Children and communion and baptism?

What are your thoughts on children taking communion and being baptized? My recently turned six dd praise dances, evangelizes, is a prayer warrior and wants to be a missionary when she grows up. She now wants to be baptized and take communion. She knows the meaning and significance of both. While I do not doubt her understanding or sincerity, I am unsure about it, though I do not want to discourage her. Also, does one have to/should be baptized to take communion? Opinions and scriptures welcomed. TIA
I would say this is a blessing. The six year olds of today are more like 26 year olds...Anyhow, if she wants to be baptized, nothing in Scripture forbids it. Baptism is to follow repentance and a confession of faith, so based on what you've shared about her she should be baptized. As far as communion, communion is in rememberance of the Lord and His sacrifice. There is nothing that says she needs to be baptized first. She can take communion anytime as long as she understands it.
This is wonderful to have a child who is raised to love and desire the fullness of the Lord...

Indeed this is wonderful for her to desire to take communion and to be baptized. If only more were like her and she shall lead others to understand and to do the same as well.

For your precious baby girl

read about Samuel, dedicated to the Lord from birth, it's not impossible for children to serve God it up to us to train them correctly in the ways of God.
Thank you all for responding. She has taken communion before. Someone asked me last month why she was taking communion if she had not been baptized, that was the first time I had ever heard of it. Their reasoning was if she/we felt she was able to take communion then why not have her baptized, which made sense. Then later a child asked her about it. So I thought it must be some kind of Baptist rule or something
(I'm not baptist and did not grow up Baptist). Maybe it was just a sign to me that she should be since she has asked me about it several times. I'm going to go ahead and allow her.

Here is a link to her first solo that she performed last Sunday. I hope you all are blessed by it.

Thanks for all the advice.
Thank you all for responding. She has taken communion before. Someone asked me last month why she was taking communion if she had not been baptized, that was the first time I had ever heard of it. Their reasoning was if she/we felt she was able to take communion then why not have her baptized, which made sense. Then later a child asked her about it. So I thought it must be some kind of Baptist rule or something
(I'm not baptist and did not grow up Baptist). Maybe it was just a sign to me that she should be since she has asked me about it several times. I'm going to go ahead and allow her.

Here is a link to her first solo that she performed last Sunday. I hope you all are blessed by it.

Thanks for all the advice.

I'm sure some people feel that she must be baptized before taking communion but that's more of a denominational view rather than a Biblical one.
Thank you all for responding. She has taken communion before. Someone asked me last month why she was taking communion if she had not been baptized, that was the first time I had ever heard of it. Their reasoning was if she/we felt she was able to take communion then why not have her baptized, which made sense. Then later a child asked her about it. So I thought it must be some kind of Baptist rule or something
(I'm not baptist and did not grow up Baptist). Maybe it was just a sign to me that she should be since she has asked me about it several times. I'm going to go ahead and allow her.

Here is a link to her first solo that she performed last Sunday. I hope you all are blessed by it.

Thanks for all the advice.

What a beautiful can see the heart of God all over her and in her. She is definitely God's Light unto the World. Many will follow her spirit in both dance and in Ministry.

I've been in Dance for long, long time and I see such grace in her movement and the keys to a beautiful Dancer are her spirit and the grace of her hands. Your baby girl has both in abundance. :yep:

If it's available to you, place her in Ballet. You'll understand why, the Lord will show you. :love2:

God bless you and thank you for sharing such a beautiful gift in this forum. What a joy to see parents who love the Lord and are teaching their children the very same. We need more parents and children such as you are.
What are your thoughts on children taking communion and being baptized? My recently turned six dd praise dances, evangelizes, is a prayer warrior and wants to be a missionary when she grows up. She now wants to be baptized and take communion. She knows the meaning and significance of both. While I do not doubt her understanding or sincerity, I am unsure about it, though I do not want to discourage her. Also, does one have to/should be baptized to take communion? Opinions and scriptures welcomed. TIA

As a Catholic, I do believe in infant baptism, and my 7 y.o. dd is preparing to take her First Communion in May 2014. I'm assuming you're not Catholic, so I'll give you my thoughts in general as a Christian.

First off, I want to say that your dd sounds adorable and awesome, and I hope she continues on the path she's on :grin:

Second, if she loves God, if she understands who Jesus is and has Him in her heart, let her be baptized and take communion. Christ tells us to let the little children come unto Him--Heaven is made of those with childlike faith and trust.

How often does your church do communion?
As a (former) Baptist, our thought is that a person should take communion after they understand the significance and has been born again, as signified by baptism. It is thought that if a child is not able to personally except Christ as the their savior, they are not ready to take communion.

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Baptism is the rite that initiates someone into the church/Christian faith. In the Bible, it tells us that entire households were baptized in the early days of the church, which would have included young and old alike. My understanding is that baptism replaces circumcision in that baptism is how you are initiated into the faith. I was baptized as an adult when I converted. :yep

Of course, we also believe that Jesus is truly present in the consecrated bread and wine so receiving communion is a grace. In this day and age, children need all the grace they can get.
What a beautiful can see the heart of God all over her and in her. She is definitely God's Light unto the World. Many will follow her spirit in both dance and in Ministry.

I've been in Dance for long, long time and I see such grace in her movement and the keys to a beautiful Dancer are her spirit and the grace of her hands. Your baby girl has both in abundance. :yep:

If it's available to you, place her in Ballet. You'll understand why, the Lord will show you. :love2:

God bless you and thank you for sharing such a beautiful gift in this forum. What a joy to see parents who love the Lord and are teaching their children the very same. We need more parents and children such as you are.

Thank you so much Shimmie. She just started ballet last month. It is a christian dance company. They start each practice with prayer and a memory verse. They learn classical ballet techniques but only dance to gospel music. They also must wear opaque tights for modesty. She actually has ballet and praise dance on the same day. She told me on Monday she wished praise dance was first because God comes first. She loves worshipping God through dance so much she dances everywhere we go. However she and I are very rhythmically challenged, any tips?

I grew up in the holliness church and I have never in life met anyone so on fire. She is also the most Christ- like person I know. She used to love the show Good Luck Charlie but when I heard that they were adding a gay character I told her she could not watch it anymore because there were things that were not pleasing to God on it now, she said" that's fine I don't want to watch anything that Jesus doesn't like anyways. I'm going to tell my friends and cousins not to watch it anymore either". When my husband told her to walk on the inside of the sidewalk she said " why if someone kills me,I'm going to heaven, I can't wait to go there it's going to be so awesome". She said God told her to witness to her uncle. I could go on and on. While dh and I do our best she doesn't get these things from us. We are trying to get on her level :yep: Please pray for us and her because we know how the enemy loves to attempt to steal what is God's :nono:.
As a Catholic, I do believe in infant baptism, and my 7 y.o. dd is preparing to take her First Communion in May 2014. I'm assuming you're not Catholic, so I'll give you my thoughts in general as a Christian.

First off, I want to say that your dd sounds adorable and awesome, and I hope she continues on the path she's on :grin:

Second, if she loves God, if she understands who Jesus is and has Him in her heart, let her be baptized and take communion. Christ tells us to let the little children come unto Him--Heaven is made of those with childlike faith and trust.

How often does your church do communion?

Thank you! I would say she is awesome but she got on me Sunday about bragging on her :ohwell:. They have communion once a month.
She asked me today about getting baptized and joining the choir. I said yes to both although I'm not sure if they will let her join the choir because of her age ( can't wait for them to hear her voice ........they will be unpleasantly surprised lol). And no I didn't tell her that :-)
Thank you so much Shimmie. She just started ballet last month. It is a christian dance company. They start each practice with prayer and a memory verse. They learn classical ballet techniques but only dance to gospel music. They also must wear opaque tights for modesty. She actually has ballet and praise dance on the same day. She told me on Monday she wished praise dance was first because God comes first. She loves worshipping God through dance so much she dances everywhere we go. However she and I are very rhythmically challenged, any tips?

I grew up in the holliness church and I have never in life met anyone so on fire. She is also the most Christ- like person I know. She used to love the show Good Luck Charlie but when I heard that they were adding a gay character I told her she could not watch it anymore because there were things that were not pleasing to God on it now, she said" that's fine I don't want to watch anything that Jesus doesn't like anyways. I'm going to tell my friends and cousins not to watch it anymore either". When my husband told her to walk on the inside of the sidewalk she said " why if someone kills me,I'm going to heaven, I can't wait to go there it's going to be so awesome". She said God told her to witness to her uncle. I could go on and on. While dh and I do our best she doesn't get these things from us. We are trying to get on her level :yep: Please pray for us and her because we know how the enemy loves to attempt to steal what is God's :nono:.

Aww ImperfectlyPerfect, your baby seems like such a sweet heart and has such a heart for Christ. My prayer is that God continues to nurture this fire inside of her and that only He gets the glory out of her life!! 0:-)
Thank you all for responding. She has taken communion before. Someone asked me last month why she was taking communion if she had not been baptized, that was the first time I had ever heard of it. Their reasoning was if she/we felt she was able to take communion then why not have her baptized, which made sense. Then later a child asked her about it. So I thought it must be some kind of Baptist rule or something
(I'm not baptist and did not grow up Baptist). Maybe it was just a sign to me that she should be since she has asked me about it several times. I'm going to go ahead and allow her.

Here is a link to her first solo that she performed last Sunday. I hope you all are blessed by it.

Thanks for all the advice.

It really depends on your religious tradition. In the Catholic Church she would have to be baptized first and then go through several layers of preparation to make sure she understands communion in the Catholic context--which is quite different from other denominations.
Thank you so much Shimmie. She just started ballet last month. It is a christian dance company. They start each practice with prayer and a memory verse. They learn classical ballet techniques but only dance to gospel music. They also must wear opaque tights for modesty. She actually has ballet and praise dance on the same day. She told me on Monday she wished praise dance was first because God comes first. She loves worshipping God through dance so much she dances everywhere we go. However she and I are very rhythmically challenged, any tips?

I grew up in the holliness church and I have never in life met anyone so on fire. She is also the most Christ- like person I know. She used to love the show Good Luck Charlie but when I heard that they were adding a gay character I told her she could not watch it anymore because there were things that were not pleasing to God on it now, she said" that's fine I don't want to watch anything that Jesus doesn't like anyways. I'm going to tell my friends and cousins not to watch it anymore either". When my husband told her to walk on the inside of the sidewalk she said " why if someone kills me,I'm going to heaven, I can't wait to go there it's going to be so awesome". She said God told her to witness to her uncle. I could go on and on. While dh and I do our best she doesn't get these things from us. We are trying to get on her level :yep: Please pray for us and her because we know how the enemy loves to attempt to steal what is God's :nono:.

ImperfectlyPerfect.. I apologize for missing this.

The more I read about your Baby Girl, the more humbled I feel. She is truly a Gift designed for and by God. I'm happy that she is in Ballet and in a Christian format. This is wonderful.

And look at this Baby Girl of yours who desires to put God first by having her Praise Dance classes before Ballet.

Lemme' tell you sumpin' ... the devil can attempt to 'steal' all he wants, however, he'll be busted and bruised before he has a chance to get anywhere near your Baby Girl. She is not playing games and if nothing more, she has already put satan under her feet and is stomping on his head big time and more.

I can see her now in prayer letting all of hell know not to mess with her or her loved ones. :fistshake:

Your Baby loves to praise God and God inhabits those praises and therein, your child shall always belong to the Lord and shall always abide in the shelter of the All Mighty.

As God placed Moses in the 'cleft' of the Rock and Covered him with His hand to protect is God protecting your precious... Child, whom with no doubt has been 'called from the womb' to give Him glory.

BTW: As for rhythm tips (:lol:) The greatest rhythm is flowing with the Holy Spirit. And that is exactly what you, hubby and your Baby Girl are doing. :yep:

Please keep us posted. I'm looking forward to more pictures, videos and updates. Can't wait to hear her sing. I have tears flowing already from the voice of an angel... yours. :love2:

Love and blessings,