Christian "FAQ's" - Question / Answer Thread


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Here's a thread to ask a question pertaining to our Christian Faith and to share answers. I think this is a good way to share and to be a help to one another. :yep:

I'll begin:

What Bible Translation to most Chrisitians use and why?

My personal answer: While I mainly use the King James Version, it appears that the NIV (New International Version) is among the most popular used.

Can someone add clarity to this? I'm only going by my personal observation.

I think this going to be a really interesting and nice thread topic. Thanks for sharing. :love2:
I would say King James because its was the first translation released in English so its the closest to the original text. I have read some bad translations...Some translations even leave scriptures out...Example like NIV

When you read below where I say that a verse is COMPLETELY deleted, I mean deleted. For instance, if you search for Acts 8:37 in the NIV you will read,
36As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?"
38And he ordered the chariot to stop. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.

This is more verses NIV deleted..

Mark 7:16
Romans 16:24
I John 5:7
Luke 17:36
Mark 16:9-20

These are only a few...there is many more..

I need ALL the word of God.
Ok i read the question wrong :look:..I thought it said what bible SHOULD Chrisitans sorrry, well Im still going to leave me other comment up because its fact NIV readers should know :yep:

I think people read NIV because I heard SOME people say that the "thou" "shalt" and "eth" scares them....and that its easier to understand
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An except from the timeline of the English language Bible:

Myles Coverdale and John “Thomas Matthew” Rogers had remained loyal disciples the last six years of Tyndale's life, and they carried the English Bible project forward and even accelerated it. Coverdale finished translating the Old Testament, and in 1535 he printed the first complete Bible in the English language, making use of Luther's German text and the Latin as sources. Thus, the first complete English Bible was printed on October 4, 1535, and is known as the Coverdale Bible.

I cannot settle on one Bible because of the changes in language. If you want the best, you better learn Hebrew [or read the two different versions of the English Tanahk (the OT)], Aramaic and the history of the time period. A shortcut to that is the Strong's Concordance and research along with His Spirit's guidance. People have claimed seeing words in their Bibles transfigure into different ones as they read, giving them the deeper meaning of scripture.

The NIV is a good start, but without the history, the deeper layers will not be revealed or make sense (which is why we have teachers and the internet).
I think it's good to study Hebrew...for the most part, I use the KJV and the Amplified mostly, mainly because key words help keep in context Hebraic and Greek translations. a Strongs Concordance is good as well..I use this site as a supplement...eBiblical Hebrew
Can yall share yall study "habits"? How do yall study the word of God? I seen some really good comments on this, so please share.....:yep:

Explain more on this Hebrew/Greek as well..Do yall look up every definition/word in Hebrew/Greek????
I used the Keyword Study Bible KJV that has this Hebrew/Greek defintions in the back of it . I love it . I try to stay away from bible with alot of commentary, sometime the commentary just be horrible. One had stated that tongues no loner exist :nono:

I think it's good to study Hebrew...for the most part, I use the KJV and the Amplified mostly, mainly because key words help keep in context Hebraic and Greek translations. a Strongs Concordance is good as well..I use this site as a supplement...eBiblical Hebrew
U mean the history of the word?? What type of history?
The Bible is not the Word; it is a tool, like pray and fasting, for instruction and revelation. Yah the Almighty is the Word of God. Jesus is the Word of God in the flesh. The Holy Spirit is the Word of God in spirit, which came upon people before literacy was important. God Himself has not changed, so His Word has not.

Our Father has not stopped speaking His will in this time period. Every single one of His exploits cannot be contained in a book; we would never have time to read it all! The link I posted is a brief history of the Bible in the English language...nothing more.
i dont think u understood my question, but its ok :look:

The Bible is not the Word; it is a tool, like pray and fasting, for instruction and revelation. Yah the Almighty is the Word of God. Jesus is the Word of God in the flesh. The Holy Spirit is the Word of God in spirit, which came upon people before literacy was important. God Himself has not changed, so His Word has not.

Our Father has not stopped speaking His will in this time period. Every single one of His exploits cannot be contained in a book; we would never have time to read it all! The link I posted is a brief history of the Bible in the English language...nothing more.
i dont think u understood my question, but its ok :look:
Oh, that history is what was going on during the time each book was written. For example, the Pharisees started up during the Babylonian Captivity and to fully comprehend why He had a problem with them, historical research with His guidance can help.
John 1:1

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

He and His Word are One. That includes the written...which existed before. It was revealed to man orally and in writ down through the ages. It absolutely existed. He brought this all into existence through WORD...spoke it. It's clear as day in scripture. One needs to look at points to the written always. That's what Torah is. We cannot even put our fingers on is so use a 'yad' pointer to read. It is lovingly crowned and kept in the ark in Temple/Synagogue and in our church, in the Ark in the form of the eucharist or consecrated host behind the alter. I guess it depends upon how you look at the "bible"???? But I think of it as one of the mysteries.
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Exactly! Thanks....

Oh, that history is what was going on during the time each book was written. For example, the Pharisees started up during the Babylonian Captivity and to fully comprehend why He had a problem with them, historical research with His guidance can help.


Loved ones, you are so AWESOME! Thank you for keeping this thread alive and moving. All of your answers are awesome.

We each have so much to share and to learn from each other. Wow! :happydance:
Oh, that history is what was going on during the time each book was written. For example, the Pharisees started up during the Babylonian Captivity and to fully comprehend why He had a problem with them, historical research with His guidance can help.

I don't have a question, yet, but I agree with the bolded.
For the longest when I heard the scripture Mark 10: 25 "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle,than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God", I immediately related it to my knowledge.....A SEWING NEEDLE.

It was not until a bible study with a friend who shared with me what her father had taught her, from his research using biblical supplemental texts, that the needle is referring to a small hole in the Wall of Jerusalem known as the "The Eye of Needle." This task was often a HARD one because the camel had to kneel and crawl to enter through. This task wasn't IMPOSSIBLE, just VERY DIFFICULT. Jesus used this as analogical reference to his disciples to compare to a rich man entering into heaven.
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I don't have a question, yet, but I agree with the bolded.
For the longest when I heard the scripture Mark 10: 25 "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle,than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God", I immediately related it to my knowledge.....A SEWING NEEDLE.

It was not until a bible study with a friend who shared with me what her father had taught her, from his research using biblical supplemental texts, that the needle is referring to a small hole in the Wall of Jerusalem known as the "The Eye of Needle." This task was often a HARD one because the camel had to kneel and crawl to enter through. This task wasn't IMPOSSIBLE, just VERY DIFFICULT. Jesus used this as analogical reference to his disciples to compare to a rich man entering into heaven.

@ the bolded. Powerful analogy. :up:

This reminds me of how we have to kneel.....and pray to go through the 'needle eye' of faith. Not impossible, for with God all things are possible. :yep:
I would say King James because its was the first translation released in English so its the closest to the original text. I have read some bad translations...Some translations even leave scriptures out...Example like NIV

When you read below where I say that a verse is COMPLETELY deleted, I mean deleted. For instance, if you search for Acts 8:37 in the NIV you will read,
36As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?"
38And he ordered the chariot to stop. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.

This is more verses NIV deleted..

Mark 7:16
Romans 16:24
I John 5:7
Luke 17:36
Mark 16:9-20

These are only a few...there is many more..

I need ALL the word of God.

:thankyou: for sharing this. It's needed, very much. Many are not aware of this and the NIV is the only translation that they may have for study.
Can someone please provide scripture references that speaks about the specifically about the godly woman? I know that we all should abide by the full word of God, man and woman, but I know there are some that deals specifically with the woman. I'm trying to do a study on that. If you could even provide examples of women in the bible that would be great too:yep:. I have some but I know thats its not all...thanks in advance.
Can someone please provide scripture references that speaks about the specifically about the godly woman? I know that we all should abide by the full word of God, man and woman, but I know there are some that deals specifically with the woman. I'm trying to do a study on that. If you could even provide examples of women in the bible that would be great too:yep:. I have some but I know thats its not all...thanks in advance.

Most Definitely Proverbs 31 beginning with verse 10, "The Virtuous Woman"

1 Timothy 2:9:

Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness

The entire book of Ruth and the book of Esther.

Mary, the mother of Jesus who was highly favored above all women. Luke 1.

Hannah, who kept her promise to God dedicating her son Samuel to God and His work.

I hope this helps
Thanks Shimmie, I really need to read Esther, I heard about her , but I havent read about her myself.... Also about Deborah as well Thanks!!:bighug:

Most Definitely Proverbs 31 beginning with verse 10, "The Virtuous Woman"

1 Timothy 2:9:

Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness

The entire book of Ruth and the book of Esther.

Mary, the mother of Jesus who was highly favored above all women. Luke 1.

Hannah, who kept her promise to God dedicating her son Samuel to God and His work.

I hope this helps
Thanks Shimmie, I really need to read Esther, I heard about her , but I havent read about her myself.... Also about Deborah as well Thanks!!:bighug:

Deborah is also a good study. It's pretty brief, however there's an interesting point about Deborah. God chose her over the men because at the time, He could not find a man 'capable' (or perhaps in other words, Godly) enough to use as a Judge (the leaders at that time before Kings).
Hmmmmm, that is intresting....

Deborah is also a good study. It's pretty brief, however there's an interesting point about Deborah. God chose her over the men because at the time, He could not find a man 'capable' (or perhaps in other words, Godly) enough to use as a Judge (the leaders at that time before Kings).
See this is good! I never heard of Jael...

This question is for everyone ..How do yall by book, chapter by chapter..or do you study on a topic? Sometimes I find myself alllllll over :spinning:
This is one thing im praying on is to help God give me more order with my study life...

The story of Deborah is here:

Judges 4:1 through 5:31 ...

Oh there's another woman in this chapter, Jael... she was gangsta...:brucelee: Once again, God used a woman instead of a man. :yep:
I find that women are more 'open' to God ...Jael and Sisera powerful story even what Sisera's mom said, she happily accepted stolen gifts from her son, condoning children in their mess is nothing new...

The story of Deborah is here:

Judges 4:1 through 5:31 ...

Oh there's another woman in this chapter, Jael... she was gangsta...:brucelee: Once again, God used a woman instead of a man. :yep:
See this is good! I never heard of Jael...

This question is for everyone ..How do yall by book, chapter by chapter..or do you study on a topic? Sometimes I find myself alllllll over :spinning:
This is one thing im praying on is to help God give me more order with my study life...

"All Over" is wonderful and is actually God leading you to something He wants to share with you.

Sometimes I use a study guide (Reading the Bible through in a year), but I still move towards other chapters ahead or 'behind' for review.

So many times, the Holy Spirit has something more to say to me beyond the study guide and I love this, because I get so blessed. The Words will literally 'leap' up from the pages, into my heart and I know the Holy Spirit has given me a Word for the given time or season.

More than often, I will hold my Bible and whisper, "Lord, speak to my heart"...

He always does... :yep: