Christian Business Owners 30-Day Pro-Active Business Challenge


Well-Known Member
...I am having such a time..just taking the actions that I KNOW will move me forward and upward ......and I know others face this issue of resistance,too.
Would any one want to do a 30 day challenge where we could introduce our goals to accomplish in 30 days .....

We could list like 3-5 goals....and then every day check-in to post
the daily actions toward our entrepreneurial vision-goals and list them here for support. They could even be baby steps..brain storming...small steps...mine will be! We could post bible verses to keep us inspired and grounded.

Sisters, what miracles could happen to our businesses in 30 days or further down the line as result of concentrated spiritual effort?
Starting August 15th :)

For I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord plans to prosper you and give you the future you hope for Jeremiah 29;11
Ugh! I'm so annoyed with you for posting this! :ohwell: I sit and I sit and I sit. Procrastination is such an obstacle for me. Oy! God help me!

I was going to wait to reply but that would be procrastinating, huh? okay, I'll sign up. :rolleyes:
Ugh! I'm so annoyed with you for posting this! I sit and I sit and I sit. Procrastination is such an obstacle for me. Oy! God help me!
I was going to wait to reply but that would be procrastinating, huh? okay, I'll sign up. Bob Barker used to say on the Price is Right:grin:
Come on Down!

Oy! God help me!

uh-huh! a prayer. & girl,you KNOW....HE heard ya!
thanks for coming on board....
at least 20 of you peeked in here......:grin:

c'mon....tomm we start a 30 day spiritual business improvement vigil...
you dont even have to identify your action..... just that you took an action for that day..or post a related prayer or verse or inspiration,devotion stay on track

Praying for prosperity in advance with the Christian Business as Ministry to support our businesses to get to the next level and share the abundance and spread the message!

A Faith that works........:)
& in it together
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Ugh! I'm so annoyed with you for posting this! :ohwell: I sit and I sit and I sit. Procrastination is such an obstacle for me. Oy! God help me!

I was going to wait to reply but that would be procrastinating, huh? okay, I'll sign up. :rolleyes:

o.k. I take this as the Lord answering my prayer to get the energy and motivation to get my business started. I procrastinate as well. For everyone if you don't here from me...PM ME!!!
Ok, I'm in. When do we get the ball rolling?

o.k. I take this as the Lord answering my prayer to get the energy and motivation to get my business started. I procrastinate as well. For everyone if you don't here from me...PM ME!!!

yaaaaay! we can do it! :yep:
So we start tommorow August 15th to September 15

As a suggestion only
(..please post what/as feels right for you..)

I thought we could introduce or list the goal(s) to tackle during the 30 day period or to use the 30 day period to get started
and share if we like...on what's been difficult/rewarding on this ...

Then every day we can list the one or two or how ever many actions taken that day towards the bigger goal(s)...
we can even check in early to say what action we will be taking...say an interview that's been put off...and then come back and share right was done!

we can add biblical references and inspiration
share any triumphs as well as challenges
or just check in each day and say without identifying it.....yes..I did my action today:grin:

These are suggestions only!
we can do all things through Christ who gives us the strength
God did not give us a spirit of fear and timidity..but of power and of love and of a sound mind

See you in the next 30 days!
Ladies, we're gonna do it ;)
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I'm in! My business goal within the next 60 days is to be a PowerTeam Leader within my company. This means getting 6 people, 3 of which I personally sponsor, into the business with me. I must say 60 because I won't hold some of my business presentations until early-mid September.

Designing presentation flyers
Marketing my presentations via flyers
Using our Success from Home Magazines
Participate in networking events via Meetup
Attend company presentation and training events

Scriptures: Seek ye first, the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, all these things shall be added unto you. In the midst of my task and goals, I'm going to commit time to prayer and meditation - seeking God's wisdom.
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I have to run to an apppearance this morning but I wil be back in the afternoon to post ...'

InnocentKiss..I'm going to use your posting a template for me....very precise

really impressed.... really inspired
I already feel your success

thank you
Next 30 days

Develop all my marketing materials, I have a lot of notes ( I jot them down as the spirit leads. Get some business cards printed up and register as a Corporation in my state.

Today-I am doing some freelance work to build my portfolio. Go over my summary in order to be prepared for my conference call tomorrow at noon.

We walk by faith and not by sight.
30 days goals
Finish revising and email a novel by Sept 1
Create appearance/speaker/storytelling blogs
Book 1 adult speaker appearance Black Heritage month
Book 3 children appearances for Sept
Send out 3 picture book manuscripts
Advertise/acquire an intern

create speech workshop ideas
research adult venues/Black history venues
create a database
develope printed and web marketing materials
set a writing schedule for every day
set a deadline for submitting picbooks

Matthew 25:21
His master replied, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"
create speech workshop ideas
research adult venues/Black history venues
create a database
develope printed and web marketing materials
set a writing schedule for every day
set a deadline for submitting picbooks

Actions for today
1.Declutter my office
2.rewrite 20 pages of novel at 7:30pm
3.Call 10 potential clients
4.write and submit ad for intern current online or web-based marketing materials 2 current pic manuscripts fo submission

Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers."
3 John 1:2
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Goal Tasks
create speech workshop ideas
research adult venues/Black history venues
create a database
develope printed and web marketing materials
set a writing schedule for every day
set a deadline for submitting picbooks

Actions for today (8/16).........Accomplished
1.Declutter my office
2.rewrite 20 pages(47) of novel at 7:30pm
3.Call 10 (2)potential clients
4.(reviewed an old ad) write and submit ad for intern current online or web-based marketing materials 2 current pic manuscripts fo submission

Actions today 8/1/8
4 hours of outreach potential appearance clients calls
submit lawyer application to handle my current picture book
50 pages of novel
Actions 5&6 of Saturday's action that I didn't do

Saturday's actions moved me forward
Deluttering was a big help...and orgainzing the declutter will further
even better.. Shocked that in an couple of hours... almost 50 pages of a 161 page novel was revised..This tells me.... I CAN do 50 pages a day to be finished in no time
But monday... ugh
I watched my self procrastinate. I told my self I was afraid.
I was up at 9:am and it's now 11:30..with only 2 business
calls..I am not sure if I need to enter the work morning slowly or if I
am simply stallling from doing the work!

cold calls are hard even with a credentialed book... it's hard
and my income depends on it! ..I need a cold call..partner or buddy...honestly...

Noticing online activity at fav websites including this one... does act as distractions and slows me down. I think I need to begin limiting and structuring online time.... Looking at all the detractors to begin eliminating and replacing with structure...I can change for the better and so can my business..Ithink IcanIthink Ican...Iknow Ican to work

Challenge Sisters o Challenge Sisters wherefore art thous?

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. --2 Corinthians 5:17
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30 day plan
- Clearly define what it is I want to do and how it should be marketed
- Create a viable marketing plan
- Create marketing materials, business cards etc.
- Order wireless internet for home PC

Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established. Prov. 15:22

Goal Tasks

Noticing online activity at fav websites including this one... does act as distractions and slows me down. I think I need to begin limiting and structuring online time.... Looking at all the detractors to begin eliminating and replacing with structure...I can change for the better and so can my business..Ithink IcanIthink Ican...Iknow Ican to work

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. --2 Corinthians 5:17

This is just why you haven't seen me. :yep: I will probably visit this site once a week. I've gotten a little too carried away with the online hair thing. However I will check in from time to time to encourage you. You sound like you have an exciting endeavor ahead of you! The Lord give you wisdom.

Shalom HL
I hear you on once a week..because much as I love (and need)
the website I have to cop to learn to allocate and manage my time on it and others much better..In fact I will commit to posting a new schedule for online activity such as this....

Your plan sounds very clear and focused...
I sure hope you check in....for you,lovely :) We can encourage each other!
... Do you think....and all of this ..weigh in!
that it can be a thirty day challenge with a once weekly check in? I'd do that!

....Lehit ra'ot.....

This is just why you haven't seen me. :yep: I will probably visit this site once a week. I've gotten a little too carried away with the online hair thing. However I will check in from time to time to encourage you. You sound like you have an exciting endeavor ahead of you! The Lord give you wisdom.

Decided to check in once a week... still staying on the challenge!
It's just been set back..setback set back

a client cancelled.....that was bad ..still trying to recoup
and personal grieving came up..
it's been hard..
but I did manage

  • to create 6 seasonally based..web-marketing materials for the fall.. ready to go....for e-marketing
  • I started a blog on this site..THE WRITE LIFE to get practiced for the blog I create..out there:)
  • Worked on the novel even if not perfectly
This week
4-6 hours daily of marketing out reach calls for fall clients
Begin calling venues for speaker presentations
Mass Email daily seasonal web promos
Mail lawyer proposal for my P-Book
Create Speaker web marketing with different themes
TRY TRY to FINISH Novel this weekend
Place ad for intern on blog for practice
Submit ONE picture book manuscript
Classes start for me this week so I am going to just work on my marketing plan... I am going to call this Christian Radio station to get some rates to help develop my budget.
More Than Yesterday

Philippians 3:13
Not that I have already obtained it or already become perfect but I press on in order that I may hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.
I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet but one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to lies ahead I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Pastor Carl H Stevens

An error of many believers is that they try to live off of past successes. The Christian life is not built upon the things of yesterday. The ruin of many is living in past failures. As each new day begins, it is time to forget those things which are behind.

A life in Christ depends solely on who Christ is in each moment of that life. Yesterday's greatest success can become folly today. Yesterday's biggest flop can soar with wings of victory at a touch from the Master's hand today. His mercy and grace must be found new each day.

Certainly a foundation of learning and growth is valuable, but mountains of learning do not amount to molehills if the freshness of Christ is missing. A successful life can be measured only in terms of Christ, never in terms of accomplishment.

Were you successful yesterday? Thank God if you were. Be successful today by receiving a fresh portion from Christ. Yesterday will not do for today; it will help in your preparation for today's experience, but it is no substitute for it. Do not allow yourself to be stagnant. Do not miss out on what Christ wants to give you today for daily bread; it is better than yesterday's. Enlarge your coasts, and allow Christ, who has begun a good work in you, to "perform it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Philippians 1:6).
I kid you not, I just said a prayer for God to lead me to an idea of the type of business that I can start for myself!!!!

I have NO idea what type of business that I want to open, but I've been inspired to start I'm just doing research and listening to God for the type of business that I would like to own.:yep:
Past listed actions

4-6 hours daily of marketing out reach calls for fall clients
Begin calling venues for speaker presentations
Mass Email daily seasonal web promos
Mail lawyer proposal for my P-Book
Create Speaker web marketing with different themes
TRY TRY to FINISH Novel this weekend
Place ad for intern on blog for practice
Submit ONE picture book manuscript

These are the actions..I keep procrastinating on :wallbash: that I am afraid of ...but also the ones that stand to bring in the most income.:look: Committing to the bolded RIGHT NOW..THIS MINUTE!
Working on those RIGHT NOW:yep:
and will check back in BEFORE midnight to input what was acccomplished
by 11:59
by the grace of God
Fulfillment now

A beautiful, fulfilled life requires nothing more than what you already have. Fulfillment depends solely on your decision to accept and experience it, in the moment where you are.
There are some achievements that may take a lifetime to reach. Yet at any point along the way, from the very moment you begin, you can know fulfillment.

Reaching any goal is a matter of commitment, discipline, intention and effort. Fulfillment itself is immediate, for it is a matter of knowing that you are living true to your highest purpose.

Do not become trapped by measuring success based on what you've already done or failed to do. Learn to see that success is entirely a function of how you are feeling and thinking and acting right now.
Your past cannot hold you back and your future cannot intimidate you, unless you allow it. This moment has every possibility of being the most fulfilling time you've ever known.
And somewhere inside, you know it.

-- Ralph Marston

How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you. Isaiah 30:19

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is near to all who call on him. Psalm 145:8, 18

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