Chemical Burns


Active Member
I've had about 4 relaxers since I ended my natural journey. I've had chemical burns that I will admit were my fault for scratching and doing other things I shouldn't have.

But this last time I told the stylist my hair was starting to burn and he had the nerve to spray oil sheen!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wallbash:
So far I've been careful with the damaged area, mosturizing it and not irritating it.
Does anyone know if any special things to do for chemical burns and how to grow the hair back properly?
The spot is not bald, but I just want to make sure I keep it growing
First of all the next time that happens walk yourself to the sink and start washing it out. The stylist will see you are serious and listen. When I was relaxing, i used to start burning withing 10mins. I have dense hair but takes to relaxer fast. Most stylist refuse to believe me, hence all the burning.
What I used to do was base my scalp with vaseline the night before and then the day of the relaxer.
The best thing to do is to keep the burnt area protected. DO NOT TRY TO COMB IT!!! You are gona get scabbing and you just have to wait for it to heal.
Im sorry for your experience...
My mommie used to give me chemical burns. They healed with the help of a product called Camphor-Phenique. It's in a small green bottle. It smells like eucalyptus [sp] and it helps the wound heal faster. It soothes the pain and oozing.

If you can't find it, you can use neosporin. Neosporin actually has sulphur in it so your hair could possibly grow faster if you put it on the scalp. I really hope that helps.
I would burn in the past, but not anymore. Sea breeze is the best thing to use for chemical burns. Take a bottle to shop with you and after your final rinse, have him pour some over your hair. It will sting initially, but you want have any sores. Since you now have sores, dab some sea breeze on with a q-tip. I know this works from experience.
Camphor-Phenique does work really well, but also if you have an aloe vera plant cut it open and use that. It may get messy and smell for a little bit but it works really well and it will soothe the burn.
aloe vera gel from the plant.

Another thing I used to do this when I relaxed..dont know how "good" it is for your hair but I would put a little bit of neosporin on my burns...
Did the stylist base your scalp before applying the relaxer?
Yes he did.
It was my fault for brusing a couple of days before to smooth the edges.

My hair is thick but not coarse so stylist assume i need to leave it on long.
This is the first time I've had problems with burning because I stopped relaxing for a year in a half and ifnored the things I used to do.

I will tell him to apply the relaxer there last and rinse as soon as i request
My mommie used to give me chemical burns. They healed with the help of a product called Camphor-Phenique. It's in a small green bottle. It smells like eucalyptus [sp] and it helps the wound heal faster. It soothes the pain and oozing.

If you can't find it, you can use neosporin. Neosporin actually has sulphur in it so your hair could possibly grow faster if you put it on the scalp. I really hope that helps.

I bet this would help. I hate when stylists spray oil sheen on your scalp like that's some kind of real protectant! :nono:
(1) Find a new stylist. Any idiot who sprays on oil sheen to protect your burning scalp is incompetent and should have his/her license revoked.

(2) Vaseline is great for scalp burns. It's soothing and I think it stops the oozing within a day.

(3) I ALWAYS base my own scalp before getting a relaxer. I've learned that I just prefer to do most things myself. And if I hadn't proven myself to be utterly incompetent when putting in my own relaxer, I would do those too.

(4) Try asking for a sensitive scalp relaxer next time. I used to always get a regular because, generally unless I've been scratching, I never burn. Since being on these forums I've been trying the sensitive scalp relaxers and I notice that they are more than strong enough to get my hair bone straight.
If it's burning that badly that means you need to rinse it out or the relaxer is too strong for your scalp. You should bring some oil with you (like coconut oil or olive oil) and ask your stylist to mix a tablespoon or two of it in with your relaxer to make it milder. Or ask her to use another relaxer all together. If she refuses I think it's time to find another hairdresser. A good one should listen to you, and if you say you are in pain the first thing she should have done was march you to the sink and wash the relaxer out of your head.

P.S. try dabbing a little coconut oil, olive oil, or other natural oil onto your scalp burns. It will help moisturize your scalp and help it heal faster. It worked for me when I got a burn from a relaxer a year ago (I tried a new relaxer and it was much too harsh for me). Ever since I switched to a milder one I haven't experienced any scalp burns. Also zinc helps wounds heal faster. A lot of ointments for burns and cuts contain zinc as the active ingredient, so it should be pretty easy to find.
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