will be.

I just want 'our' tax dollars worth PLUS interest 70 x's 7 :yep:

Folks be like... "Church and State' don't mix.

Okay.. then gimme' back my dollars.